Saturday, February 18, 2012

Remembering When, Women!!!

I just posted a new opinion on my Father Thinks He Knows Best, blog and wanted the people that get my America's Voice to see it also. It is a political conversation and I wanted both sets of readers to see my comments. Hope you enjoy it and will pass it along to raise awareness on the Republican attempts to strip women of their rights, under the guise of preserving religious rights. Thanks John.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Limbaugh, Should Be The Poster Child For Birth Control.

It seems like every time, someone has a discussion of importance, good, old, Rush comes along and inserts a huge degree of stupidity into it.  Yesterday, the round, mound of ridiculous sound added his idiotic voice to the debate over a women's right to chose. Rush blasted Americans, who do nothing but have sex, mindlessly, day in and day out, for whom contraception is simply a means of avoiding serious consequences. He then went on to call us mindless, brainless twerps, who will vote for Obama on this one issue.

This comes from a drug addict. That has failed at three marriages. Hired illegal immigrants, and had them go buy his drugs for him. He also spews racial comments as frequently as some people open their mouths. My wife and I have been married for 37 years and our whole life together we have used birth control. Not to have mindless sex, but to actually be responsible. Is it responsible to have unprotected sex and give birth to unwanted children ? Is it responsible to have abortions because you do not want to use birth control? See, Mr. Genius, Rush, wants everyone to just abstain from sex. That is quite simple for his three, unfortunate wives. I am sure that all women have to do is take one look at Mr., I sure wouldn't want to have sex with him, Limbaugh and it is clear that is never going to be his problem. Abstinence has not and will not ever work. We can hope all we want, it is against human nature. Look at Rush's appetite for drugs. He couldn't control that and yet he expects the human race to control their desire for carnal knowledge.
As for the mindless, brainless, twerps remark I will say this. I am voting for President Obama and the reasons are numerous. Read any of my other posts on this blog and it is clear why my vote is going to the President. As for mindless, brainless, twerps, I suggest that Rush look into a mirror, that mindless, brainless (fried on drugs), twerp staring back at you, is exactly who you should be addressing. Rush you have met the enemy and the enemy is you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is This The Direction We Are Heading To?


Petty leaders are becoming incapable of supporting civic infrastructure required to maintain, libraries, roads, water systems, public arenas and major educational institutions. Cities and merchants are losing the economic benefit of safe conditions for trade and manufacturing. Intellectual development suffers and money is poured into supporting unpopular wars.

This could be a front page article in any major American newspaper, but it also could have been the lead in a paper during the fall of the Roman Empire. Too often we fail to read or acknowledge history. The line, "Those that fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it", certainly applies to us today. The Roman Empire slowly dissolved into obscurity, because while Rome burned Nero fiddled. This is the line that keeps repeating in my head, but in this case our political leaders fiddle while America is burning.

Both parties are to blame. Neither side has decided to put away their own, and party fortunes to focus on the problems facing America. There are many solutions to the issues we face today and yet all we hear is, petty leaders, with their own agendas, going back and forth and taking us nowhere.

I have listened, as the President's new budget arrived, to the people on the right saying, it is dead on arrival. Why? Is there nothing that we can build on? Oh, that's right, Mitch McConnell's most important item for this session is to make President Obama, a one term President. That is all the Republicans care about, except for retaining the current corrupt tax code. There are some very simple ways to start us forward.

Number one we can throw out the tax code. Go with three brackets and no deductions. No write offs for mortgage interest. No write offs for dependants. No write offs for business purposes. No separate rate for capital gains, this would be treated the same as employment income. Everyone would pay. The poor, the middle class, the rich and the corporations. We would start with rates being a little higher and that would be marked for our debt reduction, by law. Once we pay our debt off we would be saving trillions of dollars in interest. We would then build a surplus for that unknown that would occur unexpectedly, such as a natural disaster. Simple. Why can't it be done? The answer to that is also simple. Our politicians are working for the multi-millionaires and billionaires, instead of the people.

We would also be able to start and rebuilt our infrastructure and promote industries to stay here and build in America. Money would be available for research and development, so we could resume our position as world leader. Education would become a priority, instead of an after thought. Our workers would be able to compete against anyone in the world and win.

On the other end we would have to look at Social Security and Medicare-Medicaid. One solution for SS is to have people pay on all money they make to buoy the SS trust fund. We would be able to delay, when someone could start receiving payments. This would also add to the trust fund. It would not effect those that are close now, but as younger people get older they will wait longer. This would reflect more toward the length of time they will live after retirement.

For Medicare and medicaid, once more I support everyone on a single payer system and Medicare-Medicaid for all would fit that bill. We would eliminate the enormous profits the insurance companies are now enjoying and place that money into the care of people. We would have managed health care that the doctors and patients would oversee, not some executive that wants to maintain his profit margin. We would increase the amount of money flowing into the health care of patients and reduce costs, by allowing hospital and health professionals to spend their time taking care of patients instead of filing paperwork with the insurance companies.

Solution are simple and obtainable. We can either allow our leaders to go the way of the pettiness of the Roman Senate and bureaucrats, or we can demand they start finding solutions. Rome collapsed. What direction will we go in?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Even Many Republicans Know, The Birth Control Issue Is A Losing Path.

The issue of separation of church and state, was one that made me uncomfortable with the HHS ruling. The Republicans came out of the woodwork, salivating over the spin they were able to place on a issue that was quickly solved. The problem is, and many Republicans feel this way,  the Republican leadership is now falling flat on their collective faces as they hurl the party off the cliff. They are now making this an attack on birth control.

Earlier this year, Senator Marco Rubio, who I will get to vote against in four years, introduced a bill that would cut off access for millions of women, by allowing even non-religious groups to refuse to pay for contraception, as long as they cite a religious reason.

Speaker of the House John Boehner, wants a bill that would allow employers to refuse to provide birth control and Senate, minority leader, Mitch McConnell will push that type of bill to a vote in the Senate. These are just three examples of the Republican and far right wing, using an opening to attack the Health care reform law and in the process dictate to women and families around the nation, whether they can have access to birth control. You would think the right would welcome the idea of reducing abortions by having a clear program of birth control in place. The insurance companies would save money, because it is much less expensive to pay for contraception, then an abortion or a full term pregnancy and birth.

The core of the attack by the Republicans on birth control is very clear. The party that lies and tells people they want to protect your freedoms is actually the party that is attacking the freedoms of people to have access to birth control and family planning. They want to uphold the freedoms of women, until an issue arises that conflicts with their social agenda. Then they attack the rights of women to decide whether the want to carry a pregnancy through term or have an abortion. They then want to go further. They want to take away a women's access to birth control, even if she pays for her health insurance. They want to dictate their terms and beliefs on the 98% of all women that have used or are now using birth control, in their lives. Understand this, even if you pay for your insurance they want the government to tell you how and when you will have children. The old, be fruitful and multiply phrase was fine in its time. The world is overpopulated and when people want to make responsible decisions and keep from having more children, the Republican controlled government wants to tell you, no. They want the decision, not for you but for the same government, they pretend they want out of our lives. The Chinese, currently control their population and how many children a person may have. The Republicans want to do the same.

This is a serious issue of government overreach and intrusion in our lives. The Republican and far right religious groups need to stay out of the business of regulating child birth in our country. Let women and families determine their path in child birth and decide whether they feel the need for birth control. This is going to back fire on the Republican party and from my stand point, I hope they keep talking about it. It could end up be the losing stance in the fall elections.

I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?

I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?: I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?