I am astonished that in so many instances Americans vote against the very thing they need the most. I have stated repeatedly that the two most pressing issues facing us today is education and the huge amounts of money in politics. We vote for and elect, a man or woman, who are wealthy and except piles of money from other wealthy people, and then complain when they do not support the issues that we are most concerned with. I have listened to the Republicans, as they continue to support the same mantra, cut taxes and regulations to spur the economy, which will create jobs and then decrease the deficit. The problem with this approach is that we started doing that over forty years ago and it has contributed greatly to where we are economically today. I listen to the republicans whine about the power that is exhibited by the unions and how we have to eliminate their ability to collective bargaining. Once again they say this will spur the economy, which will create jobs and then decrease the deficit. Look at the history of the last forty years, as the power of unions, which is the power of average people, has diminished, the wages for middle class Americans has stagnated or decreased. That is another contributing factor to the decline of the once, huge middle class. Now what does this have to do with my opening statement, everything. Who do you think was behind the idea of breaking unions, the wealthy and corporations, who contribute huge piles of money to politicians to support their agenda. Who do you think was behind the idea of cutting taxes and regulations, so they could have even greater profits and income? Again the answer is the wealthy and the corporations, who have enjoyed increases of over 400% in wages and profits while the middle class had their wages remain flat or decrease. Guess, also who was behind the politicians with truckloads of cash, the wealthy and corporations.
Just some factual information for you to consider. Mitt Romney, the same person who, stated such wonderful, heartfelt and caring lines such as, "I am not concerned about the poor, they have a safety net," or "Corporations are people too, my friend," to the ever popular, "I made a little bit of money for speaking engagements, ($375,000) , has a Super Pac. Within that fund is over 32 million dollars and 86% of the contributions were for over $100,000, while only 14% were for less then $100,000. Also in that fund, he has collected 26 million dollars from just ninety donors. This is money from the wealthy and they do not do this for nothing. If Romney is elected he will owe some very rich people something, such as a decrease in the already low, 15% capital gains rate, and more. My other point is because of the, "Citizens United", case the list of donors in the Super Pac lacks one very important thing, transparency. We do not know who they are and what they will get in return. One more quick note on this, so far in their personal campaign donations, which is transparent, only 9% of Romney's donations is under the small contribution category, which is $200. by contrast President Obama has received 47% of his contributions in the amounts of $200 or less.
Now I am not saying that the Democrats do not have supporters from the elite, but the facts are, they have fewer. Neither party has broached the subject of campaign finance reform, and until they make campaigns financed with only public money we will continue to have a muted voice in our government.
Tomorrow I will talk about the other important issue, that has to be addressed, education, for without a population of highly educated people, America, will fall behind the rest of the world and not be able to compete in the global market. Until then.
One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Rick Santorum Needs a Heart Transplant Now!
Just a week ago Republican candidate, Rick Santorum left his campaign and did what any parent would do, be there with his daughter. Santorum's daughter Bella, was hospitalized and I am not sure what the reason was. This is a private matter for the family. The reason I bring this up is when I heard the report, I quickly said a prayer for little, Bella and the Santorum family. This is not a political response, it is the response that all parents have when they hear about a child suffering. We all care about each other, but care even more deeply when a child is involved.
Yesterday I was shocked to hear Santorum's response to a woman at one of his rallies. This lady was sharing the fact that her child is going through treatments for cancer and while the child has receiving chemo, she listened to the mothers of other children and heard about the struggles they were going through to pay for the life giving treatments. Mr. Santorum had a smirk cross his face and then gave a very heartfelt , at least from his standpoint, answer. He stated that it is wrong to have the drug companies have to sell their products at a loss. He went into a discussion about the idea that a company should be able to expect a good profit and return for their money. He pointed out that the companies spend money to develop and make a drug and should see a profit. Seriously, your response to a child dying is to lecture on the need for profits. I understand that the viability of the drug companies are what drives them investing in newer and life saving drugs, but that is also the problem. These companies receive federal funds to make the drugs. They then, after using some of our money to develop the drug, turn around and charge enough money to have huge profits for them. They even sell the same drugs to patients in other countries at a smaller price then we can get here in America.
I am not writing today about the profits of drug companies, I am writing about the callous far right and Rick Santorum. He has run his campaign proclaiming to be the family, Christian values, Republican. Where did Christ talk about, letting people die, so profits for the rich and companies would go up. This must have been another sermon I missed! Where are your Christian values, Mr. Santorum? I would like you to think about one thing. Imagine how you would feel if you had to look at your wife and little Bella and say, "I am sorry but the money is not there to save you." How would you feel? Can you even begin to have that thought in your mind? Could you sit there and know your daughter would die, because it is not fair to the drug companies and their profits? I sincerely hope that you never have to face that for your precious, Bella, but I would also hope that you would work to make sure that no parents had to face their child and deal with them dying because of profits. Everyday in this country, parents and families loose small helpless children because, the health care companies and the drug companies care more about profits then lives. I think it is about time that the hypocritical right wing Christians start to actually live by the standards that Jesus set and start to help the average citizen to deal with these issues. Otherwise Mr. Santorum, I suggest you get a transplant and hopefully get a heart that actually cares.
Yesterday I was shocked to hear Santorum's response to a woman at one of his rallies. This lady was sharing the fact that her child is going through treatments for cancer and while the child has receiving chemo, she listened to the mothers of other children and heard about the struggles they were going through to pay for the life giving treatments. Mr. Santorum had a smirk cross his face and then gave a very heartfelt , at least from his standpoint, answer. He stated that it is wrong to have the drug companies have to sell their products at a loss. He went into a discussion about the idea that a company should be able to expect a good profit and return for their money. He pointed out that the companies spend money to develop and make a drug and should see a profit. Seriously, your response to a child dying is to lecture on the need for profits. I understand that the viability of the drug companies are what drives them investing in newer and life saving drugs, but that is also the problem. These companies receive federal funds to make the drugs. They then, after using some of our money to develop the drug, turn around and charge enough money to have huge profits for them. They even sell the same drugs to patients in other countries at a smaller price then we can get here in America.
I am not writing today about the profits of drug companies, I am writing about the callous far right and Rick Santorum. He has run his campaign proclaiming to be the family, Christian values, Republican. Where did Christ talk about, letting people die, so profits for the rich and companies would go up. This must have been another sermon I missed! Where are your Christian values, Mr. Santorum? I would like you to think about one thing. Imagine how you would feel if you had to look at your wife and little Bella and say, "I am sorry but the money is not there to save you." How would you feel? Can you even begin to have that thought in your mind? Could you sit there and know your daughter would die, because it is not fair to the drug companies and their profits? I sincerely hope that you never have to face that for your precious, Bella, but I would also hope that you would work to make sure that no parents had to face their child and deal with them dying because of profits. Everyday in this country, parents and families loose small helpless children because, the health care companies and the drug companies care more about profits then lives. I think it is about time that the hypocritical right wing Christians start to actually live by the standards that Jesus set and start to help the average citizen to deal with these issues. Otherwise Mr. Santorum, I suggest you get a transplant and hopefully get a heart that actually cares.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Bigotry Is Subtle, But Very Much Alive.
Have you noticed the growing number of, what I would call, subtle bigotry, in our country? If you haven't I invite you to look over comments on face book and all other social media sites, that invite comments. It is not just sickening, it is scary. I am not talking about only race comments, I am talking about the prejudiced remarks aimed at religious groups, gays and any other none white, male, Christian group. This is not to say, there is not plenty of blatant bigoted remarks and statements, it is just that the subtle ones, seem to not only say the remarks, but then they become defensive when someone calls them on it.
One of the people I have on face book, not only derided all Muslims, but she then went on to say what have Muslims contributed to anybody, and according to her , nothing. She repeatedly slams all groups that are different then her and makes racial charged statements and does not understand that this is poisonous and dividing.
Newt Gingrich, referring to blacks, not having working role models in their communities and calling our President the, "food stamp President". This is racism. When our political leaders take the road of race, then everyday people feel it is alright to make statements that incorrectly paint a race or religion or nationality in the wrong light.
Before everyone thinks I am overly sensitive, forget it. People that know me are well aware that it takes a high level of tastelessness to offend me, but I do not say or do things that would belittle a group of people. Hey, I am part Irish and love some of the jokes about us loving to drink. Beside I do like to knock a few back on occasions, such as when a new day arrives. My problem is when people are just totally dismissive of an entire group because they are ignorant of the facts.
People of all backgrounds, really want the same things. They want peace and the ability to live their lives without fear and retribution from someone else that disagrees with them. They want their children and families to be educated and have economic opportunities. They want to have their basic needs met and are willing to work for them and to put in additional work to have more. They want, and wait for this word. FAIRNESS. They do not want hand outs they want a fair system and the chance to make their lives better.
So whether you are a business person in New York City, or a farmer on a rocky patch of ground in Afghanistan or a teacher in Israel or a miner in South Africa we are all human beings and are looking to just live our lives. Why do we have to try and destroy each other? It just doesn't make sense.
One of the people I have on face book, not only derided all Muslims, but she then went on to say what have Muslims contributed to anybody, and according to her , nothing. She repeatedly slams all groups that are different then her and makes racial charged statements and does not understand that this is poisonous and dividing.
Newt Gingrich, referring to blacks, not having working role models in their communities and calling our President the, "food stamp President". This is racism. When our political leaders take the road of race, then everyday people feel it is alright to make statements that incorrectly paint a race or religion or nationality in the wrong light.
Before everyone thinks I am overly sensitive, forget it. People that know me are well aware that it takes a high level of tastelessness to offend me, but I do not say or do things that would belittle a group of people. Hey, I am part Irish and love some of the jokes about us loving to drink. Beside I do like to knock a few back on occasions, such as when a new day arrives. My problem is when people are just totally dismissive of an entire group because they are ignorant of the facts.
People of all backgrounds, really want the same things. They want peace and the ability to live their lives without fear and retribution from someone else that disagrees with them. They want their children and families to be educated and have economic opportunities. They want to have their basic needs met and are willing to work for them and to put in additional work to have more. They want, and wait for this word. FAIRNESS. They do not want hand outs they want a fair system and the chance to make their lives better.
So whether you are a business person in New York City, or a farmer on a rocky patch of ground in Afghanistan or a teacher in Israel or a miner in South Africa we are all human beings and are looking to just live our lives. Why do we have to try and destroy each other? It just doesn't make sense.
Response to Danny Concerning Ron Paul.
This is a follow up to my favorite Ron Paul supporter and friend Danny. I agree to a certain point that the Federal Reserve System is broken and in need of an overhaul. The government should have the ability to borrow, but I believe this should be done on a very narrow basis. Congress is the spending machine of our country and as such they have to conform to a balanced approach to spending. This is accomplished in numerous ways. They have to recognize that spending or borrowing should be more on an investment basis instead of the free way it is handled today. In investing we should look at areas such as education, infrastructure and new technology. When we do investments we will see returns of increased revenue to pay off any loans. They should be for short term and major projects, but also short term. I agree that the prospect of borrowing for expansionist wars should not be allowed. The borrowing for a war, when America is directly attacked, would be necessary, unless we built a surplus, similar to households having savings accounts to meet unexpected emergencies. One of the items I so strongly disagreed with President Bush on was him giving people a tax cut and the rebates when we had a surplus. Then he started two wars, without the funds to pay for them.
The other area that I disagree with the Federal Reserves policy is the abundance of cheap funds for the banks. When I first started with Barnett Bank almost thirty years ago, the banks generated money to lend, by attracting depositors. They paid a decent rate for savings accounts and CD's to raise funds. They then set a margin for loans. That difference between what they paid and what they lent the money at was their profits. Now they basically get free money from the Feds. They pay nothing on savings accounts and instead of lending the money, they make risky investments to boost their profits. They also garner fee income by squeezing their clients, charging for every service they can get away with. Banks also have the freedom to make risky loans because they are guaranteed by the Federal Government and agencies such as Freddie Mac. Would I be opposed to significant changes to the federal reserve system? Absolutely not. I believe the changes are necessary and long overdue. Could this be accomplished without eliminating the entire system? Yes, but if the changes are not made, over a period of time, we would have to eliminate the entire federal monetary system.
I am not so sure how a direct referendum by the people would work, if this is what you are suggesting. People tend to not support a tax unless they are directly affected. Their are needs for our society that should be met by all, for the good of all. Health care being a good example, of what is needed but yet opposed because people fear the change. I do not believe that all taxes are evil or unnecessary. We need a fair tax system to meet the general public needs and generate the necessary revenue.
Lastly, I have stated to many people over the years, there is more that we could agree upon, then disagree with, if people would place their pre-conceived ideas to the side and have a direct dialog on solutions and direction of our country. We all love America and want it to succeed and grow. Right now we are allowing partisanship politics to divide us. We need to unite and move forward.
The other area that I disagree with the Federal Reserves policy is the abundance of cheap funds for the banks. When I first started with Barnett Bank almost thirty years ago, the banks generated money to lend, by attracting depositors. They paid a decent rate for savings accounts and CD's to raise funds. They then set a margin for loans. That difference between what they paid and what they lent the money at was their profits. Now they basically get free money from the Feds. They pay nothing on savings accounts and instead of lending the money, they make risky investments to boost their profits. They also garner fee income by squeezing their clients, charging for every service they can get away with. Banks also have the freedom to make risky loans because they are guaranteed by the Federal Government and agencies such as Freddie Mac. Would I be opposed to significant changes to the federal reserve system? Absolutely not. I believe the changes are necessary and long overdue. Could this be accomplished without eliminating the entire system? Yes, but if the changes are not made, over a period of time, we would have to eliminate the entire federal monetary system.
I am not so sure how a direct referendum by the people would work, if this is what you are suggesting. People tend to not support a tax unless they are directly affected. Their are needs for our society that should be met by all, for the good of all. Health care being a good example, of what is needed but yet opposed because people fear the change. I do not believe that all taxes are evil or unnecessary. We need a fair tax system to meet the general public needs and generate the necessary revenue.
Lastly, I have stated to many people over the years, there is more that we could agree upon, then disagree with, if people would place their pre-conceived ideas to the side and have a direct dialog on solutions and direction of our country. We all love America and want it to succeed and grow. Right now we are allowing partisanship politics to divide us. We need to unite and move forward.
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