Monday, January 31, 2011

Response to MBK International (The Troops)

I have to admit this is a new one for me. Even at my age. You are the first person I have ever talked to that stated they did not support our troops. I am not sure if we are looking at semantics or you really don't lend the men and women, who defend our nation, your unequivocal support. Several statements you made I take exception with. Number one you seem to be confused with the idea of separating the actual person from the military and civilian leaders. Our service members are not robots and you even make the case in your fifth sentence. You stated that, "you have lots of friends that have been going back and forth to Iraq and Afghanistan and they are changed for life." Robots would not be changed for life. Our soldiers are human beings that have a higher meaning of the word service. You contradict my saying they are the," best and brightest." What you fail to understand, when I call them that, is they are that, because they chose something with more meaning and passion then themselves. They put the interest of their country and most importantly their brother beside them before themselves. You are looking at the literal meaning and I am looking at the individual as a whole and what they represent. You talk as if they are mindless, and even if some do become mindless killers, most prefer to do the job before them and then return to their families.  You say that there are more intelligent people, more physical people and more equipped people, what ever that means. There will always be people that are better at some areas, but my question is if they are better, then why are they not out standing on that wall to help protect us? Some of our officers have attended the military academies, which I am sure you know are very hard to be accepted to let alone to graduate. To be continued.


  1. As independent minds people are entitled to personal views and differing opinions. When it comes to our troops, I have to say you have to be more than ignorant; for a lack of a decent word, if you feel that not supporting the men and women who risk their lives everyday so we can sleep safe and sound. One of my best friends/brother/father figure is currently in the Army. He recently came back from Afghanistan to meet his third child for the first time. He slept in the sand, he ate deplorable food, and risked everyday of his life wondering if he could make it back. Its because of their call they choose to serve the armed forces. Its inner patriotism and as an American trying to make a difference. So before this person goes to bed each night, in his comfortable bed and in his air conditioned surroundings with a home alarm and weekend past times, may he remember who provides him the luxury of waking up safe and sound the next day.

  2. First off I am a missionary who sleeps on a concrete floor in a 400 sq. ft. schack in a 3rd world country with a broken family of 4, so as far as the creature comforts you are allowing me to have.... thank you, they are nice when I return. I can relate to what you speak of in regards to living for a higher cause than self, very well actually. I realize I came off as an insensitive ass, I was in a mood that I get into very often when I think of what has been going on for over a decade. Last night for instance I was browsing around Facebook when I stumbled upon my 19 year old nephews page and began to check out his photos. He has just recently enlisted and I was looking at his photos from what I would assume to be his basic training. I saw dozens of what would appear to be(had I not known better) high school students, some thin and frail, some a little chubby, and a few in descent shape, baby faced teens who all for one reason or another had decided this was their best option. Now I do have to appologize because I did make some blanket statements that I suppose were interpretted as them being mindless robots. I guess the more acurate description would be, uninformed, manipulated, and sometimes mislead by the powers that be. Sure it seems a noble cause to "Defend" your country, "Protect" our citizens, and to be "All you can be"..... I just wish that was the reality of what these kids are about to experience. The "Greater" cause these kids are submitting their wills to is not that of the American people, it is that of Corperative perogative, Big business, and power hungry politicians. They are not defending US from any iminent harm and danger, they are not PROTECTING us from anything we have not STARTED while being over there. So, you are right, it is not them to be blamed except for the fact that many do not do the due dilligence of investigating the powers that be that they are swearing to follow and obey before they sign their life away.
