That is a simple one word title for this blog and yet the word means so much to people. I know most of my rants are against Conservatives, Republicans and Tea Party members, but the Democrats deserve some of my anger also. The word vision to me, is a way to lead and direct a country so the can have great accomplishments. America, our country, is floundering right now because their is no vision. Over the last forty years, anytime a leader started to look forward in their thinking they were wrestled right back into their malaise. The corporations and elite liked the status quo and were willing to go to great lengths to maintain it.
When I first started in banking, we had to have in place a short, mid-range and long term plan for growth and how we would accomplish each goal. It was called a business plan. In today's business culture there is no call for such plans. They are looking only at the next quarter, because their bonuses depend on only that. The country is being run in the same way. We are very short termed in our vision and thus our goals. Politicians are always looking at the next election cycle. They do not have a true, long term budget. They are not looking how we will compete against other nations in the economy of the world. We are and have been stuck in neutral, while the rest of the world, geared up and passed us by. We have to realize that we need to invest in education so we will have the best educated work force in the world and can compete. We need to invest in the latest technologies so we are moving several steps ahead of our competition. We have to invest in green technologies so we can escape the bonds that we are held in, by fossil fuels. We have to invest in modern, more efficient methods of moving around the country, such a high speed rail. We need to invest in jobs for the citizens of America so we can regain the lead we used to hold over the rest of the world.
I am not the type of person who walks around quoting scripture, but today on Joel Osteen's thought for the day, was the following from Proverbs 29:18, " Where there is no vision, people perish." and from me "Conversely, where there is vision, people thrive."
One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Let's Keep Talking Liberal!
In reality, I despise labels that have been in vogue lately. Liberal, Progressive, Conservative, Socialist, Independent and any other labels that people try and place on each other. I think of Independent, for example, and wonder if I am brainwashed because I don't have an "Independent" affiliation. Now, anybody that knows me, realizes that I am quite free with my thought processes and will look at different points of view, and then I set about to explain to them the correct point of view. That is what I am going to do today. Yesterday I stated, and by the way this phrase is a quote from Eric Cantor in his high school yearbook, I want what I want and I want it now.
From my point of view, this is what I want and I believe most Americans want the same things. Universal health care, we need to take the insurance companies profits out of the equation. Investments in our education system, we are mortgaging our future, when we cut back on teaching our citizens. Political Campaign finance reform, allow only public money and limit how much they can spend on their campaigns, this will help to eliminate the corruption in our system. Flat income tax rates for all Americans and corporations, with no deductions or subsidies. CEO's of publicly traded corporations must have limits on the amount they can make per year. The stockholders, have to be able to vote directly on upper managements compensation. Workers get to share in the profits. If profits increase by 10% employees paychecks increase by 10% or more based on their performance. We will start now and move forward at an extremely fast pace to rebuild our infrastructure. This will add good paying jobs and put people back to work. We will move forward and connect our nation with the latest and best high speed rail system, and built connection hubs for people to move all around the country quickly and more efficiently. We will shift the trillions of dollars that the financial system stole from the American people and rebuild their 401k's and pay their mortgages down so nobody is underwater in their homes. We will renegotiate all trade agreements and if, there are any, that does not support the American workers and farmers, we will change them. We will not allow countries like China and Brazil to manipulate tariffs or currency.
This is the tip of the iceberg as to the demands that have to be brought forward to change our great nation back to a country that is really for the people. No longer can we support the unfair suppression by the top 1%. I agree with the 99% that is currently stationed on Wall Street. This can not be a nation, of the 1%, for the 1% and by the 1%. These are my ideas. You are welcome to comment and express you ideas also. Just remember what I said about the correct point of view.
From my point of view, this is what I want and I believe most Americans want the same things. Universal health care, we need to take the insurance companies profits out of the equation. Investments in our education system, we are mortgaging our future, when we cut back on teaching our citizens. Political Campaign finance reform, allow only public money and limit how much they can spend on their campaigns, this will help to eliminate the corruption in our system. Flat income tax rates for all Americans and corporations, with no deductions or subsidies. CEO's of publicly traded corporations must have limits on the amount they can make per year. The stockholders, have to be able to vote directly on upper managements compensation. Workers get to share in the profits. If profits increase by 10% employees paychecks increase by 10% or more based on their performance. We will start now and move forward at an extremely fast pace to rebuild our infrastructure. This will add good paying jobs and put people back to work. We will move forward and connect our nation with the latest and best high speed rail system, and built connection hubs for people to move all around the country quickly and more efficiently. We will shift the trillions of dollars that the financial system stole from the American people and rebuild their 401k's and pay their mortgages down so nobody is underwater in their homes. We will renegotiate all trade agreements and if, there are any, that does not support the American workers and farmers, we will change them. We will not allow countries like China and Brazil to manipulate tariffs or currency.
This is the tip of the iceberg as to the demands that have to be brought forward to change our great nation back to a country that is really for the people. No longer can we support the unfair suppression by the top 1%. I agree with the 99% that is currently stationed on Wall Street. This can not be a nation, of the 1%, for the 1% and by the 1%. These are my ideas. You are welcome to comment and express you ideas also. Just remember what I said about the correct point of view.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Choice Is Crystal Clear. Liberals Need To Be Elected!
I have said it many times before. I am a LIBERAL and proud of it. Like the President, and believe me this is the only comparison I can make with our President, I have tried to be more Centrist, only to be knocked away as being too liberal. Guess what. The time has come to fight back and say alright then, I now want, what I want and I want it now. No more room for compromise. The choice is clear. Our only hope to survive as a nation is to support and elect liberals. These are the closest we can get to leaders that care about the middle class Americans.
Karl Rove. Yes that Karl Rove, the one that employed the dirty tricks on John Kerry and smeared his service to our country. The one that ran George Bush's re-election campaign. The one that Bush labeled with the nickname, "turd blossom". Why am I invoking Rove? He is behind the 250 million dollar fund raised to defeat President Obama. He has gathered that money, not by soliciting average citizens for a few hundred dollars at a time, but by hiring three billionaires, including the Koch Brothers. What are the wealthy so afraid of? They are starting to worry that the average American is fed up with the nonsense in politics and hope to get control of both houses in Congress and the White House. They will not only strip what little scraps of money they have left for us peasants, but they will push the social agenda extremely hard and start to take away our rights. If you are concerned about American liberties, you need to pick up your sword, literally, and join the battle. They will not stop until they have it all.
To those that want to blame Obama for all of our woes, you need to take a new look around you. I keep saying the choice is clear. The President sent a jobs bill to Congress and the Republicans have said the bill is, "dead on arrival." Within this bill is a program to start infrastructure building and repairs. Good paying jobs. Within this bill are proposals to send Federal money to states to save jobs for teachers, policemen, nurses, and firemen. Good paying jobs. Within this bill is a way to pay for it, so those that are concerned about the deficit, can get on board. The payment would come from people making the most money. To ensure that corporations and individuals that have enjoyed increases and pay a smaller percentage of taxes, then the average American does, can pay their fair share and move us forward. The Republicans have sent out a few bills that decrease regulations, so their wealthy buddies can continue to reap the rewards.
The Republican answer is to continue to lie to all of us about how we cannot afford to tax the job creators. My God are these corporations that sacrosanct to Conservatives that they give them the same aura as our religious leaders. God created the heavens and the earth, but Bank of America created the jobs! I don't know but I think the next time I go to the bank I should genuflect as I approach the teller line and light a candle in hopes that they will forgive me for my low balance and not make me pay a service charge to use my debit card. The choices are clear. Since they want to use religion to relay their agenda I will use it to make my point. You can either approach the Pearly Gates and realize that by working together we can all reach the promised land or you can support the Conservative Republican in which case we may all be spending an eternity in heat and sulphur. I know the choice for me is very clear.
Karl Rove. Yes that Karl Rove, the one that employed the dirty tricks on John Kerry and smeared his service to our country. The one that ran George Bush's re-election campaign. The one that Bush labeled with the nickname, "turd blossom". Why am I invoking Rove? He is behind the 250 million dollar fund raised to defeat President Obama. He has gathered that money, not by soliciting average citizens for a few hundred dollars at a time, but by hiring three billionaires, including the Koch Brothers. What are the wealthy so afraid of? They are starting to worry that the average American is fed up with the nonsense in politics and hope to get control of both houses in Congress and the White House. They will not only strip what little scraps of money they have left for us peasants, but they will push the social agenda extremely hard and start to take away our rights. If you are concerned about American liberties, you need to pick up your sword, literally, and join the battle. They will not stop until they have it all.
To those that want to blame Obama for all of our woes, you need to take a new look around you. I keep saying the choice is clear. The President sent a jobs bill to Congress and the Republicans have said the bill is, "dead on arrival." Within this bill is a program to start infrastructure building and repairs. Good paying jobs. Within this bill are proposals to send Federal money to states to save jobs for teachers, policemen, nurses, and firemen. Good paying jobs. Within this bill is a way to pay for it, so those that are concerned about the deficit, can get on board. The payment would come from people making the most money. To ensure that corporations and individuals that have enjoyed increases and pay a smaller percentage of taxes, then the average American does, can pay their fair share and move us forward. The Republicans have sent out a few bills that decrease regulations, so their wealthy buddies can continue to reap the rewards.
The Republican answer is to continue to lie to all of us about how we cannot afford to tax the job creators. My God are these corporations that sacrosanct to Conservatives that they give them the same aura as our religious leaders. God created the heavens and the earth, but Bank of America created the jobs! I don't know but I think the next time I go to the bank I should genuflect as I approach the teller line and light a candle in hopes that they will forgive me for my low balance and not make me pay a service charge to use my debit card. The choices are clear. Since they want to use religion to relay their agenda I will use it to make my point. You can either approach the Pearly Gates and realize that by working together we can all reach the promised land or you can support the Conservative Republican in which case we may all be spending an eternity in heat and sulphur. I know the choice for me is very clear.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Here We Go Again With The Hitler Comparison
What is it with the right in this country? Hank Williams Jr. is he latest jackass to compare our President with Adolf Hitler. Maybe the problem is that the Conservatives or Tea Party People have never read history, because I would hate to find out, they say these moronic phrases because they are racists. In case they missed history class, when they discussed World War II and the event that lead up to it, here is a quick primer.
Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 51 million people. Read that number again, 51 million people died because of Hitler. There was that small thing called World War II. Remember the Holocaust, where millions of people were put to death, because of their heritage. There was the siege of Leningrad in Russia. Then there was the, "Blitzkrieg" as Hitler poured his Nazi troops into neighboring European countries.
We have forgotten the horror of what Hitler did and I have asked in the past that all references of Hitler to anyone, let alone, President Obama be disallowed. There is no comparisons of anyone to Hitler and to do so, mitigates the death and destruction that Hitler caused. Every time his name is mentioned it diminishes the memory of all the brave men and women that fought to stop Hitler and his Nazi thugs.
Hank Williams is lucky that our President is not Hitler, because is he were, not only would Mr. Williams loose his job, but he would surely loose his life. So the next time you are tempted to associate Hitler with any one, remember the reason that his name recalls such strong emotions. He was a demented, egomaniac who's sole purpose in life was world domination. He killed directly and indirectly over 51 million people and because of that there is no comparisons. Remember when you mother said, "If you don't have something nice to say about someone, just don't say anything at all." The people on the right and specifically Mr. Hank Williams Jr. just need to shut up.
Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 51 million people. Read that number again, 51 million people died because of Hitler. There was that small thing called World War II. Remember the Holocaust, where millions of people were put to death, because of their heritage. There was the siege of Leningrad in Russia. Then there was the, "Blitzkrieg" as Hitler poured his Nazi troops into neighboring European countries.
We have forgotten the horror of what Hitler did and I have asked in the past that all references of Hitler to anyone, let alone, President Obama be disallowed. There is no comparisons of anyone to Hitler and to do so, mitigates the death and destruction that Hitler caused. Every time his name is mentioned it diminishes the memory of all the brave men and women that fought to stop Hitler and his Nazi thugs.
Hank Williams is lucky that our President is not Hitler, because is he were, not only would Mr. Williams loose his job, but he would surely loose his life. So the next time you are tempted to associate Hitler with any one, remember the reason that his name recalls such strong emotions. He was a demented, egomaniac who's sole purpose in life was world domination. He killed directly and indirectly over 51 million people and because of that there is no comparisons. Remember when you mother said, "If you don't have something nice to say about someone, just don't say anything at all." The people on the right and specifically Mr. Hank Williams Jr. just need to shut up.
Christie Will, Thankfully, Pass on Running!
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has announced that he will not throw his hat into the political abyss, also known as the Republican Primary. With Mitt Romney. Rick Perry, Herman Cain and an assortment of nut jobs, the field was already packed with enough distasteful personalities for the country to listen to. Mr. Christie, who has been known to shoot his mouth off without thinking, has spared us all the continuation of more political drama by making his announcement this afternoon. I will give him credit. He stated that he was not ready at this time. He also did not continue the absurdity that has surrounded the likes of Sarah Palin. Unlike Governor Christie, the one half term, former Governor of Alaska, continues to make noise that she is going to run for president. Understand this, Ms. Palin, if you have the will to seek the most powerful postion, after Donald Trump's ego, in the country, then say you are running. Use Mr. Christie as an example and just make a decision. Now that the Republican Party has risen off of its knees, while begging Christie to run, they can get back to the circus that was already in place. Where else but America can you find a field that includes, a George Bush clone. A former bussinessman who took companies apart, fired employees and sold it off to make a profit. A CEO of a pizza chain. A 21st century woman that states, women should be submissive to their husbands. A Texas Congressman that feels we should not assinate American citizens that are traitors, trying to kill Americans. A couple of guys that nobody knows. Finally a women that quits in the middle of her term, writes books, does commentary on FOX news and drives around the country in a bus, with the Constitution on the side. This is the Republican Party's answer. No Thanks I think I would rather go to the circus and hire a clown.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Where are the Civil Rights for Protesters?
The occupy Wall Street movement is starting to spread across the country and the arrests in New York are increasing. Over 700 protesters were arrested on Saturday in an attempt to suppress the rights of ordinary citizens. Also of note to me is that Chase Bank just contributed 4.6 million dollars to the New York City police department. Call me jaded, but does this smell of corruption? Once again the Wall Street Barons continue to walk away with trillions of our hard earned dollars and our, so called, leaders do nothing. Bank of America, the bank with the largest deposit base in the country, announced it will run around the new regulations and start charging five dollars a month to account holders for using a debit card. They have absolutely no shame at all. Having worked for them for 25 years, I am almost embarrassed to say so, I know their quest for money is insatiable. I also know the corporate speak of Bof A and all the other corrupt financial institutions is to blame the federal government regulations, instead of their greed for the increases. Again the cry goes out to explain, how can corporations that have swindled trillions of dollars, received trillions of dollars in bailout money and yet not one single CEO or other corrupt leader of these corporations has seen the inside of a prison cell and when we protest, their actions and the inaction of our leaders, they haul us to jail. I say us when referring to the protesters because they represent each on the millions of us that have seen our investments shrink, our home values plummet, our jobs dry up, more of us pushed below the poverty level, the middle class attacked and our standard of living being driven down. Stand up and fight back. Demand that justice be served. When I see the statue of Lady Justice and the blindfold over her eyes it has a new meaning now. The meaning has become the idea that justice is blind for the wealthy and corrupt, while justice for all of us is denied. When will freedom and the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness return to America?
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