Here we go, my famous running off at the mouth post.
I have yet to hear the term, "working poor", used by the pool of Republican candidates. Are they trying to pretend they don't exist. They do!
Newt Gingrich is running his mouth and coming very close to sounding like a racist. Wait one minute, I do believe he is. Either that or very stupid. I'll take both.
I'll bet Mitt Romney $10,000, that he has never worried if he had enough money to cover this months rent or mortgage payment. Take that silver spoon out of your mouth Mitt and answer questions, with truth.
Rick Santorum wants to eliminate contraception. He said, we need to procreate more. Let me think about this. Our planet's resources are being stretched to it's limits. The food and water supplies are shrinking. In America we have more people then ever in poverty. Santorum's solution is to add more people into the mix. Am I missing something here?
Republicans at the debate last night cheered Newt, quite vigorously when he stated Barrack Obama is the food stamp President. He is right. More people then ever have to resort to food stamps to feed their children. The part Newt and the Republicans don't talk, and want to talk about is, the Republican party was in charge of the White House when the economy tanked and made people have to depend on food stamps.
Ron Paul, who I thought had a handle on some foreign affairs, was critical of Bin Laden being killed. A bullet through the brain was the least we could do for Bin Laden and Paul is way off base on this one. When he goes down these mysterious paths, he completely turns people, except for his passionate followers, off.
Rick Perry is now the Republican authority on members of the military urinating on bodies. It may happen Rick, but the stupidity of recording it and sharing it, is more then most Americans want to know.
Just my humble opinion, no I am not humble about my opinion, but I think it is time that our leaders, and that includes the people left in the Republican race, start to focus on solutions instead of focusing on blame. We know the blame belongs to the leaders for the last forty years. There, done now get on with solving problems.
Congress is back in session today. The way this Congress has put out legislation, I didn't even realize they were gone.
Lastly, I would like to wish our first lady, Michelle Obama, a happy birthday. Thank you for doing the job of first lady with a great deal of grace and honor.
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