Yes, you read it right. Conservatives, Republicans, the right, they all enjoy moving their mouths and say they support veterans, but the reality is that they will attack veterans if it serves their political agendas. Look at the facts. I know that many people on the right try to avoid facts, but liberals will continue to use them.
Max Cleland had his service in Vietnam and as a veteran's advocate used against him. Mr. Cleland, who was confined to a wheelchair, because of injuries while serving, was attacked by Saxby Chambliss in their battle for a Senate seat representing Georgia.
John Kerry was a victim of George Bush and Karl Rove, when they actually got veterans to question Mr. Kerry's service and heroism, in Vietnam, during the Presidential election. The "Swiftboat" lies were meant to call into question, Kerry's service.
The latest is Joe Walsh, the Tea Party Congressman, and his claims that Lt. Colonel Tammy Duckworth is only a veteran, and has done nothing else. He feels she just talks about her sacrifice and service to America and not about the issues. Ms. Duckworth lost both of her legs and use of her right arm in service for our country and Joe "Deadbeat Dad" Walsh has never served us in any way. In fairness to Walsh a judge dismissed the over one hundred thousand dollars in back child support this past April. Apparently his wife and Walsh settled the dispute in "private". Translation, she let the jerk off the hook, for his political career. Back to Walsh's attack on Duckworth. He wants to dismiss her as a political opponent, just to win re-election, and will do so by attacking her sacrifice for America. Walsh is the worst example of what is wrong in this country. He does not live up to his obligations and then he attacks those that have. He is a liar, but that is what politicians on the right have become.
Watch any campaign rally and there is always a group of veterans sitting behind the politicians, while they talk about supporting this group of people that have sacrificed so much for all of us. Once they are in office, they close the door on veterans and wait until the next campaign to bring them back out. It is time for the right to stop using veterans and start paying them back for what they have given to America. Most of all it is time for little worms like Joe Walsh, who has never served, to shut his mouth and only speak about Ms. Duckworth with respect. My only regret about not living in Illinois is the fact that I can not vote for Tammy Duckworth and vote against Joe Walsh.
These are the facts and they cannot be ignored. The right will do anything to move their political agenda ahead. They will lie, cheat, steal and even attack the people who have given the ultimate sacrifice to America, their service.
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