Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oppressive Goverments Part 1

You asked me to give you an example of an oppressive government, that has good economic conditions and does not contend with civil riots. The first one that come to my mind and I'll bet you are rolling your eyes on this one, is China. Yes that China. Their economy is the fastest growing in the world at this time. The last major uprising was the "Tianamen Square" confrontation. The people have since had a sharp rise in the economic situation in China and yet the government still is one of the worst rights violators in the world. The North Koreans are another example of the government that stands on the throats of their people and yet keep civil unrest at a minimum. The next point to answer and again I won't disappoint you with my answer that you predicted. Oh yes, Danny I have read and heard FDR's speech about the "Second Bill of Rights" and yes I most certainly agree with him. You say if I got all of the things I wanted, I would be disappointed. I disagree. There is a moral issue and our founding fathers used moral issues to establish America. " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."


  1. I agree China is a booming economy. They do this little "tricky" thing with their money to keep it devalued against the dollar, so their exports stay cheep... Being a banker Im sure you either understand this a little or you would be interested to research the monetary policies of China.

    I hear China is poised to pass us in GDP around 2020. Im not sure if that date is correct but its close.

    I recently watched a interesting video on China located at(www.Ted.com). This is a wonderful website. Look for (Martin Jacques "Understanding the Rise of China). I don't offer up this video because in proves any point for me but merely because it gave me a different understanding of "The East".

    North Korea I found to be about 98th in the world economies... (Random fact)

    Ok and now to my sarcasm. If you want to live in China or North Korea, I charge $20 an hour to help friends move. You can ask Wes and Jess Im a tremendous help! I have some friends with trucks as well that are more than willing to help.

    If I were to make a serious point I guess I would note that China, and Korea come from a historical "dynasty", "Emperor" mentality. I believe within every human there is the desire to be free from oppression. The desire to have something, to work and own himself and his family. However, in a culture were your "authority figure" (Dad, Grandfather, Boss, Government) is to NEVER be questioned... Im not overly surprised at the submissive nature of Asian cultures. Are you?

    America however was founded on the concept of a free individual and a bound Federal Government. Maybe we disagree on this. That certainly is another huge fork in the road. I see the Declaration, and the Constitutions' sole role as a protection of the people from their government.

  2. I had so much to say, you guys made so many interesting points each that i'm gonna have to say..... tie!!! Haha, except Danny tipped me over the top with his moving jokes. This conversation has been very interesting and thought provoking. I agree with John that the Ruling Elite almost ALWAYS has much to do with the uprising and rebelion against Government and I agree with Danny that it is also the opressing Govt. that is usually the catalyst for outbursts and backlash of the people. However the common denominator is that the Overly opressive govt.s that are risen up against are almost always in the pockets of the elite and NOTHING that they do is done without the aproval of the fat cats. Doing away with the middle class is almost ALWAYS priority number one for the ruling, aristocratic, oligarchy. The lower class is of no threat to them, they have for the most part no chance of escaping serfdom and servitude., eaking out a meager experience and excuse for life, and basically serving and working for those above them. The middle class poses the threat of equaling that all out, that ANY of us can elevate our status and each time someone does a portion or share of the upper classes money and power gets redistributed. Here in America the top few percent of the wealthiest citizens have went from controlling about 7% of the finances to over 25%.... that is scary. How do they do it? Strategicly controlling, building and collapsing markets like the stock exchange and housing industry, as well as paying politlicians to pass rediculous regulation and legislation that slowly breaks the middle class and removes our rights and abilities to recover what has been stolen. In short(or long) it is not only an opressive govt. that leads to revolution, it IS a power-hungry, self-serving, and inherently aristocratic Ruling Elite class that sees to it that the Govt. behave that way. They are one in the same and always have been. Look at the Greek Empire, Roman, British, French, etc. etc. America is no different and the waters of discontent are rising up against the walls of the levy. Be prepared for us to be broken and brought to our knees or to come out swinging!!!
