Saturday, June 18, 2011

Welcome to Jon R.

Welcome Jon. I am looking forward to more comments from you. I liked Chris Matthews idea. We have to promote a more Progressive agenda and move America forward. I am going to sign as a follower to your blog and some of the others that you follow. Thanks for your comment. Talk to you and my others readers soon. John.

Progressives Must Be Ready To Fight Back

The assault on the middle class is becoming open warfare. The Republicans, led by John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan are once again trying to take more from us and keep the tax cuts and wealth for the extremely wealthy and corporations. If they were serious about middle America, their starting point would be to repel the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. They would look at a flat income tax, for individuals and corporations, which would remove all the welfare for business and wealthy supporters. Now we have additional revenue. Then we can look at ways to, not break but, support Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. How can someone, who proclaims they are there to serve the American people, do so much for the smallest group of us, and how can the majority of citizens be so blind to the course they want to take us. All I hear are empty words from all of our elected officials. They talk about the greatness of America, while they continue to take from the people, who can least afford it. We can afford to have universal health care. We can afford to have a well financed and strong Social Security. We can afford to have great public schools, with excellent education opportunities for all of our citizens. The great myth and lie is that we cannot afford any of these items. Right now we are able to pay for three war fronts. Right now we are able to afford corporate welfare in the form of tax credits and breaks, that leave profits in the billions and yet get no tax money in return. We are able to afford tax cuts that place millions of dollars into the wealthiest pockets. We are able to afford a corrupt political system that allows our politicians to accept large amounts of money from corporations and special interests as they tell us the money has no influence on their votes in Congress. The time is here for all Americans to stand for equality in our politics. To demand that fairness returns to our country. We have to speak with one, loud and clear voice. We have to let our, so called leaders, know that the needs of the average American, must be placed ahead of the special interests. It is time for them to do the people's work. It is time for them to lead for Americans. It is time to make Social Security strong. It is time to make health care available and affordable to all. It is time to have the elite and corporations pay their fair share. It is time to end corruption in politics. It is time to rebuild our countries infrastructure. It is time to make America the greatest country on earth. It is time to get the life long politicians out of office and replace them with people that place our needs ahead of political gain. It is time America. Seize the moment!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is Rush Limbaugh Delusional or is it Left Over Drug Effects?

The talking horse's ass Rush Limbaugh has once again proven that the only thing coming out of his mouth is hot air. Talking about Obama Supporters, he said,"When Obama savages him, that is their orgasm." Trust me when I say this, Rush Limbaugh and the word orgasm have never entered my mind at the same time. Maybe Rush and the word, "bullshit" have been there together, but nothing else. He went on to say that people on the left were, "vile and walking human debris". Actually knowing Limbaugh feels that way about me is a compliment. If the, oxycodone user thought something positive of people like me, I would definitely be worried. Maybe his view of people who send their maids out to buy drugs to supply their habit is his idea of fine upstanding individuals. He went on to say, "They orgasm over Obama savaging him, because these people cannot find willing mates." Wait one minute here Limbaugh. Who has been married four times with no children and after your drug arrest, who was stopped by law enforcement with Viagra, that was not in his name. Let's see four women with no children, maybe they didn't want to see a little Rush or Rushia, running around to pollute more minds. Why the Viagra? Did the American doctors feel if you ever got it up nothing good would ever come (pun intended ) of that? That is why you had to borrow someones. You see Rushy boy it is not us, that people hope are sterile, it is you. The king of stupidity. The round mound of radio. The blowhard of conservatism. Yeah, Rush I may be vile, walking, human debris, but I don't have to buy my friends and family. Now do us all a favor and, "shut up!"

Anthony Weiner Resigns, My Warning to Republicans

New York Representative Anthony Weiner is reportedly resigning at 2PM today. I have called for Mr. Weiner's (I'm sorry but his name with what he did is a comics dream) resignation soon after this happened. I have also stated my admiration for the stances he took and the Progressive issues he supported. This being said, he caused a distraction that the Progressive movement can ill afford and I am glad that he has taken the correct step to resign. Now my warning to the Republican Party and it's leaders. We have sat back and watched as you failed to push your party members to resign, even though their offenses were as offensive as Mr. Weiners' or worse. We will not accept a person who committed a felon by soliciting prostitution, as Senator Vitter did. We will not let it slip by if a Senator,( John Ensign) pays off his staff member, to cover up the fact that he is intimate with that staff members wife. Don't forget that several Republican leaders were helping him in the cover up. We will not be idle as we were when Republican Governor Mark Sanford, states he is walking the Appalachian Trail while he was boinking his mistress in Argentina. These all happened recently and the Democrats looked the other way. The Republicans became attack dogs on Mr. Weiner and even attacked the Democratic leadership. My clear and loud warning to Republican leaders. I will be very loud and vocal about any hint of scandal from the Republican Party. If a Republican spits on the sidewalk and lies about it I will encourage other Progressive and Democrats to attack long and hard, until that individual is forced from office. The Democrats have set the bar. They persuaded Mr. Weiner to resign, before the Republicans did. I saw John Boehner, the man who always looks like he just sucked on a lemon, talk about the distraction, Weiner was from the important issues, facing the American people, but he never mentioned that it was the Republicans,who kept the distraction to the forefront. So if any Republicans have something you would like to get off your chest, now is the time. If you don't or lie about your involvement, your only recourse is to resign in disgrace. I will work very hard , to assure that happens. The American people will work very hard to make that happen. We deserve nothing less.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lies Politicians Tell Us. How to Solve Health Care.

I have found a way to appease the Libertarians and Conservatives, who want to use the Federal mandate as an excuse to repel the Health Care Law. It is quite simple. If you want health care, with a single payer, so we can eliminate the greed from the insurance companies, you sign up for it and when you need it, you can go to your doctor or hospital or clinic and the amount will be sent to the government, similar to Medicare and Medicaid. If you decline to accept this and participate, then when you go to the doctor's office, or hospital or clinic, you will be refused care. Here is how this would work. Say you are driving to work and have a serious accident, the paramedics, would not know if you have insurance, so they would transport you to the nearest Emergency Room. Before you could see a physician, an administrator would determine if your had insurance. If you did not, they would wheel you back out into the parking lot. You would live or die, based upon your injuries and maybe a little luck. The doctors and nurses would not break their oath because they would not even know if you were there. Now lets say you have a trunk full of cash just for this situation, this becomes your lucky day. They will gladly take cash , credit cards, of course you would not be eligible for rewards points, or letters of credit from your bank. Those of us that have insurance would have a bar code tattooed on our legs. This would be very small and in an inconspicuous place. A few other points to make about the Lambert Health Care Plan. The torte reform would work here because if you have no insurance, you cannot sue the hospital for not treating you. You and your family have no recourse, thus our mal-practice insurance rates would go down for health care workers and providers. Minors under the age of 18 would have to be covered. I can see a law suite here to protect every ones right to die, but recent history shows that the courts should side with this. Our emergency rooms would no longer be filled by people using them as a doctor's office with colds and minor ailments. People with insurance would go to the clinic, and those without insurance would be turned away. People that have insurance would no longer pay for the uninsured through higher premiums and our taxes.So to review, my plan is very simple have insurance and receive treatment, don't have insurance and die. We could stop the states that are suing over the mandate. It is no longer a mandate. The federal government will not have to pay for the people that do not have insurance. Average Americans, who choose to be covered will no longer pay for the people, who feel their personal liberties are being stepped on by mandates, so we will have more money in our pockets. The insurance companies will stop stealing from us, with their big profits and bonuses. Tell me the down side. O.K. I admit there is one. People will die. So what, this is their choice. they want the freedom to do so. Unemployment will go down. Fewer people to apply for the available jobs. I mean the plus side keeps getting longer. Now I want to hear back from all of those people that think the new health care law is so terrible. Here is a great alternative that we all can live, or should I say die, with.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Lies Our Politicians Tell Us! Health Care.

We cannot afford Universal or Single Payer Health Care. This is a big one. During the health care debates, Republicans hit on this one very hard. Why do I consider this to be untrue? What happens when someone without health care insurance goes to a hospital. Care is given. The cost is then written off  by the hospital and we indirectly pay the cost through our taxes. We also pay indirectly through higher insurance costs, when we pay our premiums. My point is this. I already pay for health insurance. When I go to the doctor's office or the hospital, I pay a deductible. When I get a prescription filled I pay a co-payment. All along the way I pay my fair share of the cost. The person who pays nothing, then goes to the hospital and gets service for free. No premium, no deductible and no co-payment. I then pay higher premium costs and taxes to offset this. Again if we all pay our fair share, through premiums, the cost for everyone would go down. Medicare and Medicaid have an administration cost of around 5%, while insurance companies have administration costs around 15% to 25%. Their costs have a profit built into it. You pay your premium and if or when you need it, they determine, not you and your doctor, what they will pay or if they will pay. We have to control costs in other ways, such as getting the best price for prescription, through negotiations. Start preventive care at birth and continue through out our lives. Help children, through parents, schools and doctors to learn and develop healthy lifestyles, that will cost us less. Look at end of life care and when to help a patient and family, again with their doctor, to make a good decision, both medically and financially. This is some of the ways to control costs and make health care affordable. When we all pay a premium to a single payer system, we build funds to the point that it covers everyone. This could be done at a state and local level, through exchanges, to offset the argument of federal involvement. However there has to be minimal oversight and a nationwide standard, so states could not water down the system. The end decisions would be left to the patient and their families, with direction from their physicians. We are always and I mean always able to afford a war. We are always able to afford foreign aid. We are always able to afford everything except what is in the best interest of our population. It will cost us in the beginning, but in a relatively short time the costs savings will add up to huge savings. This is maybe the most egregious lie that the various politicians have fed to the average American. We could all have the best medical care in the world. We just have to have the vision and will to make it this way.