One of the people that is one my face book has once again resorted to her only way of communication. She calls our President an ass clown. This remark speaks volumes for her level of intelligence. When people lack the ability to have a discussion about the facts and issues, they do the only thing they can do and that is call people names. I remember, as a child, the really mean and not so smart kids were the ones that would run around and call others names. This is what happens when they grow up. In today's proliferation of social media, everyone has an option of stating opinions. I support this quite strongly. What I do not support is the use of lies and resorting to the type of attacks that this particular person does frequently. She calls everyone that supports our President, stupid. She has stated that our President, as dumber then a giraffe. I am not quite sure what that last one means, but I do know that it was an attack on our President. This is personal, not policy.
Some people have asked me, why do you keep her on your face book page. The answer is simple. I want to know what, even the unintelligent people are saying. This is the same person that has on numerous occasions used racially insensitive remarks. This is the same person that will attack others, with mean spirited and totally inappropriate statements. So I follow her because I have a need to know what this type of individual has to say and then respond back to her. Some may say it is not worth the time to respond to the ugliness that individuals like her spew. To this I say, I will not be silent to hatred. I want to respond, not to elevate her, but to drive home the point to others, that people like this, have a right to their voice, but we have a right and even an obligation to speak against them. We have an obligation to let the truth be told and say it loud enough to drown out the rantings of the unintelligent.
Her latest comment comes in regard to the controversy created over the administrations effort to help provide birth control to women all across the country. I spoke of the issue and my concern with the separation of church and state. The HHS ruling is going to be watered down and a compromise will be reached that will satisfy the church and the right that, all of a sudden, are screaming about the first amendment rights. You see I can make a point without calling someone names. Have I done so in the past. Yes, I am human. However I am also aware that the quickest way to have people not hear me is to resort to something that amounts to only a personal attack.
President Obama is our President. The President of The United States. He was elected by the majority of people and that is how our system works. People want to delegitimize him because they disagree, that is not how it works. They have for over three years used, the idiotic voice, of the birther movement to say he is not our President. They attack him not with facts, but with mean and ugly remarks, that in my opinion, smacks heavily of racism.
When the Supreme Court ruled that the votes in Florida would not be recounted in their entirety, and President Bush was declared the winner, my first comment was, he is our President and now we have to see what he does. Remember, he inherited a surplus and we where looking at the prospect of paying down our national debt. During his first State of the Union Address, President Bush , stated that he would give the surplus back to the American people. Mistake number one. Later he and the people around him, such as Dick Cheney, would push us into two wars and neither one of them had anything to do with the attacks on our country. Mistakes number two and three. Mr. Bush then had tax cuts that are still in place today and costing us trillions of dollars. Mistake number four. He then gave the largest banks a bail out with tax payer dollars, without any restrictions or directions as to how those funds were to be used. Mistake number five.
The top five mistakes President Bush and his administration did has cost us trillions of dollars. Dollars that could have been used to rebuild our decaying infrastructure. Dollars that could have been used to bolster our failing education system. Dollars that could have gone to shoring up the broken health care programs in our country. Dollars that could have made us more independent on foreign oil, by developing alternative energy sources. The list that we have addressed instead of ignoring could grow more, but I believe my point is made. We have arrived at this point, because the previous administration put us here. Has Mr Obama and his group made some missteps also. Absolutely. However as you can see above nowhere did I call Mr. Bush any names. I spoke of policies. Policies that I could say were stupid, without calling our President stupid. So to Darlene and all of the people like her, I know what ever I say you will still take the low road. You will still seek personal attacks over substance. You will continue to rip at the fabric that holds our great country together. You will still act like the small children in the schoolyards, but I will continue to lift the national discussion to a higher level. I will continue to fight for America, not tear it down. I will continue to talk about the issues and will try and avoid the name calling. I will watch what people like you say and call you out on it and on those occasions where I can stand it no more, I may just say things like, the ass clowns like you will never rise to be the leaders, you will always be in the background where you belong. Drowned out by the smart intelligent people of our country.
John: intelliegence comes in many degrees of intensity, size and reason.Regardles of who people choose to lead a country, the sad part is our intelligence walks out the door the moment we demand issues be resolved in a 60 day period. Impossible! Regardless of gender, race or political afilliation, we hold these head figures up to a standard that is very hard to reach. Intelligence is measured by the degree of empathy, sympathy and tolerance. Name calling is another reason that we as society have much to live and strive for. Tell your facebook friend that until she walks in this man's shoes, the name calling bounces back to her.