Thursday, January 6, 2011

One last response for the day.

I an sure as people who disagree with me read my last posting they are thinking, my God, he wants to pay for everything for all people. Quite the contrary. I want all Americans to be paid a fair and living wage so they are capable of supporting themselves. If people are paid a fair and living wage, with fair and reasonable costs for benefits, such as health care and retirement, we would not have to pay and support people. I understand that corporations create jobs and if they are fair with compensation to workers that would be the end of it. They however want to keep costs down by eliminating jobs and control wages. They also receive federal subsidies that are not available to the average working person. They receive tax credits and tax reductions so that their profits are not just good they are excellent, by their standard. Just to be clear, I support people being able to work, advance and make fair and just wages. This would eliminate the need for government interference to level the playing field. The economy would accelerate forward. More jobs would be created. More goods would be bought. More jobs would be created. And so on. Our taxes would go down because we would be collecting more taxes, with more people working. This is how an economy works for everyone. And yes Danny, in case you were worried, the rich would get richer.


  1. I hate to be a smart a**... but you wouldn't be referring to the "fair and honest" wages required by the Auto Workers Union for example?

    You know the ones that cost GM approx $75 hour including benefits, and I'm sure in no way lead to the rising cost of cars, and the lower profitability for the car maker. Therefore leading to a major car company becoming insolvent and in "need" of a bailout.

    A fair and honest wage is determined by the market not by you or I nor a government bureaucratic. What is fair and honest? How much should someone at Mac Donalds make... I'm just a valet, do I make too much? What if I don't want to work as hard as the valet next to me... who regulates fair and honest? Legislation can not!

    Another thing. Any company that provides a service or good, can only "eliminate" jobs "and keep down wages" as fair as the consumers will allow. If a service industry cuts to many jobs or puts too much of a burden on single employees, the service quality will retard, and that company will not longer be competitive. IF you add "fair and decent" jobs to a company or industry functioning as it should... in balance between wages, cost, and productivity... you just diluted the productivity of that business. A business not functioning in balance is a risk to all those working there. (GM and Chrysler for examples)

    Please dont tell me you think that we will actually pay less taxes when we get more people working... as of today we are at 9.4% unemployment. (not counting a few factors not reported by the FED) In a GOOD economy we are somewhere between 3-5% unemployment. There will always be some!!! Im not quite sure what your goal is for unemployment (getting all these people fair and honest jobs). We have been there before and we will get there again and no taxes are going to go down "in theory". And even when that happens, our "rich" friends will still pay the majority of the taxes in our current progressive tax system. I just saying... whenever someone gets any assistance directed from the Federal Government or Federal legislation, it should thank the top 1% of earners for 90% of it.
