One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
To my friend Jon R, Editor of SOG Oracle.
Thanks as aways for your comments. You always cut through the BS and get to the heart of the matter. The other part is that you and I see the world so much better then a lot of the other people around. To my other readers, do yourself a favor and read Jon's SOG Oracle. You can find a link at the end of my blog. You will not be disappointed. As stated above Jon gets right to the point and minces no words. He sometimes gives us a look at one of my favorite subjects, food. I always enjoy his sense of humor and I also identify with him. His wife, the Belle of Ballaste Point, like my own Pat, seems to have to suffer with his mulling over items as he reads the paper, watches the news or just stares off into the never world as he contemplates the idiots of the Republicans Party and Tea Baggers. His favorite term for the Florida governor is either Prick in Chief or Rick with a "P" Scott. If you want a laugh to go along with good commentary join me in following Jon. Once again to Jon thanks for following me and for your timely comments. John.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Response to Joe!
Thanks for reading and responding Joe. When I spoke of homophobic people I was talking about a large, vocal group that gets most of the media attention and then try to make permanent changes to our Constitution. I disagree with them, in that marriage, either a traditional one between a man and a woman or a same sex marriage is a legal point. I tend not to look at the religious aspect because, as you pointed out, the separation of church and state. What I feel is important is that a citizen's right is upheld at all times.
My problem with the drug testing revolves around the central issue of probable cause. I do not believe that the way to strengthen our rights is to shrink someone else's. In Florida the state is paying out more money for the tests, then they are saving from removing someone from the welfare rolls. I feel we need to educate and provide rehab for these people to permanently remove them. The addition of good paying jobs, would also go a long way in eliminating additional costs to hard working taxpayers.
Lastly the abortion issue is extremely complex. Once again I am concerned that a small group of zealots are trying to change our Constitution for their views. I agree with you, that science, the doctor and the women involved should be the people that decide about abortion. I wish we would do a better job at educating our young people about pregnancies and advise them on all forms of contraception, including abstaining. I hope that I have answered some of the questions or points that you rose. My philosophy is not to always change minds, but have a civil and educational discussion about issues. Again to Joe, "Thank You" for your input and I hope to hear from you again soon.
My problem with the drug testing revolves around the central issue of probable cause. I do not believe that the way to strengthen our rights is to shrink someone else's. In Florida the state is paying out more money for the tests, then they are saving from removing someone from the welfare rolls. I feel we need to educate and provide rehab for these people to permanently remove them. The addition of good paying jobs, would also go a long way in eliminating additional costs to hard working taxpayers.
Lastly the abortion issue is extremely complex. Once again I am concerned that a small group of zealots are trying to change our Constitution for their views. I agree with you, that science, the doctor and the women involved should be the people that decide about abortion. I wish we would do a better job at educating our young people about pregnancies and advise them on all forms of contraception, including abstaining. I hope that I have answered some of the questions or points that you rose. My philosophy is not to always change minds, but have a civil and educational discussion about issues. Again to Joe, "Thank You" for your input and I hope to hear from you again soon.
Occupy WallStreet, Is This The Beginning?
I completely admire the people that have taken over WallStreet in New York City and hope this spreads to other areas of the country. We should all be ready to support and back our fellow Americans in any way. They are taking the fight to the very people that have destroyed our economy and way of life. The financial barons that reside in their money lairs along Wall Street are going to face a reckoning soon. Remember in Egypt there was a small outcry, that continued to grow. Soon other countries throughout the Middle East were coming to grips with the hard lesson that when you take away people's hope, they will rise up, to take it back. Michael Moore raised the question, why are the people that are responsible for trillions of dollars being lost or stolen, not in jail, and yet the demonstrators who are fed up with this, are arrested for talking about it? What a country!
Think about the sadness in a country, when one small group of greedy, lawless people can take retirement funds and destroy them. They strip hard working people of the value in their homes, that was being relied upon for retirement. They take lives and hope and throw them from the skyscrapers in New York and sit back with the self-satisfaction, they will get away with it all. To this point they have. That may change and if the American people have a voice they should raise it loud and clear, "The Wall Street Barons must go!" What a country!
If it was not so sad it would be funny, but I read that Reebok has to pay $25 million dollars for falsely advertising their shoes, would shape your legs and firm up your butt. They have to pay for not fixing asses and the asses that destroyed our great nation's economy, do not have to pay anything. What a country!
Think about the sadness in a country, when one small group of greedy, lawless people can take retirement funds and destroy them. They strip hard working people of the value in their homes, that was being relied upon for retirement. They take lives and hope and throw them from the skyscrapers in New York and sit back with the self-satisfaction, they will get away with it all. To this point they have. That may change and if the American people have a voice they should raise it loud and clear, "The Wall Street Barons must go!" What a country!
If it was not so sad it would be funny, but I read that Reebok has to pay $25 million dollars for falsely advertising their shoes, would shape your legs and firm up your butt. They have to pay for not fixing asses and the asses that destroyed our great nation's economy, do not have to pay anything. What a country!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Why Do We Have To Protect The Constitution?
The people that say they want the Constitution protected are the ones that are attacking it so hard. I stated the other day, the Constitution is not needed to protect the majority it is needed to protect the minority. People are homophobes, with their wanting to Constitutionally ban same sex marriage. What are the so afraid of. I have been married to a wonderful woman, Pat, for 35 years and if some people, who are of the same sex, want to get married and have legal rights, great. Why would I care? Does that diminish my marriage? Not in the least. We do not need a constitutional amendment to ban this, we just need people to understand that our Constitution, guarantees them the same rights as everyone else.
We want to drug test a group of people because they need government support, either in food stamps or money. Why, because they do not meet our expectations and have enough money to support themselves? Let's throw away the idea innocent until proven guilty. Drug test them all and the few that fail the test, throw them off welfare. Again what about the Constitution protecting these people.
The last group that has drawn my attention is, Personhood, USA. This group of self righteous fools is pushing the idea that a fetus is a person at the time of fertilization. No concept that the child could not survive outside of the mothers womb, just they are a person at fertilization. Think about this carefully. They have or are attempting to get this on the ballot in all fifty states. Mississippi voters are going to have this on the primary ballot next year. One of the side thoughts is this could also make birth control pills illegal. Pills sometimes prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. So not only are they stopping a women's rights to choice, they are also stopping a women's rights to use the pill. One of my first thoughts are what are we going to do with all of the unwanted children. I understand that in a perfect world we would not have to use abortion for birth control. One way to reduce abortions is, not, by eliminating the pill.
What do these issues have in common? They are all assaults on the rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. They are all rights, that people who say they support the Constitution, want government to be smaller and have less influence in our daily lives, support taking away. In their minds the Constitution is only good if it fits their opinion. When it doesn't then we should change it. The Constitution is only as great as the people defending it. We all need to start being great and stop the narrow minded attacks on our country and our rights.
We want to drug test a group of people because they need government support, either in food stamps or money. Why, because they do not meet our expectations and have enough money to support themselves? Let's throw away the idea innocent until proven guilty. Drug test them all and the few that fail the test, throw them off welfare. Again what about the Constitution protecting these people.
The last group that has drawn my attention is, Personhood, USA. This group of self righteous fools is pushing the idea that a fetus is a person at the time of fertilization. No concept that the child could not survive outside of the mothers womb, just they are a person at fertilization. Think about this carefully. They have or are attempting to get this on the ballot in all fifty states. Mississippi voters are going to have this on the primary ballot next year. One of the side thoughts is this could also make birth control pills illegal. Pills sometimes prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. So not only are they stopping a women's rights to choice, they are also stopping a women's rights to use the pill. One of my first thoughts are what are we going to do with all of the unwanted children. I understand that in a perfect world we would not have to use abortion for birth control. One way to reduce abortions is, not, by eliminating the pill.
What do these issues have in common? They are all assaults on the rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. They are all rights, that people who say they support the Constitution, want government to be smaller and have less influence in our daily lives, support taking away. In their minds the Constitution is only good if it fits their opinion. When it doesn't then we should change it. The Constitution is only as great as the people defending it. We all need to start being great and stop the narrow minded attacks on our country and our rights.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Last Bigot Out Turn Off The Lights!
Are the bigots in this country for real? My only thought is that if freedom, for everyone is not to your liking, "Get the hell out!" That goes for all of the bigots, who believe that Islam is a religion of hate. The intolerant people that believe our President was only elected because he was black, or resent the fact that a black man was ever elected in the first place. The uncaring people that are under the false assumption that all unemployed persons or poor people are drug addicts or alcoholics. The uneducated, that feel letting someone die outside a hospital because they cannot pay for treatment. The thugs that harbor the belief that we should applaud when a governor sticks out his chest and proudly announces, "How I sleep like a baby", when talking about putting someone to death. Lastly, one of the most embarrassing moments in American history, when cowards, at a Republican debate, sit in anonymity, and boo one of our own soldiers for being gay.
The last one I would like to take an extra moment to address. The idea that a soldier who is sitting in harms way or any part of our military is booed because of their sexuality is moronic. I wish they could identify the people that reacted this way. I wonder if they would feel proud if we all knew who they were. Better yet why don't all the people that booed and anyone who supports them, grab a rifle and uniform and stand guard in some faraway post. Our vialant soldiers, straight or gay, are willing to provide you the freedom to boo them, while you sit in your homes fully protected. During and after Vietnam, many of our military people were harassed by the public, when all they did was serve. This is no different. DADT is gone and I am glad that we stopped taking someones rights away. What makes America great is not how we protect the majority of our people, but how we protect the minorities. So to all of the bigots, and you know who you are, "America, love it or leave it" and when it comes to bigots I wish you all would leave it.
The last one I would like to take an extra moment to address. The idea that a soldier who is sitting in harms way or any part of our military is booed because of their sexuality is moronic. I wish they could identify the people that reacted this way. I wonder if they would feel proud if we all knew who they were. Better yet why don't all the people that booed and anyone who supports them, grab a rifle and uniform and stand guard in some faraway post. Our vialant soldiers, straight or gay, are willing to provide you the freedom to boo them, while you sit in your homes fully protected. During and after Vietnam, many of our military people were harassed by the public, when all they did was serve. This is no different. DADT is gone and I am glad that we stopped taking someones rights away. What makes America great is not how we protect the majority of our people, but how we protect the minorities. So to all of the bigots, and you know who you are, "America, love it or leave it" and when it comes to bigots I wish you all would leave it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
We Need To Invest In Education!
What is the best investment we, as a country, can make to ensure our future? Education. There is nothing profound or revealing in this, it is simply the truth. For over forty years we have been sliding backwards in educating our children. They are the future for all of us. If you think that because you do not have children in school at this time you are no longer responsible for the public school system, you could not be more wrong. Our entire nation will either become irrelevant or we will regain our standing as the most powerful and affluent nation in the world. The choice is clear and simple. It will be determined by the path we take forward.
On one path there is the continuing downward spiral that we currently are on. We keep cutting the investments to our schools. We cut back on teachers. We reduce the money spent on technology in the classrooms. We can say no, to updated textbooks. We can shorten the hours that our children spend in the classrooms and even shorten the number of days they are in school to save our precious money. We will then be able to spend our future funds to build larger and more secure prisons. We will then, truly have, a welfare society. There will continue to be high unemployment. The cost and debt, to each of us will be staggering compared to the amount it is today. China and several other countries will streak passed us as they become the economic super powers of the world.
The other path is the one where we realize that prosperity for all Americans come at the price of investing in ourselves. We can pour the needed funds into our schools. Reward the best teachers and find a fair way to compensate them as the professionals they are. We should lead the way in technology in the public schools and ensure that each child has Internet access and the newest and fastest systems to learn on. We will give every child exposure to art, music, literature and make our young people not only competent in the core subjects, but see that they have a command of every part of their education. We will give the schools, administration and teachers all of the resources they need to accomplish this goal. Parents and others in the community will be available to assist in any way that we can to make sure each child, no matter where they live will reach their fullest potential. We will set the bar very high and then assist in placing our young people, not just at the bar, but over it. Everyone will be held accountable, from the parents, to the schools and teachers, to the administrators, to our local school boards, the state government and finally the federal government. We will teach our children to think, not just to some standardized test. They must be able to talk intelligently. Write and convey thought that are precise and insightful. Their math and science skills will be the best in the world. Their will be no stone left unturned until once again America has the education system that everyone else looks to emulate. I would recommend that everyone go to and look at the seminars and discussions that are taking place this week in New York. It should inspire each of you to find out ways to help our children.
At this time everyone is focused on the budget and cutting services. Now is NOT the time to cut. It is time to invest. I am right about this and all you have to do is look at investors to see how they do this. They invest in down times. They look at the opportunities that are in front of them when we have an economic downturn and they snap up the bargains. This is our time to grab the bargains and invest in America. Is there any better investment in the world, then in ourselves? We all know the answer.
On one path there is the continuing downward spiral that we currently are on. We keep cutting the investments to our schools. We cut back on teachers. We reduce the money spent on technology in the classrooms. We can say no, to updated textbooks. We can shorten the hours that our children spend in the classrooms and even shorten the number of days they are in school to save our precious money. We will then be able to spend our future funds to build larger and more secure prisons. We will then, truly have, a welfare society. There will continue to be high unemployment. The cost and debt, to each of us will be staggering compared to the amount it is today. China and several other countries will streak passed us as they become the economic super powers of the world.
The other path is the one where we realize that prosperity for all Americans come at the price of investing in ourselves. We can pour the needed funds into our schools. Reward the best teachers and find a fair way to compensate them as the professionals they are. We should lead the way in technology in the public schools and ensure that each child has Internet access and the newest and fastest systems to learn on. We will give every child exposure to art, music, literature and make our young people not only competent in the core subjects, but see that they have a command of every part of their education. We will give the schools, administration and teachers all of the resources they need to accomplish this goal. Parents and others in the community will be available to assist in any way that we can to make sure each child, no matter where they live will reach their fullest potential. We will set the bar very high and then assist in placing our young people, not just at the bar, but over it. Everyone will be held accountable, from the parents, to the schools and teachers, to the administrators, to our local school boards, the state government and finally the federal government. We will teach our children to think, not just to some standardized test. They must be able to talk intelligently. Write and convey thought that are precise and insightful. Their math and science skills will be the best in the world. Their will be no stone left unturned until once again America has the education system that everyone else looks to emulate. I would recommend that everyone go to and look at the seminars and discussions that are taking place this week in New York. It should inspire each of you to find out ways to help our children.
At this time everyone is focused on the budget and cutting services. Now is NOT the time to cut. It is time to invest. I am right about this and all you have to do is look at investors to see how they do this. They invest in down times. They look at the opportunities that are in front of them when we have an economic downturn and they snap up the bargains. This is our time to grab the bargains and invest in America. Is there any better investment in the world, then in ourselves? We all know the answer.
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