Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Freedom Is In The Eye Of The Beholder!

According to the dictionary, freedom is liberation from slavery or restraint from the power of another.

According to the far right, freedom is what they believe it should be. We each have certain freedoms that we hold more dear then others, but the Republicans are trampling on freedoms and we are just allowing it to happen.

Voting is being restricted in many states, by Republican controlled legislatures. They are using the ruse of voter fraud as the reason when the truth is they are trying to rig the election. They have restricted or put in place new ID laws that are for the purpose of electing more Republicans. The result is they are taking away the rights of millions of legal voters. Imagine if someone introduced a bill, at either state or federal level, that would restrict or take away the rights of millions of gun owners. The level of defiance would be astounding. The screams of, "Only from my cold, dead hands," would be deafening. Yet the right is sheepishly following the directive to take away Constitutional rights, for which there is no problem.

Women's freedom to control their own bodies has been under attack for years and is now reaching a crescendo of attacks. The Republicans, again, are looking to bypass the freedoms of the women and the advise of doctors to achieve their religious driven goals. They scream, religious freedom when the government states, that universities that have women working for them, should have insurance companies pay for birth control. However they conveniently are silent when a women is told that even though she does not want a procedure and her doctors states it is unnecessary, she has to give up her freedom and allow a medical devise to be inserted into her body. All of this is done because the fervent right wants their religious believe of, no abortions, to be implemented.

It has gone so far that we have an idiot, Congressman from Missouri,whos name I will not mention, that wants to have a fight about the degree of rape. The President stated it quite clearly and simple, yesterday, for all to understand. "Rape is Rape." Women's freedoms are really taking hits from Republicans and the far right. We all need to stand against the ideas put forth by the right and not allow women's rights go backwards.

This is just two examples of the freedoms that the right want to take from us. One is guaranteed by the Constitution and the other is guaranteed by the laws including the Supreme Court. The next time some moron from the right screams about gun rights, just ask them where they stand on voter's rights and women's rights. I am quite certain they will try to either change the subject or only talk about the rights they care about. The right to kill someone with a gun.