One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tea Party Members need to take the blinders off when it comes to the budget.
The idea of a balanced federal budget and reduction of our debt, is a very commendable goal and one that I support. The problem is some people have tunnel vision on the subject and are willing to do anything to accomplish this goal. There are cases where we are foolish to not spend now in order to achieve a better outcome down the road. How smart is it to gut education today to save money, when we know that in doing so, it will cost us many times over. We already spend five time more on prison inmates then on school students. The cost of preventative medicine gives us a pay back many times over. I think of the cost to screen for various cancers and compare that to the cost of treating patients after the are found to have a high stage cancer. Building and maintaining our infrastructure is less if we do it now. I compare this to changing the oil on your car. By paying $25 for an oil change we save on the thousands of dollars we would have to shell out for a new engine or car. Last night Congress stopped the idiotic process of shutting down our government. This whole fiasco was to fund it for 5 months. Next up we will have to get a budget for the next fiscal year. Wait until we see the scheming that accompanies this. We all have to start now and voice our opinions to our representatives in Washington. Remember Paul Ryan has submitted his budget for Republicans and if you like tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, while they make cuts in every program that helps the average person, sit back and do nothing, because this is what will happen. If you are like me and disagree with his proposal act now, because tomorrow it may be too late.
Friday, April 8, 2011
New Poll, Take part and have your voice heard!
I have a new poll and invite everyone to visit America's Voice and take part in it. This is unscientific, but a good way to gauge how the other viewers of my blog, feel. I want your opinion of who is to blame for the current budget problems.
The Shut Down of the American Govt. Whose at Fault?
This latest example of grown-ups that act like children is playing out in front of us. The Democrats have shifted 78 % towards the Republican position and yet the Republicans have refused to stop the insanity. The sticking point is the idea that Planned Parenthood should not be funded. Why? They provide services for many women, most importantly, birth control. The "Hyde Amendment", prohibits federal funds used for abortions, and yet the Republicans continue to try and strip this important organization. The difference is the Republicans are trying to legislate instead of making a budget. Please take the time to call, your Representatives, and Senators to voice your opinion. I did. In Florida call Senator Nelson at (202) 224-5274, Senator Rubio at (202) 224-3041 and who ever your Representative is. Voice your opinion and support for them or your disagreement with them.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
New posts
Please go to Americas voice and see my new post. Thanks john
Get to know this name.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a breath of fresh air in an area that is filled with smoke and mirrors. Ms. Wasserman Schultz is the Congress Women from Broward County, who was nominated by President Obama to be the head of the Democratic National Committee. Take the time to listen to her for five minutes and you know she is very much in control and passionate about being a public servant. She is direct and forth coming at all times. You always know where she stands. When I look around at the women that the Republican party has put forward, Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin, I am very glad to see a woman with substance and intelligence such as Ms. Wasserman Schultz. She shows that women are as, or, more capable then men in the political arena. Her causes are children, women's rights and the poor. She does not just stop here though. I have heard her talk on all issues, including the economy, health care and military. My only regret is that I do not live in her district, so I could vote for her. Get to know her now, because I believe we will be hearing much more about her as time goes on. She is exactly who she appears to be.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Lambert For President Time To Get Serious For The Day!
The last couple of days I have been having some laughs as I poked fun at the politics in America. Today, I am going to be serious for this first post. I can't help but be angry as I listen to all of the political rhetoric coming out of Washington. The Republicans lead by Paul Ryan come out with a plan that will destroy Medicare, Medicaid, Education, Funding for the poor, Planned parenthood and just about every social program for the middle class and poor. I am sure that if he succeeds with part one the second attack will be to destroy Social Security. The reason that I am upset is that he or any other Republican will not discuss any thing that will increase revenue. The cuts they want is in the $60 billion dollar range and again will only hurt the average American. If we end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we would save 13.5 billion or more. Now for the big one. By eliminating corporate tax breaks, (corporate welfare) we would cut $125 billion a year. That is a total of $138.5 billion dollars and we do not have to throw people out into the streets. They say we are costing the economy by not being able to give up our benefits, and yet they could save over twice the amount by making corporations give up their benefits. Are our politicians working for us or the corporations. I know the answer. Corporations. We have to let our Representatives know they work for us. End the insanity and save the elderly and children from becoming victims.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Lambert for President The Government Shutdown
Part of the campaign for president is to let everyone know where you stand on the important issues of the day. I will strive to do this through out the upcoming political season. The federal government is facing a shut down because Congress can not get together on how much they should take away from the average person. I say shut it down. Really, who is this going to hurt anyway. The corporations? The ultra rich? The Representatives or Senators? NO! This will help put all the whining average people in their place. There will be no social security checks for the elderly. BOO HOO! Why doesn't Grandma go out and get a job instead of free loading off of us. I don't want to hear that they can barely walk. Get your walker out of the closet, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and get out in the work place and earn your money. The middle class government workers will be affected. Great! We all know that they are overpaid and under worked, just like those teachers in Wisconsin. Federal money for the poor will start to dry up. Oh well! Stop being poor and start contributing to the rich in society. They need all of your money. As president I would not care if the government shut down. I will still have my job and income. As a member of Congress I would still get my pay. That is mandated by law. These cry babies, in Congress, that are saying they want a law that will keep them from getting paid, need to get some backbone. Tell the people the truth, that law will never pass. What are they going to do, not vote for you. By the time the next election rolls around they will have completely forgotten what you did. Roll out a few veterans and some old people on the stage with you and everything will be fine. Now, you can see, this would not affect the affluent, so let it happen. The people that matter will be just fine. As always remember a vote for Lambert is a vote for the far, extreme right America.
Lambert for President, time to take the gloves off!
You know since I started my run for the presidency I have been looking at some of the governors around our country and the weak actions they have been taking in regard to collective bargaining. Scott Walker from Wisconsin, John Kasich of Ohio and our own Rick Scott of Florida. What a bunch of wimps. They are trying to hide behind the economy, when what we need is someone with the fortitude to be direct. I say let's go back, just a short time in history, and use the example of our beloved duo of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Water boarding! You want a union to represent you? You want collective bargaining? How about I represent you to one of our special agents. You will get one on one negotiations. After this short visit, we will have what everyone wants, the demise of unions and the end of collective bargaining. Come-on people this means we could get the communistic teachers, firemen, police, nurses and all of the other public employees to pay all of their health benefits and all of their retirement benefits. This also means that the important people such as Congress, governors and judges could move up into the higher income bracket. Why do these public servants feel that they should be able to make a fair wage and only have to work one job to support a family. We all know that Americans do better if they are working two or three jobs to make ends meet. These workers feel they are better then the rest of us and we need to put them in their proper place. Together we can do this. I need your help and your vote. I am going to get some Chinese for lunch. ( I am working on the oriental vote also.) Remember a vote for Lambert is a vote for an extreme, far right America.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Lambert for President, I am in a demanding lead according to one poll.
President Obama is starting his re-election campaign late. I was up and running four days ago. The President will have to play catch-up. The latest poll numbers are encouraging. Every friend I have asked, stated they would vote for me. So, according to the "Lambert Limited Data Research Poll", I am comfortably ahead by 100%. Did you see that Paul Ryan the Republican Representative from Min., has come out with his plan to reduce the budget. Again a late comer to the cause. He wants to gut Medicaid and Medicare, all while reducing the taxes on the wealthy. Hey Mr. Ryan where have you been. Last week I proposed eliminating the problems of health care for everyone and donating any extra money the middle class and poor have, to the wealthy. Using donations gets us out of the messy problem of dealing with taxes on the down trodden rich. You see people like Paul Ryan are attempting to steal my thunder and grab the glory for themselves. The faster we strip all money from everyone and get it into the hands of the top 1% the sooner the politicians can quit pretending to care about the average American. It is our fault that politicians are resorting to hypocrisy! It is our fault that the deficit is so large. We have been greedy by asking for a living wage. What is the matter with you people. We have asked for some help in retirement and health care. Come on now. How can the wealthiest among us get everything if we keep demanding some form of dignity and happiness? Shoot, the next thing I know you all we start believing in the phrase Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Let's get with it America. Grow up. The American Dream is only for the affluent, not the entire group. Remember a vote for Lambert is a vote to push us in the extreme, far right direction. Viva La Wealthy. (Trying to work on the Hispanic vote.)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Kennedys on Reelz
I just watched the first part of the miniseries, "The Kennedy's" and this is why I love politics and history. If you are old enough to remember the 60's when we elected John Kennedy as president, who will enjoy the inside look into the "royal family" of America. If you are too young to remember, watch and you will see a part of history and be entertained at the same time. This show, according to one of the actors, is very much a Greek tragedy. Not only does this show, but politics and history, have everything that you would want to entertain. There is drama, intrigue, suspense, sex, murder and tragedy. All the elements that comprise life itself is here and in the pages of history. I remember everything from the convention, to the election, right through the tragic assassination of our young president. The most vivid part for me, is remembering the murder of the president and watching while the entire country wept together. It is hard to imagine this occurred almost fifty years ago. I still see President Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy in the image of Camelot. It was a different era in our nation and one that we are unlikely to see again. The flame at Arlington Cemetery burns eternal, as will the vision of a young man, elected to the highest office in our nation.
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