Just a little over a month ago, we watched the horror unfold in Newtown Ct. Their was shock, anger, grief and a voice of determination to never allow this to happen again. My question to everyone is what have you done since to have your opinion and voices heard. That is fine to have outrage, but if all you did at that point was to talk amongst each other, then nothing and I mean NOTHING will change. Somewhere in the not to distant future, we will have to suffer through another mass killing of people and possibly children. Why, because we lack the conviction and the will to stand up to the extremist chatter from guns rights groups to stop the massacres.
Yesterday the President put forth a beginning of common sense approaches to the violence epidemic in America. Immediately he was attacked from the right for wanting to destroy the Constitution and specifically the second amendment. What he proposed was looking into video game and film violence. Something the NRA proposed. He wants to close loopholes to try and keep weapons out of the hands of criminals. Something the NRA proposed. He wants to allow mental health experts be able to legally share information about potentially dangerous people, to keep weapons out of their hands. Something the NRA proposed. He is asking Congress to reinstate the military style weapons ban and to reduce the limit of high capacity magazines. Something that is supported by police and citizens around the country.
With these and other changes that we could look at in the near future we could make a difference and stop additional killings. The responses are attacks by Republicans and the NRA. Senator Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Steve Stockman, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, NRA leaders, FOX and many other organizations and individuals that can only oppose attempts to move us forward, while offering no solutions.
Now back to my original question. What have you done? The right is mobilizing and will try to drown out any reasonable changes. Yesterday I wrote, my two Senators in Florida, Senator Bill Nelson and Senator Marco Rubio. I also wrote my Congressman Alan Grayson. I sent an e-mail of support to the White House. The whole process took about 30 minutes. That's all, and for what? A chance to have my voice heard. A chance to tell my Representatives in Washington that I support the President on his efforts to reduce violence. A chance to tell the President to keep the fight going to make our children safe. What have you done. Do you have a few minutes to help protect the innocent people in America and possibly save lives? Do you care enough about others to take a few precious minutes out of you busy day to save people from the horrors of Sandy Hook? Do it and do it now! Don't wait. Let your leaders know that your vote will be determined by how they vote on this issue. Your vote will be determined by whether they sit on the sidelines or get involved to save Americans. Your vote cannot be bought, like the gun manufacturers try, as they become merchants of death. It is too important to stand by and allow others to dictate the results. Please do it now. Our children need your help!
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