This week a lot of noise was coming from the right wing and Republicans, blasting the Obama administration for it's stance on women that work for the Catholic Church and it's universities. One of the issues that is related to the Affordable Health Care Act is the idea that companies would provide, through their employee health insurance, free contraceptives. On the surface this does not appear to be very controversial, until the right wing gets a chance to sink it's teeth into anything that opposes the President. The church contends that it's long held stance against birth control of any type, is violating the separation of church and state. They want to continue and allow a small group of mostly old men, the Catholic hierarchy, to have the power over the private discussion that women should have over their own bodies when it comes to having a child.
One would think that the church and the crazies on the right would welcome the opportunity to decrease the rate of abortions in this country. However the right cannot pass up the chance to attack our President and blame him for all of our social ills. When you look at the idea that the more women, choose birth control, they would then not choose abortions. This makes perfect sense unless your only job is to make President Obama a one term president. It is not about what is right or most beneficial to the country it is about attacking our President. I can at least understand the idea that the Catholic church has had a long standing tradition of opposing birth control, and guess what. Contrary to the non factual spin machine there will be exceptions for religious organizations to not participate and the female workers at the church would then have to pay for their own contraception. Again the Republicans have it wrong.
This then brings me to another point as we look at the current controversy. Isn't it time to end our employer based health care system in America. Then employers such as the catholic church would not have to object to paying for something, that 98% of it's church members use. Yes, that last fact is correct. According to the latest survey, 98% of Catholic women say they either used or are using birth control. Once we get smarter in America we would eliminate the whole issue of any company denying any health services based upon some reasoning by the executives.
The Republican argue that we have to have a better environment for businesses to survive and grow. What better way to reduce costs and thus makes us more competitive against foreign markets then reducing the cost for companies, by eliminating their health care costs. The Republicans argue that we should be more responsible and yet they balk at the idea of everyone contributing their own health care. Oh, no we can't have mandated health care. Where are our liberties? I hate to tell everyone but if we do not compel people to pay their share, they will continue to live off of the rest of us that have, health care insurance. Would it not be personal responsibility to pay a premium to help cover the cost of medical care? Is it not hypocritical to shout about responsibility and then say except for health care.
The Republicans scream about the fact that health care is burying us and our children and grandchildren under a mountain of debt and yet when an alternative presents itself they run away from their responsibility. They want to push it further down the road for political reasons and we are all left with the mounting bills.
This is my challenge to any Republican or Libertarian or Independent or even any Democrat. tell me how this is not about a way to reduce costs for the very companies, you claim to protect. Tell me how this is not the responsible approach to cutting our deficit. Tell me how this cannot work, and tell me without the false excuse of personal liberties. The forefathers did not live to be very old and the medical care in the 1700's was not very advanced so they could not have foreseen the need for everyone to join and pay.
Lastly if you cannot meet the challenge and show some better alternative, then I can only come to the conclusion that Alan Greyson was correct when he said on the floor of Congress. "The Republican plan is, do not get sick and if you do get sick, die quickly."
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