I have said it many times before. I am a LIBERAL and proud of it. Like the President, and believe me this is the only comparison I can make with our President, I have tried to be more Centrist, only to be knocked away as being too liberal. Guess what. The time has come to fight back and say alright then, I now want, what I want and I want it now. No more room for compromise. The choice is clear. Our only hope to survive as a nation is to support and elect liberals. These are the closest we can get to leaders that care about the middle class Americans.
Karl Rove. Yes that Karl Rove, the one that employed the dirty tricks on John Kerry and smeared his service to our country. The one that ran George Bush's re-election campaign. The one that Bush labeled with the nickname, "turd blossom". Why am I invoking Rove? He is behind the 250 million dollar fund raised to defeat President Obama. He has gathered that money, not by soliciting average citizens for a few hundred dollars at a time, but by hiring three billionaires, including the Koch Brothers. What are the wealthy so afraid of? They are starting to worry that the average American is fed up with the nonsense in politics and hope to get control of both houses in Congress and the White House. They will not only strip what little scraps of money they have left for us peasants, but they will push the social agenda extremely hard and start to take away our rights. If you are concerned about American liberties, you need to pick up your sword, literally, and join the battle. They will not stop until they have it all.
To those that want to blame Obama for all of our woes, you need to take a new look around you. I keep saying the choice is clear. The President sent a jobs bill to Congress and the Republicans have said the bill is, "dead on arrival." Within this bill is a program to start infrastructure building and repairs. Good paying jobs. Within this bill are proposals to send Federal money to states to save jobs for teachers, policemen, nurses, and firemen. Good paying jobs. Within this bill is a way to pay for it, so those that are concerned about the deficit, can get on board. The payment would come from people making the most money. To ensure that corporations and individuals that have enjoyed increases and pay a smaller percentage of taxes, then the average American does, can pay their fair share and move us forward. The Republicans have sent out a few bills that decrease regulations, so their wealthy buddies can continue to reap the rewards.
The Republican answer is to continue to lie to all of us about how we cannot afford to tax the job creators. My God are these corporations that sacrosanct to Conservatives that they give them the same aura as our religious leaders. God created the heavens and the earth, but Bank of America created the jobs! I don't know but I think the next time I go to the bank I should genuflect as I approach the teller line and light a candle in hopes that they will forgive me for my low balance and not make me pay a service charge to use my debit card. The choices are clear. Since they want to use religion to relay their agenda I will use it to make my point. You can either approach the Pearly Gates and realize that by working together we can all reach the promised land or you can support the Conservative Republican in which case we may all be spending an eternity in heat and sulphur. I know the choice for me is very clear.
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