Saturday, November 5, 2011

Here We Go Again Trump and Palin, Speak!

The National Restaurant Association, had to actually pay a settlement, because of actions by Herman Cain and the,  "Dynamic Duo of Stupidity", Donald Trump and Sarah Palin come storming out with "witch hunt" accusations against the media. Maybe I am missing something here, but if something occurs, how can you blame someone else for the results. Have you ever corrected a child. It goes something like this, "Jayden, your room is a mess and needs to be cleaned up." Jayden responds with, "But Miyah messed it up." Jayden is my seven year old grandson and Miyah is his four year old sister. My response is, "But who's room is it and who is responsible to keep it clean?"

 The Cain strategy is to blame the media for reporting on the episode, but no where does he take responsibility for his actions. He does not say anything about his inappropriate behavior. The DD of Stupidity, Palin and Trump, then take it a step further. The media, liberals, Democrats, progressives and anyone that does not believe the way we do, is on a witch hunt. They choose to ignore the fact that someone, Cain, did something wrong, sexual harassment and instead shift blame elsewhere.

What I find most comical about this is these are some of the same people that have perpetuated the idea that our President, was not born in Hawaii and is therefore, not legitimate in his role. Even after certificates of live birth were presented, they continued to throw this same ridiculous birther item at the President. So, once more see if I understand this correctly. A witch hunt is when someone did something wrong and the truth is reported in the media. However it is not a witch hunt, when an accusation is made and PROVEN wrong, then to continue to pursue the issue. I don't know about you but the Dynamic Duo of Stupidity sure looks at life through a whole different set of facts. I haven't even started with their sidekick the equally idiotic, our blacks are better then their blacks,  Ann Coulter. That my friends is another story!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Response to Anonymous!

I will always say, "thank you" to any reader that takes the time to respond and invite them to have a meaningful discussion on issues. I will also respond to comments and debate rather I agree or disagree with them. In this case first I want to thank the reader for calling me a liberal. If they take time to read more of my, "blather", they will also see the blog, where I spoke about being Liberal and proud of it. You stated that I had no facts or solutions. There were a couple, but this post was more opinion. I invite you to take the time and read some of my other posts and see my solutions. Solutions that are real, such as building our infrastructure and investing in education. Ideas like revamping the tax code and eliminating the loop holes. Ideas, like raising the Social Security age and eliminating waste in Medicare and Medicaid. The solutions are there, but one thing I will say is that, you seem to display the typical far right attitude. There is only one solution and that is cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations, while we reduce regulations. My greatest point in this post was we need to educate and invest to move America forward. I was also talking about the fact that the last fifty years, regardless of rather it was a Republican or Democrat in control, we have allowed the idea that we could cut taxes and regulation, to create a robust economy. My suggestion to anonymous is that maybe they should try a liberal way of doing things and actually read more then the captions, before they roll out their usual right wing tactic of the same old, stale talking points. Try it you may find you actually learn something.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Voting Rights Are Being Stolen!

The Republican and the far right wing are attacking the rights of voters under the guise of voter fraud. We do not have a serious problem with fraud and anyone who states otherwise is simply lying. We have less then one one thousandth of a percent of fraud during our elections and yet the Republicans in states all around the country are doing everything they can to suppress voters from getting to the polls. They are reducing the number of days that we can vote early. They are requiring photo IDs. I love the fact that in Texas students can not use current school IDs as proper identification, but are permitted to use their NRA cards for ID. Am I missing something here? This is an attempt to disenfranchise large groups of voters, that would tend to vote Democratic in elections. This is another example of the lies and scheming that politicians will use to rig the elections. We have serious problems and issues facing all of us today and this is what we are paying our elected officials to do. I am outraged by the timidity of the American people. Where is the outpouring of emotions and the fighting spirit to demand that the Republicans stop the suppression of our Constitutional right to vote? Come on America. Stand up and fight back. They are trying to take our rights and country away from us.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Republicans are Playing a Dangerous Game.

When the Democrats, during the debt ceiling debate, offered a ratio of ten dollars in cuts for every dollar in revenue increases, the Republicans should have grabbed that deal and ran with it. Instead they decided to pursue their philosophy of making Barrack Obama, a one term president. They are and still are ignoring the needs of America for the benefit of their own and their party's power. This is why we can label this Congress as the do nothing Congress. They had on their table, spending cuts, that according to them, was the reason they were elected to office. I disagree with cuts at this point in our fragile economy, but the Republicans had what they wanted and they failed to act.

Every day, since Obama was elected the Republicans have placed our country in a very precarious position, by ignoring the devastation that the average American is enduring. For what end? For political power? To get re-elected? They continue to do nothing and the people are paying a huge price. We are not investing in the areas that would create jobs and start to seriously move us forward economically. They are willing to sit back and watch the country fall further behind and with it the American people to fall further into a well of hopelessness and despair.

 Every poll that is available, shows the enormous support that the Occupy Wall Street movement has. They show the support for the idea of a fair and balanced tax system. They show a support for a non-rigged election system, where the concerns of all are considered over the concerns of the people throwing huge amounts of money at the politicians. They show a country where there is more pessimism then hope. The Republican answer is basically, who cares what the people want. Don't get me wrong, the Democrats have not been completely in favor of the average person and they have work of their own to do, but the Republicans are so far out of touch and they show no willingness to hear from us.

The American people can no longer afford to wait for answers and solutions to our problems. The time to act is now, before they destroy us. The Republicans are attacking voting rights, abortion issues, our rights to peaceful assembly and speech, collective bargaining and any other right that they can get away with. There is a class war going on and has been in full force for over forty years. The elite have been winning for all of those forty plus years. The final volleys have yet to be fired. The time is here now to join the fight. Support the OWS movement. Support the rights of women to make the correct choice for them. Support voting rights for all citizens. Stand now and let the Republicans know they will not take our freedoms away. We must first speak out with words and then speak out with our vote. We are 300 million strong! We are the ninety nine percent! We have the right and the power. Let us all use it.