One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Friday, June 24, 2011
What's Next? Will We Finally Find Jimmy Hoffa?
Running off at the keyboard. It took ten years and we got Osama bin Laden. Whitey Bulger eluded the F.B.I. for sixteen years. I expect to hear any day that we have found Jimmy Hoffa alive and well, walking the halls of Congress. Who would have thought he would have been living right under our noses. Eric Cantor, Republican from Virginia, took his ball and went home. The petulant, little Cantor, said we will not place tax increases on the table. Take everything from middle America, but he will not touch corporate welfare. What a dick! Speaking of Dicks how about all those jobs our felon Governor Scott brought back from Canada. Over the next ten years we can count on 105 new jobs in Florida. The best is former governor Charlie Crist had these few jobs wrapped up before Scott took office. While I am talking about Dicks let's not forget, Richard "Dick" Perry from Texas. I saw where the Texas legislature is finding a way around the federal mandate on incandescent bulbs. Those idiots believe that their right to choose which bulb they use, are more important then our rights to reduce carbon emissions. Their slogan is, " You can have my bulb, when you pry it from my cold, dead hands." With these fools they may be helping to kill everyone, so that there is no one else around to take the bulbs. Sarah Palin stopped her magical bus tour, around the historical sights in America. She was so disappointed to find out that George Washington did not use Interstate 95 when traveling from his home in Mount Vernon and had not actually build the Washington Monument. Poor Sarah, she's still trying to find a way to rewrite history to match her small mind. Finally, did you see where President Obama and John Boehner, beat Vice President Biden and Ohio Governor John Kaisch. I understand Boehner tried to throw the match, just to keep the President from getting a win. See the Republicans will stop at nothing to keep Obama from winning.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Republicans Have Their Heads Up Their Asses
Gee, is it really true that the Republicans disagree with the President? Obama announces he will begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan and immediately, the Republican party leaders, start to criticize. Lets see these wars are costing us billions of dollars a week. They have cost us almost one trillion dollars over the last decade and John Boehner says, he hopes the President listens to the generals on the ground! What an ass! Has you ever, and I do mean ever heard a general say he had enough troops! My take on the Republican stance is they want us to stay there for another ten to twelve years. John McCain calls everyone who does not support any war, an isolationist. McCain should resign from the Senate and star in a remake of, "Grumpy Old Men". Maybe he should go back to Arizona and help the fire fighters put out the blazes started by the illegal immigrants. Right now the Republican party is asking the American people to cut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Education, Infrastructure rebuilding, High Speed rail system, upgrading of our electrical grid, new bridges, new roads, new schools, new hospitals and a myriad of things such as eating and receiving health care. The reason they want us to give up so much! They want to nation build every where but in America. To this I say, "NO FRIGGING WAY". The Republicans are concerned with one thing and one thing only. Make Barrack Obama a one term President. They have already said so. They will block any programs that might help the average American, and they are not concerned with the country. If America is destroyed so be it, as long as Obama is only there for one term. I believe this more with each passing day. They want the power returned to them. The wealthy, white male and they have to prove that a black man or a woman cannot be President of the United States. So to all of the average Americans. The middle class American. The different races in America. The women in America. This is my warning to all of you. They want to destroy everyone that is not exactly like them. If we do not get off of our butts and put an end to their scheme, we will all suffers for generations to come. They will destroy everything America stands for. We must stop them now.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Real Reason America Is In Trouble! LAWYERS!
Do you know how to save a drowning Lawyer? Take your foot off his neck! This is an old joke, but I use it to illustrate what I have figured out to be the central issue in America. There are three branches of government and all three are controlled by attorneys. Think about it. Over the last several years the entire government has been under the dark cloud of lawyers. They make a lot of money in private practice. This gives them the funds to run for political office. Once they are elected they create the laws. The laws they make are not simple. They are long, confusing and sleep inducing. The kind of legalize that nobody but lawyers can understand. The really smart ones find a way to get elected President. Now they have two areas covered. Finally, look at the Supreme Court, this is a bunch of lifeless statues, that get to keep their jobs, until the coroner's office, comes by to pick them up. Some Justices, have actually died during court, but it took months before the others found out the were dead. Everyone just thought they were mulling over a decision. How can you spot a lawyer or politician walking down the street? He will have his hands in someone else's pockets! So as we look at the problem we face, it is important to understand the influence lawyers have had on our country. They have been mostly, older, white, wealthy males. This is the beginning of a mixture that will lead us in the direction, they want us to go. What does an attorney do in court? They persuade a jury to believe their position and find in favor of their clients. Compare this to Congress. They persuade the American people to believe their position in favor of their clients (the wealthy and corporations). Lawyers talk for hours and yet never go anywhere with the details of a case. Our leaders talk for hours and never accomplish anything for America. Lawyers take evidence and twist the facts so everyone believes they are telling the truth. Politicians take facts and turn them every way, except toward the truth. Lawyers are rewarded for lies. Politicians lie for a living. Bottom line lawyers and politicians are interchangeable. they never met a fact they cannot twist. They will use mis-direction. They are paid because of their ability to avoid the truth at all costs. Maybe we need to find a way to eliminate lawyers from our government. It would certainly make telling the truth easier. I now have to correct the first joke I told. Do you know how to save a lawyer from drowning? The correct answer is. No, nobody has ever been willing to try! Do you know how to save a politician from drowning? No, nobody has ever been willing to try! See they are the same.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Class Warfare Is Alive and We Need To Start Fighting Back.
If it were not such a serious problem, the split between the classes, it would be humorous. Some where along the way, in our history, the elite, corporations and politicians convinced middle class Americans, to fight against each other. While the money continued to go in one direction, to the wealthiest one percent, the rest of us stood by and fought over the remaining scraps. The politicians are all crying about class warfare and wanting us to pity the elite upper class. They created the class differences. They gave the tax breaks and legal breaks to the top. The income that used to be there for blue collar workers has disappeared. That money goes to bonuses for the CEO's and upper management. Job training has been slashed to increase profits. We cut education for our children. We eliminate money to help older workers go back to school, when their jobs are eliminated, so they can prepare for a new career. Our home values were destroyed by the greed of the financial service industry and they convince us to fight against helping homeowners hold onto their houses. They get a bailout and we get the bill. Our 401k's shrink and we are told that the same people that created the economic collapse should now control Social Security. The health insurance companies have huge profits and we are told to trust them with administrating our health care. Meanwhile all along the way, they get us to argue with each other. Think, if instead of the bank bailout, what would have happened to home values if we would have bailed out the homeowners? The price of house would have stabilized and we would not have lost our equity. They convinced us that this would not work and the problem was your neighbor was greedy and caused the collapse. It is time for all middle class Americans to stand together and demand several changes. First, demand an end to the current tax system. Demand a flat income tax, thus eliminating all special tax breaks and deductions. Demand that all income, either from earned or investment be taxed at the same flat rate. Demand the end to current campaign financing. All elected officials will be given a set amount of public money, depending upon which office they are running for. They would then have to budget, those funds to run their campaign. Wow they may actually have to live within their means, in the same way they tell us to do. Demand they establish term limits. No more politicians for life. Demand universal health care for all. Start to concentrate on preventative health care, negotiate drug prices and eliminate fraud. This would start to drive down the health care costs. Demand a fair, living wage for all Americans. People that do the work should share in the profits and have a better life style. Demand that we have the right to union representation if we desire. Demand that if we are fired from a job the employer has to show a reason why. None of this release someone for no reason. Make the employer and employee accountable. We have to start demanding more from our government, our political leaders and from our corporate leaders. In future posts I will explore more changes that we all have to demand. I no longer believe that we can get the changes that are needed by asking we have to demand, and if we are not listened to we need to fire our leaders, until they start to realize they are there for the good of all Americans, not just the wealthiest. We can make the move in the right direction, but the first step is to stop the bickering between us and start the real fight. The fight against corruption and the wealthy. They started this war, we must end it.
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