Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Should We Elect A Former Texas Governor As President?

For those of you too young to remember I will let you off the hook, for all others you should have your head examined if you think Rick Perry would make a good President. We are still recovering from George Bush's presidency and should keep this in mind. Not only does he walk and talk like the former President, he shoots his mouth from the hip, just like a certain ex-president. His philosophy is the same Republican mantra for the last fifty years. Cut spending and cut taxes for the "job creators". I will address this concept of "job creators" in a later post. What Mr. Perry does not mention is that Texas, yes there were more jobs started there then any state, used the federal stimulus money to pay 97% of its budget shortfall. The same money he railed against. Next year the Texas budget, has a deficit of $12 billion. Texas has a terrible record on health care. Thirty percent of children in Texas are uninsured, along with twenty two percent of the entire population is uninsured. They rank 48th out of fifty states in health care. The rank number four in child poverty. These are not the areas that they want to be ranked so low in. Rick Perry fails to mention that he does want to eliminate Social Security. This is money we have paid into for forty to fifty years and he does not support it. He will push social and far right social agendas. He will try to push the clock back to a time when our seniors could not live comfortably because companies did not have a real pension plan. Rick Perry has stated that our President is the greatest problem we face in America today. I say that going down the same pothole laden road we just came over, with a Texas Governor as President is the greatest problem we face. Texas can keep Perry.

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