I had a debate the other day we some people on face book, concerning the drug testing of welfare recipients. I argue that we are spending money to identify a problem that we know exists, and is actually small. The few people we would catch, and then what, throw off welfare and food stamps, is not worth the cost and will not solve the problem of drug abuse. I even had, some enlightened individual tell me that drug addiction is not a disease.
Here is my proposal. First let's all stop pointing our collective fingers at, poor people, immigrants, unemployed people, middle class people, (including teachers, union workers of any type, nurses, fire fighters, police officers and any others that the elite wants us fighting against) and the down trodden members of American society. Instead let us start looking where the elite do not want us looking. The corporations, CEO's, politicians and the wealthy elite. These are the people responsible for the current situation in our country. So I propose we start with drug testing this group. I happen to believe that unless you are an idiot or on drugs, as a leader, you would not allow the situation in America to be at this point. Let's see how many of our leaders can stand up to the scrutiny that we place upon average citizens. These are the people that have the means to get any drug they want and yet we have to go after the poorest among us. I feel like I am watching a David Copperfield show. You know how he uses misdirection to draw attention away from the stunt. This is what America's leaders are doing. They keep us looking at each other and meanwhile they are robbing us blind. The poorest Americans are faced each and every day with no hope of moving forward in our society. They face the bleak prospect that their children will face an economic future dimmer then theirs. They become despondent and will turn to alcohol and drugs. They need hope. They need good paying jobs. They need education for themselves and for their children. That is how we change the welfare society into productive members. We stop the cycle of poverty.
Some facts for everyone to think about. Personal welfare in the form of , school lunch and breakfast programs, WIC, food stamps, nutrition education and other food health care programs costs the federal government approximately $55 billion a year. The other side is corporate funding either directly or indirectly, grants to fortune 500 companies and big agriculture corporations costs us about $127 billion a year. All of this and we want to test mothers, who receive help in raising their babies. I understand that there are abuses in the welfare system, but should we not be as vocal about corporate welfare as we are for babies?
My last point for today is this. The last two years I was convinced that people wanted President Obama out of office for racial reasons. I know that there is some of that, however I am now sure that they want him out because he offered hope. Hope for a better life now. Hope for a better life for our children. Hope that America would once again become a country, "For the people". They want to destroy hope and change. They want their power and for the system to continue to work for the rich. The sad part is that each time we turn are negative attention on one of us, they win. We can not let the bastards win!
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