It is Saturday and so it is time for my running off at the keyboard post. Did you notice the Tea Party is showing up again and this time they want to confront the Occupy Wall Street group. Are they coming out for fear that people will identify more with the OWS people, which they will, or just because they are jealous they are no longer getting the media attention? The OWS group is not allowing the politicians and corporate money, jade this movement. The Tea Party made a big mistake when they let crooks, like Dick Armey, Carl Rove and the Koch Brothers corrupt their initial platform. I hope the OWS movement continues to befuddle the elite and politicians. Remember the old phrase, "Keep them guessing, it only worries the hell out of them." At this time the movement is picking up steam around the world. This is starting to pass the movement phase and starting to become a real force for change.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial was officially dedicated today. People should remember that Dr. King was not just a civil rights leader, but a leader in the fight against inequities and poverty. He would have been front and center in the fight today to bring Wall Street and the elite back in line with the rest of the nation.
I wish someone could answer this for me. Why are the conservatives, religious right and elite always talking about their Christianity? Jesus was a rebel in his day. He spend most of his time with sinners, the poor and the weakest among us at that time. He fought against the establishment and taught the principle of helping and caring for our fellow men and women. I hate to tell the Anglos that have pictures of Christ, like I grew up with, he was not blonde haired and blue eyed. He was definitely brown skinned and dark eyes. He was the exact opposite of how everyone wants to portray him and yet they invoke his name at every turn. Maybe they are Christians in name only.
Finally, for today. Have you seen the commercial, that is telling us about how easy it is to get postage and mail everything by Internet? The guy at the beginning said, "Is there anything worse then standing in line at the post office?" Yes, I could think of a lot of things worse. A partial list for me would be, death, cancer, lack of education, lack of jobs, lack of access to quality health care, natural disasters, fires, your favorite team losing, traffic accidents, traffic jams, being hungry, being thirsty, having to use the bathroom and there is none close by and probably the worst, having to listen to another Republican debate. This list was not meant to be all inclusive. I believe this commercial shows how companies and the government feel, that our problems are so small that the worst thing we could think of is standing in a line at the post office. How more out of touch can they get?
One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
How to Create Jobs, by the Republican Party!
Do you remember back to the elections last year? Do your remember the promise by every Republican and Tea Party member? If they are elected, they are heading to Washington, cut taxes and get America back to work. They promised jobs. My question is where are the jobs? What is the Republican controlled House of Representatives, doing to create jobs. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. What are they so busy doing and, are we getting our moneys worth, with the salaries we are paying?
Here is what the, do nothing Congress is doing. They have brought up bills and passed them, to stop any federal funds being used for abortions. The Hyde amendment, has for a long time, been the law of the land and prohibits any federal money being spent on abortions. So what are our illustrious Congressmen doing? They are creating a problem and then voting to fix it. That's right, there is no federal money spent on abortions, so the Republicans, then try and tell the American people, that we have a loophole in the law and they need to close it. the problem is there is no opening, so in essence, they create a need for legislature, then they can vote for it, and then they can tell their constituents, they have fixed the problem. This reminds me of the arsonist fireman, that started a fire so he could put it out.
We need good paying jobs and we need them now. Congress has done nothing to resolve the biggest issue, facing America. This is what we sent them there for and they cannot even begin to address the issue. Mitch McConnell, the Republican senate leader, stated his most important job was to make President Obama a one term President. That is what Congress is wasting their time and our money on. Politics. After the Senate failed to pass the American Jobs Bill, the number two Republican in the House, Eric Cantor, stated that now we could see the President's bill for what it was, a campaign issue and nothing more. When pressed for what the Republicans had to offer, Mr. Cantor, gave the forty year old, Republican response. We need to cut regulations, cut corporate tax rates and create a favorable environment for jobs to grow. In other words, "trickle down economics." This has not worked for the last forty years and yet they are still hard at work selling the same stale, failed policies. Since the Republicans and Tea Party Members of Congress won't create jobs for Americans, I say we should help create some ourselves. Let's fire them and create jobs for liberal Democrats.
Here is what the, do nothing Congress is doing. They have brought up bills and passed them, to stop any federal funds being used for abortions. The Hyde amendment, has for a long time, been the law of the land and prohibits any federal money being spent on abortions. So what are our illustrious Congressmen doing? They are creating a problem and then voting to fix it. That's right, there is no federal money spent on abortions, so the Republicans, then try and tell the American people, that we have a loophole in the law and they need to close it. the problem is there is no opening, so in essence, they create a need for legislature, then they can vote for it, and then they can tell their constituents, they have fixed the problem. This reminds me of the arsonist fireman, that started a fire so he could put it out.
We need good paying jobs and we need them now. Congress has done nothing to resolve the biggest issue, facing America. This is what we sent them there for and they cannot even begin to address the issue. Mitch McConnell, the Republican senate leader, stated his most important job was to make President Obama a one term President. That is what Congress is wasting their time and our money on. Politics. After the Senate failed to pass the American Jobs Bill, the number two Republican in the House, Eric Cantor, stated that now we could see the President's bill for what it was, a campaign issue and nothing more. When pressed for what the Republicans had to offer, Mr. Cantor, gave the forty year old, Republican response. We need to cut regulations, cut corporate tax rates and create a favorable environment for jobs to grow. In other words, "trickle down economics." This has not worked for the last forty years and yet they are still hard at work selling the same stale, failed policies. Since the Republicans and Tea Party Members of Congress won't create jobs for Americans, I say we should help create some ourselves. Let's fire them and create jobs for liberal Democrats.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Moron of The Week Award!
I am going to start my own award, each Wednesday, and it is certainly NOT something that people should strive to obtain. I thought long and hard about the name and decided to use the, "kiss" method. Keep it simple stupid, so I would not have to award it to myself somewhere down the road.
So, without further delay, my first, "Moron of the week," goes to a person that can probably win this award multiple times and possibly every week, Glen Beck. Mr. there has never been a conspiracy theory that I can not accept. Mr. there will never be a moment in history, that I cannot make complete nonsense out of. Mr. there is a boogieman hiding behind every door. Yes, folks Mr. Glen Beck. When he is not selling snake oil or worthless gold, he is out there telling everybody that the Occupy Wall St. people are going to be, "Knocking down the doors of the wealthy, dragging them out into the streets and beating them to death." Really? Do you remember the guns rights idiots, that were standing around on streets, carrying weapons. Where has the theory that they were going to kill someone?
The people on the right, are worried that this movement is not only, NOT going away, it is growing. They are scared that the American people have had their eyes opened, to the fact they have been waging class warfare against us, for over 40 years. Glen Beck is the mouthpiece for all the elite that received their money the old fashioned way, "They stole it!" So Glen, for your role in trying to stop citizens from exercising their Constitutional rights, you are the first recipient, of the prestigious, Americas Voice, Moron of the Week Award. You definitely earned it.
So, without further delay, my first, "Moron of the week," goes to a person that can probably win this award multiple times and possibly every week, Glen Beck. Mr. there has never been a conspiracy theory that I can not accept. Mr. there will never be a moment in history, that I cannot make complete nonsense out of. Mr. there is a boogieman hiding behind every door. Yes, folks Mr. Glen Beck. When he is not selling snake oil or worthless gold, he is out there telling everybody that the Occupy Wall St. people are going to be, "Knocking down the doors of the wealthy, dragging them out into the streets and beating them to death." Really? Do you remember the guns rights idiots, that were standing around on streets, carrying weapons. Where has the theory that they were going to kill someone?
The people on the right, are worried that this movement is not only, NOT going away, it is growing. They are scared that the American people have had their eyes opened, to the fact they have been waging class warfare against us, for over 40 years. Glen Beck is the mouthpiece for all the elite that received their money the old fashioned way, "They stole it!" So Glen, for your role in trying to stop citizens from exercising their Constitutional rights, you are the first recipient, of the prestigious, Americas Voice, Moron of the Week Award. You definitely earned it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Why We Have to Make Sure We Don't Follow Herman Cain's Example!
Herman Cain was out promoting his book when he ran into a buzz saw, by the name of Lawrence O'Donnell. For those that may not be familiar with Mr. O'Donnell, he has a show on MSNBC titled, "The Last Word." I watch this most nights along with the rest of the MSNBC lineup. Now Mr. O'Donnell went after Mr. Cain, because he stated in his book that he was going to school, during the civil rights movement and chose to stay out of trouble, instead of getting involved. As Mr. Cain tried to explain his position it became clear, he did not have the intestinal fortitude to stand with others to demand changes in our society. He also stated that because his number did not come up in the draft, he was not able to join the war in Vietnam. In other words, Herman Cain chose then and would likely chose now to stay, "out of trouble" and not support his country.
Many people chose to avoid Vietnam and many more chose to enlist or did not fight the draft and served. More importantly, many people chose to stand on the lines during the fight for equality for all citizens. The problem then as now, more people should choose to fight, for our country and the fairness it represents, instead of staying out of trouble and sitting on the sidelines. The young people that are deciding, today, to occupy Wall Street are an example of standing up. Mr. Cain does not support these people either and feels they should quit complaining and get a job. Where are they supposed to get a job? They are standing up for the principles that America was founded on. The right for freedom. The right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
People on the right are trying to make them out to be a return of the Hippies from the 70's and make them sound like they are the lunatic fringe. They do not want them to get any attention, with the hope they will simply disappear and take their ideas of fairness with them. Mr. Cain and former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich even came out with the statement that they were UN-American. UN-American? How more American can you be, then to demonstrate and denounce the unfair political system that we have. Our country was founded on dissent. the most sacred part of our Constitution is freedom of speech. When we exercise this freedom we are more American then the individual that shouts UN-American, because they disagree. So to Cain and Gingrich I say, you are the people that trample on the Constitution, each time you try and quell someones freedom of speech. I guess my question to them is why are the 99% people UN-American and the Tea Party is not. When they were demonstrating the Republicans were tripping over each other to be identified with them. If you truly love America and our freedoms, you will support these people that are starting a new movement. To all of them I say keep up the good work. Don't let the politicians and corporate interests pervert your movement. Keep it pure and simple. We want fairness and if the powers that be cannot comprehend that concept, then we have to replace them with people that will. I will keep writing and talking about all of you. This is how I will support you. To everyone else, use the mediums that are available and keep the message moving. This time is ours and together we will take back our country. Do not take Mr. Herman Cain lead though, and stay out of trouble. If we stand up, save our country, exercise our Constitutional rights and this brings trouble, so be it. After all, isn't America worth the trouble?
Many people chose to avoid Vietnam and many more chose to enlist or did not fight the draft and served. More importantly, many people chose to stand on the lines during the fight for equality for all citizens. The problem then as now, more people should choose to fight, for our country and the fairness it represents, instead of staying out of trouble and sitting on the sidelines. The young people that are deciding, today, to occupy Wall Street are an example of standing up. Mr. Cain does not support these people either and feels they should quit complaining and get a job. Where are they supposed to get a job? They are standing up for the principles that America was founded on. The right for freedom. The right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
People on the right are trying to make them out to be a return of the Hippies from the 70's and make them sound like they are the lunatic fringe. They do not want them to get any attention, with the hope they will simply disappear and take their ideas of fairness with them. Mr. Cain and former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich even came out with the statement that they were UN-American. UN-American? How more American can you be, then to demonstrate and denounce the unfair political system that we have. Our country was founded on dissent. the most sacred part of our Constitution is freedom of speech. When we exercise this freedom we are more American then the individual that shouts UN-American, because they disagree. So to Cain and Gingrich I say, you are the people that trample on the Constitution, each time you try and quell someones freedom of speech. I guess my question to them is why are the 99% people UN-American and the Tea Party is not. When they were demonstrating the Republicans were tripping over each other to be identified with them. If you truly love America and our freedoms, you will support these people that are starting a new movement. To all of them I say keep up the good work. Don't let the politicians and corporate interests pervert your movement. Keep it pure and simple. We want fairness and if the powers that be cannot comprehend that concept, then we have to replace them with people that will. I will keep writing and talking about all of you. This is how I will support you. To everyone else, use the mediums that are available and keep the message moving. This time is ours and together we will take back our country. Do not take Mr. Herman Cain lead though, and stay out of trouble. If we stand up, save our country, exercise our Constitutional rights and this brings trouble, so be it. After all, isn't America worth the trouble?
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