Saturday, January 21, 2012

How The New American Right Campaigns, Lies!

It seems that in today's world of instant news, blogs and Internet social sights if you don't like someone or their view, take the easy way and lie. One of the people I am friends with on face book, has an ongoing hatred of President Obama, liberals, progressives, Democrats and anything to do with the left. I am asked why I continue to see what her and others like her post and the answer is simple. How do you fight against fabrications if you do not know they exist? I have answered her back on face book at various times but now I need to expand the audience to expose how people are duped into moving lies, further along the information highway.

Recently, she posted an article under the heading of, "Bombshell allegation against Obama, murder, addiction and atheism. It was published by and the author was Anthony G. Martin. Mr. Martin states in his bi-line that he was a foot soldier in the election of Ronald Reagan. According to his bio, he was a local community activist only. I will concede that this could be construed as a foot soldier and leave it at that. I went on to read additional information about Martin and his views and research into the above article. It seems Martin also allegedly, writes under the name of Ulsterman and this is the source of his inside information for the trash he writes about our President. That would be the equivalent of me using the name Dublinman and saying my source, Dublinman stated that George Bush had a gay affair, while stealing billions from the Federal Reserve, while killing General George Patton and blowing up a Catholic church. Really, this is the best they can do? Martin has also posted on U-Tube a video of himself stating, how misinformed we are about Joe McCarthy and how misunderstood he was. He seems to push to resurrect the investigation into the , "Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Maoist administration under Barrack Obama." I hope he didn't leave out any "ists" in this list, because I am sure they are also on the inside looking for ways to subvert America.

Pure and simple this guy's views represent the real danger to our country. He is a radical, extremist that will lie to anyone willing to listen to him.

The Webster dictionary definition of a lie is; a statement made by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive. That is what Mr. Martin does, he lies in order to deceive. He preys on the uninformed and depends on them to pass the lies on until people start thinking, it must be true because I have heard this before. A lie is a lie no matter how many times it is repeated. Saying it does NOT make it true and the weak minded people on social networks need to get the facts before they repeat lies. I do not want to hear that you do not have the time to research the facts. I spent less then an hour and was able to ascertain the facts. People repeat lies and re-post lies because they like what they heard or read. What I ask of them to do is think for one minute, how they would feel if someone, made up or repeated  lies about them or their friends or family? Just because we disagree politically with someone it does not give us the rights to make up statements and pass it off as the truth.

It is time, and I have written this before, for us to tell the truth in all of our dealings. Our political system is rife with half-truths (I am not sure there is such a thing) and just outright lies. Is this the way to elect our officials or would telling the truth work better? I am asking people to stop re-posting lies. Stop embarrassing yourself. Trust me when I say this, when I see someone that is willing to post this garbage, I certainly question their morals, their integrity and their intelligence.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Running Off At The Political Mouth!

Here we go, my famous running off at the mouth post.

I have yet to hear the term, "working poor", used by the pool of Republican candidates. Are they trying to pretend they don't exist. They do!

Newt Gingrich is running his mouth and coming very close to sounding like a racist. Wait one minute, I do believe he is. Either that or very stupid. I'll take both.

I'll bet Mitt Romney $10,000, that he has never worried if he had enough money to cover this months rent or mortgage payment. Take that silver spoon out of your mouth Mitt and answer questions, with truth.

Rick Santorum wants to eliminate contraception. He said, we need to procreate more. Let me think about this. Our planet's resources are being stretched to it's limits. The food and water supplies are shrinking. In America we have more people then ever in poverty. Santorum's solution is to add more people into the mix. Am I missing something here?

Republicans at the debate last night cheered Newt, quite vigorously when he stated Barrack Obama is the food stamp President. He is right. More people then ever have to resort to food stamps to feed their children. The part Newt and the Republicans don't talk, and want to talk about is, the Republican party was in charge of the White House when the economy tanked and made people have to depend on food stamps.

Ron Paul, who I thought had a handle on some foreign affairs, was critical of Bin Laden being killed. A bullet through the brain was the least we could do for Bin Laden and Paul is way off  base on this one. When he goes down these mysterious paths, he completely turns people, except for his passionate followers, off.

Rick Perry is now the Republican authority on members of the military urinating on bodies. It may happen Rick, but the stupidity of recording it and sharing it, is more then most Americans want to know. 

Just my humble opinion, no I am not humble about my opinion, but I think it is time that our leaders, and that includes the people left in the Republican race, start to focus on solutions instead of focusing on blame. We know the blame belongs to the leaders for the last forty years. There, done now get on with solving problems.

Congress is back in session today. The way this Congress has put out legislation, I didn't even realize they were gone.

Lastly, I would like to wish our first lady, Michelle Obama, a happy birthday. Thank you for doing the job of first lady with a great deal of grace and honor.