When Conservatives start ideas, such as that floated by Newt Gingrich, in the Republican Primary, that children should go to work, I start to understand that people who believe that way are cruel and uncaring. I understand I am lumping them all together, but I have not heard any right wing group come forward to challenge Gingrich.
Let's look at some facts. I know how much the right hates talking facts and would be more comfortable using lies, but I will stick by the idea of facts, are better. Over sixteen million children, under the age of 18, live in poverty. That is 22% of that population segment living below the poverty level. Add on to that, seventeen million, one in four, or 25% of our children go to bed hungry each night, and do not get the proper nutrition. This is a national disgrace and one the right tries to ignore. It brings to mind the movie, "A Christmas Carol". You remember the part when the, Ghost of Christmas Present, lifts his robe to show two small children. They were want and ignorance. Scrooge asked the ghost to hide them from his eyes. That is the way many of the people in America want to handle our children. Don't make them look. Out of sight, out of mind.
Yet, this is not just a problem that we can or should ignore. Children that do not have enough of the proper food, will not be able to perform well in school. They will not get proper rest each night. They will drain the health system of funds. As they grow up, they will lack the education to get good paying jobs and maybe end up with no job. They will be more likely to end up committing crimes and thus costing us more with prison costs. the amount we would pay today to ensure they are properly fed, would be returned many times over in the future. This is just looking at the financial costs. Do we not also have a moral responsibility to ensure children are taken care of.
The right wants them to get a job. Support themselves, or decry the fact that their parents do not take responsibility for their children. Yes, I would like to see parents raise their children and support them. Make sure they have the proper food to eat and get medical care. In the real world though, many of those parents are struggling and not able to provide what they should. That is when a caring society steps in to make sure they do not fall through the cracks and end up becoming a further drain on all of us. We should make sure these children get the best education so they can break the cycle of poverty. A great society is one that helps the least within the group. In the end it will only make the group stronger and more plentiful for all. That is what the United States of America stands for. Together we are strong. Divided we all fail.
One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Conservatives Attack Veterans
Yes, you read it right. Conservatives, Republicans, the right, they all enjoy moving their mouths and say they support veterans, but the reality is that they will attack veterans if it serves their political agendas. Look at the facts. I know that many people on the right try to avoid facts, but liberals will continue to use them.
Max Cleland had his service in Vietnam and as a veteran's advocate used against him. Mr. Cleland, who was confined to a wheelchair, because of injuries while serving, was attacked by Saxby Chambliss in their battle for a Senate seat representing Georgia.
John Kerry was a victim of George Bush and Karl Rove, when they actually got veterans to question Mr. Kerry's service and heroism, in Vietnam, during the Presidential election. The "Swiftboat" lies were meant to call into question, Kerry's service.
The latest is Joe Walsh, the Tea Party Congressman, and his claims that Lt. Colonel Tammy Duckworth is only a veteran, and has done nothing else. He feels she just talks about her sacrifice and service to America and not about the issues. Ms. Duckworth lost both of her legs and use of her right arm in service for our country and Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh has never served us in any way. In fairness to Walsh a judge dismissed the over one hundred thousand dollars in back child support this past April. Apparently his wife and Walsh settled the dispute in "private". Translation, she let the jerk off the hook, for his political career. Back to Walsh's attack on Duckworth. He wants to dismiss her as a political opponent, just to win re-election, and will do so by attacking her sacrifice for America. Walsh is the worst example of what is wrong in this country. He does not live up to his obligations and then he attacks those that have. He is a liar, but that is what politicians on the right have become.
Watch any campaign rally and there is always a group of veterans sitting behind the politicians, while they talk about supporting this group of people that have sacrificed so much for all of us. Once they are in office, they close the door on veterans and wait until the next campaign to bring them back out. It is time for the right to stop using veterans and start paying them back for what they have given to America. Most of all it is time for little worms like Joe Walsh, who has never served, to shut his mouth and only speak about Ms. Duckworth with respect. My only regret about not living in Illinois is the fact that I can not vote for Tammy Duckworth and vote against Joe Walsh.
These are the facts and they cannot be ignored. The right will do anything to move their political agenda ahead. They will lie, cheat, steal and even attack the people who have given the ultimate sacrifice to America, their service.
Max Cleland had his service in Vietnam and as a veteran's advocate used against him. Mr. Cleland, who was confined to a wheelchair, because of injuries while serving, was attacked by Saxby Chambliss in their battle for a Senate seat representing Georgia.
John Kerry was a victim of George Bush and Karl Rove, when they actually got veterans to question Mr. Kerry's service and heroism, in Vietnam, during the Presidential election. The "Swiftboat" lies were meant to call into question, Kerry's service.
The latest is Joe Walsh, the Tea Party Congressman, and his claims that Lt. Colonel Tammy Duckworth is only a veteran, and has done nothing else. He feels she just talks about her sacrifice and service to America and not about the issues. Ms. Duckworth lost both of her legs and use of her right arm in service for our country and Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh has never served us in any way. In fairness to Walsh a judge dismissed the over one hundred thousand dollars in back child support this past April. Apparently his wife and Walsh settled the dispute in "private". Translation, she let the jerk off the hook, for his political career. Back to Walsh's attack on Duckworth. He wants to dismiss her as a political opponent, just to win re-election, and will do so by attacking her sacrifice for America. Walsh is the worst example of what is wrong in this country. He does not live up to his obligations and then he attacks those that have. He is a liar, but that is what politicians on the right have become.
Watch any campaign rally and there is always a group of veterans sitting behind the politicians, while they talk about supporting this group of people that have sacrificed so much for all of us. Once they are in office, they close the door on veterans and wait until the next campaign to bring them back out. It is time for the right to stop using veterans and start paying them back for what they have given to America. Most of all it is time for little worms like Joe Walsh, who has never served, to shut his mouth and only speak about Ms. Duckworth with respect. My only regret about not living in Illinois is the fact that I can not vote for Tammy Duckworth and vote against Joe Walsh.
These are the facts and they cannot be ignored. The right will do anything to move their political agenda ahead. They will lie, cheat, steal and even attack the people who have given the ultimate sacrifice to America, their service.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Fourth Of July!!!!!!
Just wanted to say, "thank you" to my readers and wish them a wonderful and safe Independence Day. Take a moment today and reflect on what it means to be an American and most importantly what you can do to make America better. Have fun and I will be back tomorrow. John.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Conservatives Part Three
As I continue my breakdown of conservatives and the far right, let's take a look at how they handle a difference of opinion. In many ways they revert to being bullies. You only have to look at conservative darling, Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey. Examples of how he handles people that think differently then him follow. Last year a resident of Jersey called into a show where people were able to ask this thug (governor) questions. She wanted to know why Christie is sending his children to a private school. I happen to feel that wealthy and privileged children should be able to go to any school their parents can afford to send them. However instead of Christie just saying he can send his children where he wants to and would support anyone doing the same, he blurts out, it is none of your business. On Saturday a reporter asked a question which was not in line with the direction that Governor Bully wanted to go. He ends up calling the reporter, stupid and an idiot. Again I understand that politicians are asked questions that they are uncomfortable with, or that are off the particular subject they are talking about at that time, but did Christie have to resort to the bullying tactic of name calling? What a role model he is to our young people. Instead of using intellect to direct the conversation back to the direction he wanted, he demonstrated to people that the method to handling conflict is to be a jerk.
Chritie is not unique in this tactic on the conservative side. This past week when I confronted two, members of the same family, conservatives about issues and untrue statements regarding the President, one of them tried the same bullying style with me. All I had stated was, that is was clear the two family members were in lockstep with their opinions. His response was that he would not sit back and allow me to lash out at his family. He then stated that I had released the "beast" and that I should not screw with him. He also told me he would not sit back and allow, "Liberals like me to destroy his country." See they think it is only their country. If you do not agree and follow them, then you are UN-AMERICAN. Naturally I was terrified! NOT! I explained to him that I was not intimidated by him at all. Actually, I thought it was quite amusing and I passed this on to him. Again this is the way the conservatives like to debate. Shout down the opposition. Do not allow the debate to actually use facts. Try and intimidate or belittle the opposition. Make them feel UN-American and not allowed to have a voice. I have a news flash for them. I will not be silent! I will not go quietly into the night. I will confront their lies and continue to speak out for the truth. We all must speak out, to all politicians and make them accountable to all of us. The majority is what rules. We have a Democratic President and Senate. they have the House. We must get back to governing and doing what is in the best interest of all Americans, not just for the Republicans or the politicians, or the wealthy, or the corporations, but ALL Americans. Speak up now, don't let them keep you silent.
Chritie is not unique in this tactic on the conservative side. This past week when I confronted two, members of the same family, conservatives about issues and untrue statements regarding the President, one of them tried the same bullying style with me. All I had stated was, that is was clear the two family members were in lockstep with their opinions. His response was that he would not sit back and allow me to lash out at his family. He then stated that I had released the "beast" and that I should not screw with him. He also told me he would not sit back and allow, "Liberals like me to destroy his country." See they think it is only their country. If you do not agree and follow them, then you are UN-AMERICAN. Naturally I was terrified! NOT! I explained to him that I was not intimidated by him at all. Actually, I thought it was quite amusing and I passed this on to him. Again this is the way the conservatives like to debate. Shout down the opposition. Do not allow the debate to actually use facts. Try and intimidate or belittle the opposition. Make them feel UN-American and not allowed to have a voice. I have a news flash for them. I will not be silent! I will not go quietly into the night. I will confront their lies and continue to speak out for the truth. We all must speak out, to all politicians and make them accountable to all of us. The majority is what rules. We have a Democratic President and Senate. they have the House. We must get back to governing and doing what is in the best interest of all Americans, not just for the Republicans or the politicians, or the wealthy, or the corporations, but ALL Americans. Speak up now, don't let them keep you silent.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Conservatives Part Two
The Affordable Health Care Act has passed the Supreme Court test for constitutionality and the right goes beserk. I even heard one bright comment, "Just because the Supreme Court rules on it, it does not mean it is Constitutional." Yes it does! That is their job, but when they rule differently then the right wants them to, it is wrong. If the ruling had gone the other way, then it would have been proven unconstitutional. This reminds of a small child, wanting to quit playing because they did not get their way. The conservatives want to take their ball and go home.
I have listened to the Republicans try and persuade the American public that what Mitt Romney did in Massachusett, is totally different then what the Democrats and President did with health care. It is identical and any attempt by the right to position it any other way is just playing the semantics game. The Massachusett mandate is considered a penalty, where the AHCA is considered a tax. I do not care how they phrase it the intent in both cases, was to make free loaders have to share in their cost of health care. In the past the Republican party, the conservatives and the right have embraced the idea of personal responsibility, however since it became a Democratic agenda, they are running away from people being responsible.
The court and the opinion of Chief Justice Roberts, stated that the mandate would be acceptable if it is a tax. Fine. The tax or penalty would affect less then one percent of Americans and they can avoid that "tax or penalty" if they act like adults and purchase affordable health care insurance.
Romney and the Republicans are pushing to repeal the AHCA and then replace it with their own health care act. Lets look at the highlights of what they propose to replace the President's plan with. First they would extend health care to more people. That is already in the AHCA. They would permit children to stay on their parents insurance until age 26. Whoops, that is in the AHCA. They would prevent insurance companies, the ability, to decline coverage based upon pre-existing conditions. Humm, already covered under the AHCA. They would not allow health insurers to stop coverage due to limits. You guessed it, already there in the AHCA. Are you starting to see a trend here. What is it they are really looking to repeal, Democratic success? The Republicans are really upset because they didn't think of this first.
I heard house majority leader Eric Cantor say that the Republicans have had a health care plan for sometime, and will give details shortly. Really Mr. Cantor. You guys have a plan and did not share it with the public. Sorry I have to declare that, bullsh**. The problem is the only plans the Republicans, conservatives and the right have had in place or have worked on is to decieve the American public and to defeat Barrack Obama. Maybe it is time they start to look at what is in the best interest of the country and stop the devestating game of partisian politics.
I have listened to the Republicans try and persuade the American public that what Mitt Romney did in Massachusett, is totally different then what the Democrats and President did with health care. It is identical and any attempt by the right to position it any other way is just playing the semantics game. The Massachusett mandate is considered a penalty, where the AHCA is considered a tax. I do not care how they phrase it the intent in both cases, was to make free loaders have to share in their cost of health care. In the past the Republican party, the conservatives and the right have embraced the idea of personal responsibility, however since it became a Democratic agenda, they are running away from people being responsible.
The court and the opinion of Chief Justice Roberts, stated that the mandate would be acceptable if it is a tax. Fine. The tax or penalty would affect less then one percent of Americans and they can avoid that "tax or penalty" if they act like adults and purchase affordable health care insurance.
Romney and the Republicans are pushing to repeal the AHCA and then replace it with their own health care act. Lets look at the highlights of what they propose to replace the President's plan with. First they would extend health care to more people. That is already in the AHCA. They would permit children to stay on their parents insurance until age 26. Whoops, that is in the AHCA. They would prevent insurance companies, the ability, to decline coverage based upon pre-existing conditions. Humm, already covered under the AHCA. They would not allow health insurers to stop coverage due to limits. You guessed it, already there in the AHCA. Are you starting to see a trend here. What is it they are really looking to repeal, Democratic success? The Republicans are really upset because they didn't think of this first.
I heard house majority leader Eric Cantor say that the Republicans have had a health care plan for sometime, and will give details shortly. Really Mr. Cantor. You guys have a plan and did not share it with the public. Sorry I have to declare that, bullsh**. The problem is the only plans the Republicans, conservatives and the right have had in place or have worked on is to decieve the American public and to defeat Barrack Obama. Maybe it is time they start to look at what is in the best interest of the country and stop the devestating game of partisian politics.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Why So Called Conservatives Are So Wrong!
A couple of days ago I was engaged with a couple of men, on Face Book, who call themselves Conservatives. They happen to be in the same family and thus their views were completely in lockstep. Over the next couple of days I will be addressing the Conservative point of view and how on so many levels they have no clue. Will this piss them off ? I certainly hope so.
First off, what does the right support? That changes, based upon whether the current President proposes something that they support. They are solidly second Amendment supporters and would rather be killed, along with their entire family, then to restrict any gun laws. Assault weapons, mutiple clips, piercing bullets, mentally deranged buyers. It does not matter. No restrictions what so ever. We have murders everyday at rediculous rates and they will give the same response. People kill people, but guns do not. In a certain, twisted way they are right. People kill people, but cars do not. Knifes, fires started by arsonists, clubs, baseball bats, etc, do not kill people, people kill people. I am being saracastic, for those on the right that are not able to recognize it, but as with all sarcasm, there is an element of truth. Without the weapon there is not a murder.
What else do they believe in? ALL LIBERALS are socialists, communists and every other ists, they can think of. Medical care and more specifically the Affordable Care Act is a step toward Socialized medicine. I prefer to call it single payer, but if they insist on Socialzed medicine, fine. Call it what ever you want to demagogue it. It would be less expensive and better for the people of this country.
They believe that the former Soviet Union sent agents here in the sixties and seventies to infiltrate our country in order to change it. Remember the movie "Salt" with Angelina Jolie, that is where I think they got that idea.
They believe the President was not born in America and is not our legal President. This fits their conspiracy theory.
Maybe worst of all they do not believe that anyone who disagrees with them is not a true American. Listen to how they attack and are always telling people to, "love it or leave it." They feel there opinion is the only one worth listening to. Well, I hate to break it to them, but I happen to feel that disent is the backbone of America. Hell, our country was founded by a revolution. Did they forget that?
This is just the beginning of how wrong I feel the extreme on the right are. Over the next several days I will continue to try and make some sense of where they stand and point out the stark differences between the bullies on the right and the rest of America. I happen to believe that most Americans are in the middle, Sometimes we lean a little more conservative and sometimes a little more liberal. As I write this. please join in with your comments. Whether you agree or disagree, as always I will not edit or delete your remarks as long as it is not vulgar or completely offending.
First off, what does the right support? That changes, based upon whether the current President proposes something that they support. They are solidly second Amendment supporters and would rather be killed, along with their entire family, then to restrict any gun laws. Assault weapons, mutiple clips, piercing bullets, mentally deranged buyers. It does not matter. No restrictions what so ever. We have murders everyday at rediculous rates and they will give the same response. People kill people, but guns do not. In a certain, twisted way they are right. People kill people, but cars do not. Knifes, fires started by arsonists, clubs, baseball bats, etc, do not kill people, people kill people. I am being saracastic, for those on the right that are not able to recognize it, but as with all sarcasm, there is an element of truth. Without the weapon there is not a murder.
What else do they believe in? ALL LIBERALS are socialists, communists and every other ists, they can think of. Medical care and more specifically the Affordable Care Act is a step toward Socialized medicine. I prefer to call it single payer, but if they insist on Socialzed medicine, fine. Call it what ever you want to demagogue it. It would be less expensive and better for the people of this country.
They believe that the former Soviet Union sent agents here in the sixties and seventies to infiltrate our country in order to change it. Remember the movie "Salt" with Angelina Jolie, that is where I think they got that idea.
They believe the President was not born in America and is not our legal President. This fits their conspiracy theory.
Maybe worst of all they do not believe that anyone who disagrees with them is not a true American. Listen to how they attack and are always telling people to, "love it or leave it." They feel there opinion is the only one worth listening to. Well, I hate to break it to them, but I happen to feel that disent is the backbone of America. Hell, our country was founded by a revolution. Did they forget that?
This is just the beginning of how wrong I feel the extreme on the right are. Over the next several days I will continue to try and make some sense of where they stand and point out the stark differences between the bullies on the right and the rest of America. I happen to believe that most Americans are in the middle, Sometimes we lean a little more conservative and sometimes a little more liberal. As I write this. please join in with your comments. Whether you agree or disagree, as always I will not edit or delete your remarks as long as it is not vulgar or completely offending.
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