I want each of you to think of something. What have you invested in? We start by thinking of investments as placing money into an account and hoping that the money will grow into a large amount that will help us retire or obtain some other goal. In reality we investment money and time into many different things and people in the hopes that our investment will accomplish some goal we have set.
Have you ever changed the oil in your car? Did you spend money for your own, your spouse, your children's or your grand children's education? Did you spend money on owning a car? Did you ever spend money on buying a home? Once you were in that home did you spend money on, updating the electrical, plumbing, carpeting, tile floors, wood floors, update the kitchen, paint the interior or exterior, put in a pool, new windows, put in energy efficient appliances, air conditioner or water heater? Have you spend money on a medical checkup or procedure to screen for a particular disease? Have you spent money on medical checkups for your children? Have you ever spent money to loose weight? Have you ever spent money on new exercise equipment or join a fitness center. Have you ever placed money in the collection plate at your place of worship? These are a few of the ways we spend money.
Now you may be asking yourself, "Why is he asking me these questions." My point is that each time we spend money we are in essence investing in ourselves or our families. We spend sometimes to save larger expenses down the road, such as when we change the oil in our cars or have medical checkups. We invest our money in education, knowing that the chances of a better job, higher wages and a better life are accomplished if we do this investment. We buy a home or place money in investment accounts hoping that they increase in value and help to give us security in the future ( although this now is in jeopardy). When we spend money to loose weight or join a health club, we are investing in a healthier and happier person. Even when we place money in the collection plate we are investing in the idea of Christianity and the hope of a better afterlife.
My last question to you is this. If investing in ourselves and our families can in the long run, cost us less money, make us more productive, make us happier, make us healthier and make us more prosperous, then why do we not invest money into our country? Think about it!
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