Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Day Without Political Commentary. Running Off At The Keyboard.

    For just one day I am going to ignore the idiots that walk the halls of Congress. I am going to pretend that the President and the leaders are doing a great job and directing us to a better tomorrow.
    So here I go. With the upcoming football season at hand, this weekend I will crank-up my Old School Sports blog. You will find a link on this blog. Please join me for some prognostications and fun as we bring the baseball season to a close and enjoy the NFL and college football seasons.
     Also over the next week I am going to start a Grandparent blog. I want to take a different look at what grand parenting has done to Baby Boomers. This should be some laughs for people of all ages as I attempt to explain to Generation X the thought process behind our actions. I want to look at how we relate to our children and our grandchildren. I will be asking for your input and stories to make this even better. Look for that soon and there will also be a link here.
    Update to my friends and family on my goal of losing 60 pounds by the time I turn 60 next May. I have lost 41 pounds and have now set a goal of 80 by 60. At this time I am half way there. The biggest obstacle is food. I, like so many of us, love food. Good food. If you have taken the opportunity to read my friend Jon R's. blog, SOG Oracle, (link is at bottom) you will know that he talks about food alot. I have to read his posts in segments, so that I will not gain weight as I think about the delicious foods he describes. I will update my progress during my grandparent blog.
    See I have done a post and have not mentioned politics. It can be done While I was writing this did Congress put together a jobs bill? Did we end the war in Afghanistan?  Did the President get out and set a plan to get people back to work? Did the Dow go up two thousand points? Oh well, I guess I better check in on the news. I am starting to get the shakes as I withdraw from politics. Tomorrow I will be back with my usual take on Washington. Until then.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh John, I didn't realize what I was doing to you. My profound apologies.

    I promise in the future to type all of my food reviews in a low calorie font.

    I hope that helps.

    Your inconsiderate friend,

