Friday, October 7, 2011


That is a simple one word title for this blog and yet the word means so much to people. I know most of my rants are against Conservatives, Republicans and Tea Party members, but the Democrats deserve some of my anger also. The word vision to me, is a way to lead and direct a country so the can have great accomplishments. America, our country, is floundering right now because their is no vision. Over the last forty years, anytime a leader started to look forward in their thinking they were wrestled right back into their malaise. The corporations and elite liked the status quo and were willing to go to great lengths to maintain it.

When I first started in banking, we had to have in place a short, mid-range and long term plan for growth and how we would accomplish each goal. It was called a business plan. In today's business culture there is no call for such plans. They are looking only at the next quarter, because their bonuses depend on only that. The country is being run in the same way. We are very short termed in our vision and thus our goals. Politicians are always looking at the next election cycle. They do not have a true, long term budget. They are not looking how we will compete against other nations in the economy of the world. We are and have been stuck in neutral, while the rest of the world, geared up and passed us by.                                                                                                                      We have to realize that we need to invest in education so we will have the best educated work force in the world and can compete. We need to invest in the latest technologies so we are moving several steps ahead of our competition. We have to invest in green technologies so we can escape the bonds that we are held in, by fossil fuels. We have to invest in modern, more efficient methods of moving around the country, such a high speed rail. We need to invest in jobs for the citizens of America so we can regain the lead we used to hold over the rest of the world.

I am not the type of person who walks around quoting scripture, but today on Joel Osteen's thought for the day, was the following from Proverbs 29:18,  " Where there is no vision, people perish." and from me "Conversely, where there is vision, people thrive."

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