What is it with the right in this country? Hank Williams Jr. is he latest jackass to compare our President with Adolf Hitler. Maybe the problem is that the Conservatives or Tea Party People have never read history, because I would hate to find out, they say these moronic phrases because they are racists. In case they missed history class, when they discussed World War II and the event that lead up to it, here is a quick primer.
Adolf Hitler was responsible for the deaths of over 51 million people. Read that number again, 51 million people died because of Hitler. There was that small thing called World War II. Remember the Holocaust, where millions of people were put to death, because of their heritage. There was the siege of Leningrad in Russia. Then there was the, "Blitzkrieg" as Hitler poured his Nazi troops into neighboring European countries.
We have forgotten the horror of what Hitler did and I have asked in the past that all references of Hitler to anyone, let alone, President Obama be disallowed. There is no comparisons of anyone to Hitler and to do so, mitigates the death and destruction that Hitler caused. Every time his name is mentioned it diminishes the memory of all the brave men and women that fought to stop Hitler and his Nazi thugs.
Hank Williams is lucky that our President is not Hitler, because is he were, not only would Mr. Williams loose his job, but he would surely loose his life. So the next time you are tempted to associate Hitler with any one, remember the reason that his name recalls such strong emotions. He was a demented, egomaniac who's sole purpose in life was world domination. He killed directly and indirectly over 51 million people and because of that there is no comparisons. Remember when you mother said, "If you don't have something nice to say about someone, just don't say anything at all." The people on the right and specifically Mr. Hank Williams Jr. just need to shut up.
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