Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why Do We Vote Against Our Own Interests?

I am astonished that in so many instances Americans vote against the very thing they need the most. I have stated repeatedly that the two most pressing issues facing us today is education and the huge amounts of money in politics. We vote for and elect, a man or woman, who are wealthy and except piles of money from other wealthy people, and then complain when they do not support the issues that we are most concerned with. I have listened to the Republicans, as they continue to support the same mantra, cut taxes and regulations to spur the economy, which will create jobs and then decrease the deficit. The problem with this approach is that we started doing  that over forty years ago and it has contributed greatly to where we are economically today. I listen to the republicans whine about the power that is exhibited by the unions and how we have to eliminate their ability to collective bargaining. Once again they say this will spur the economy, which will create jobs and then decrease the deficit. Look at the history of the last forty years, as the power of unions, which is the power of average people, has diminished, the wages for middle class Americans has stagnated or decreased. That is another contributing factor to the decline of the once, huge middle class. Now what does this have to do with my opening statement, everything. Who do you think was behind the idea of breaking unions, the wealthy and corporations, who contribute huge piles of money to politicians to support their agenda. Who do you think was behind the idea of cutting taxes and regulations, so they could have even greater profits and income? Again the answer is the wealthy and the corporations, who have enjoyed increases of over 400% in wages and profits while the middle class had their wages remain flat or decrease. Guess, also who was behind the politicians with truckloads of cash, the wealthy and corporations.

Just some factual information for you to consider. Mitt Romney, the same person who, stated such wonderful, heartfelt and caring lines such as, "I am not concerned about the poor, they have a safety net," or "Corporations are people too, my friend," to the ever popular, "I made a little bit of money for speaking engagements, ($375,000) , has a Super Pac. Within that fund is over 32 million dollars and 86% of the contributions were for over $100,000, while only 14% were for less then $100,000. Also in that fund, he has collected 26 million dollars from just ninety donors. This is money from the wealthy and they do not do this for nothing. If Romney is elected he will owe some very rich people something, such as a decrease in the already low, 15% capital gains rate, and more. My other point is because of the, "Citizens United", case the list of donors in the Super Pac lacks one very important thing, transparency. We do not know who they are and what they will get in return. One more quick note on this, so far in their personal campaign donations, which is transparent, only 9% of Romney's donations is under the small contribution category, which is $200. by contrast President Obama has received 47% of his contributions in the amounts of $200 or less.

Now I am not saying that the Democrats do not have supporters from the elite, but the facts are, they have fewer. Neither party has broached the subject of campaign finance reform, and until they make campaigns financed with only public money we will continue to have a muted voice in our government.

Tomorrow I will talk about the other important issue, that has to be addressed, education, for without a population of highly educated people, America, will fall behind the rest of the world and not be able to compete in the global market. Until then.

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