Yesterday I started to talk about the power in America and how it was been stolen from the middle class. Today I want to look at what we need to do, to wrestle the power back. There has to be a meeting point when the actual split of power. The citizens have a great deal of say and the corporations and elite have a say. I feel the split should be around 75% for the people and 25% for the corporate world. It has to be more on the side of the people. That is what is meant by the beginning of the Constitution. WE THE PEOPLE, period. Nowhere does it address anything else but the people. The other phrase in the Preamble that is so telling, promote the general welfare, is about us all being in this life together. That is not socialism. It is about being ONE country. ONE people. ONE purpose. We are diverse, but we come together for a single cause when it makes us stronger.
When did we lose that togetherness? When did it become more important to win elections, then it was to govern America and make it better? We have fallen behind many other countries and are in danger of losing more ground. We used to lead in every category. Now the only thing we are better then the rest of the world, is making and fighting wars. Is this the legacy we want to leave for future generations?
So what can we do? It is most important to speak out and demand the changes that are necessary. We have to educate ourselves and each other on how our government works, how our elected officials vote and which direction they want to take us. We have to demand that the government seeks solutions, not just block every idea the other party has. That is not governing. Several years ago there was a popular Japanese concept that stated for every worker in Japan they had five ideas to make their jobs and lives better. At the time in America, we would get only one idea for every five people. I am sure that the number for Japan has gotten worse, as their ideas, started to dry up, but more importantly, I am just as certain that we have moved further away from that five to one ratio. Instead of just complaining come up with suggestions to make things better and force our leaders to implement them.
You maybe thinking that they do not listen to us, but they have to. We have the votes and we have to keep them from stripping away voting rights for anyone. On election day we have to send messages loud and clear that stalemates are not acceptable. We have to call and e-mail them every time they are set to vote on something. Let them hear our voices loud and clear. They work for us! Will it make a difference? Absolutely, but we have to do it as ONE people. We have to stop attacking each other and go after the real enemy. The corporate and elite greed!
What else can we do? We could support unions and demand that right to work laws are abolished. This we can do by working together. Don't attack the unions. If there are certain parts of a union agreement that is damaging or corrupt, change that part. Save the majority of it. Work with it. Most of all, don't allow corporations to squeeze workers out, just to increase their profits.
There are other directions and areas we can certainly improve. I will add more thoughts on that tomorrow.
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