One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Heaven is a Safer Place with America"s Soldiers
On this Memorial Day, I want everyone to take a moment, drop to their knees and thank God for the over one million three hundred thousand men and women, of this great nation, who gave the ultimate sacrifice. As the call went forth, they have left their homes and families to protect America. These young men and women went where they were asked to go and carry out their orders. They fought valiantly from the minutemen at Concord, to the charge up San Juan Hill. They carried forth through Germany, in the war to end all wars. They slugged their way from Normandy, right into Berlin. They froze, but continued during the "police action" in Korea. The American service men and women waded through the swamps and rice fields in Vietnam and Cambodia. On to the deserts in Iraq and the harsh terrain in Afghanistan. They lived in duty as they died in honor. We must honor them by not giving up on the American promise. They must not die in vain. We must remember their faces. They were sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives and mothers and fathers. They cried as their arms surrounded their loved ones for the last time. They did not know, nor did their families, that this would be the last embrace they would share. They would die alone in some far away place. Would they have still gone knowing this? Yes, because American soldiers have never turned away from duty. So on this day while you are on your knees, let God know that he is safer in heaven because the valiant soldiers of America are at his side and ask him to bless each and every one of them.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Invest In America First!
When listening to all the pundits and politicians, while they go on about the problems we face in America, the one item that is missing is where are the investors in Americans. We are the people that have innovated and developed the most amazing country on earth and yet where are the risk takers, with money, that wants to create the next "big thing"? They all want the sure bet. They all want to make money, the new way, with the banks and financial instruments. They want to cover the bets from both sides, instead of invention. There are people all over this great nation that are coming up with new technology, games, appliances, batteries, green technology and some new gadget that I can not even think of , that need one item to move forward, money. People are not looking for a hand out, they are looking for investors. The money people get their reward when the product is sold. The new products create new jobs. The new workers now have money to pay taxes and spend. When they spend buying American products, more jobs are created and more tax revenue goes to the various governments. The cycle once started continues to feed on its own and the economy becomes strong. Where are the Warren Buffets, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates? Where is Bank of America, Wells Fargo, CitiCorps and Chase? There are many places that should be looking to lend money and invest money into worthwhile inventions and projects, including the Federal Government. My challenge to you, my readers, is to ask questions where you bank about where they invest and lend. Tell them that it is important to you that they lend and invest in Americans. Tell your Congressperson and Senator that Americans should come first. Tell the President that you want him to lead Americans to invest here. Every voice matters. Yours matters the most. Find that voice and demand Americans to be first.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Too Big To Fail? They Screwed Us Again and Nothing Changed!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Truth and Fact Something Politicians Have a Problem With
When I was about seven years old, my father had an old radio and for what every reason it sat in my bedroom. He had warned me to never plug it in because I could get hurt. Right! You guessed it, I plugged it in. A snap of electricity and the loud pop of a fuse had my mind racing as my father climbed the stairs, probably two at a time. I had pulled the plug back out and what was the thought that entered my seven year old brain. George Washington! Yeah, George Washington, the father of our country. George Washington, who could never tell a lie. George Washington, chopped down the cherry tree and because he told the truth his father let him off the hook. The one problem with my telling the truth was that I was NOT George Washington. At that time in my early life I believed that our politicians never told a lie. Our Presidents told the complete, unvarnished, unabashed truth. This was a fact. I had read about George Washington and "Honest" Abe Lincoln and knew these people were better then everyone else and if they said it, it was the truth. Wow, how naive could anyone be? As I got older I learned a very hard truth, politicians never met the truth. That is not to say that every word out of their mouths, is a lie, it just isn't the truth. Politicians and the people that work for them have better dance moves then the entire cast of, "Dirty Dancing". They sit Baby in the corner and leave her there, as they move through an interview and never say anything. How many times have you watched an interview or debate and the questioner, asks something and the response has nothing to do with the question. You sit there and say, what was the question they gave that answer to? I was talking to my friend, Paul today and I said wouldn't it be nice if a politician, today, would just give us the truth and facts. His response dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, like that's going to happen!" We laughed, because we all know that this is not going to happen. Politicians and their handlers have never heard a fact or true statement they could not twist to a political advantage. I have to admit a certain sadness to this. I wish I could go back to the times when, I believed that our leaders, did what was in the best interest for the average American instead of for the people that make the largest contributions to their reelection campaigns. "Like that's ever going to happen!" Oh yeah, to complete the radio story, my Dad gave me a spanking, I should have realized at that time, George, probably lied and blamed it on the English.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
It Still Comes Down to Leadership and We Have None!
I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Socialist, Libertarian or any other political affiliation, it does now and always has been about leadership. In America I do not see any person or party that I can sit back and say, "Yes that person is a leader." The President attempts and in some incidences, he leads, but then he slips back and lets someone else set the agenda and will talk about it then. That is not leadership, that is following. The President of the United States, has to start the conversation, right or wrong, and have the conviction to direct it to the best solution for the country. The leaders in Congress, such as John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, and Harry Reid, the Majority leader in the Senate, need to lead for the country and set aside the interests of their respective parties. Every member of Congress needs to stop the demagoguery, the use of fear to gain political advantage, and put the interest of the country before their parties. Collectively, the entire government, needs to lead and place the country ahead of the interests of greedy, elite and corporations. At this time our politicians are led around by the corporate and wealthy needs and interests, while they ignore the needs of the average American. I want them to stand up for me and you not some billionaire, that has the money to buy their support. Looking back in history will provide some answers to problems we face and the direction we need to go. I am, like most Americans, looking for someone to lead and when that person steps forward I will be content to follow.
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