Get ready all of you second amendment rights people. Start screaming all of the NRA folks. Start your attack of me for my position. Guess what, I don't care. We have more killings by handguns and other guns in this country then any other place on the earth. The reason is simple. Idiots are allowed to purchase and carry handguns! They are protected and given this right by people who are blinded to reality.
The Trayvon Martin case is just one in a series of incidents that exacerbates the concept that we all have the right to have our guns. When the Constitution was written, people needed rifles to hunt and feed themselves. Now we carry our concealed weapons as we go to the grocery store. For what purpose? If the steak we are buying is already dead, are we armed to protect us from the cow coming back to life?
When I was a teenager and two guys got into an argument, someone, maybe, received a black eye. Today someone pulls out a gun and opens fire. Why? Because they were, now wait for it, DIS-RESPECTED. We kill to get respect? Someone dies and the killer goes to prison for life and all because someone looked at them the wrong way. People are plain, ridiculous.
We pass laws, that states, we can stand our ground. Write that on my tombstone. He stood his ground. Now people use it as a way to commit a racist murder. This is definitely the case with George Zimmerman. Then the Sanford police allow Zimmerman to just walk away. Would he be out of jail today if he were a black man that had just gunned down a white teenager. But back to guns. Where is the intelligence test of people that get to carry weapons? Where is the psychological test for mental stability? We have none and every time groups try to make it harder for criminals or idiots to get guns the pro-gun lobbyist crawl out from under their rocks to oppose any common sense approach to the problem.
They claim if we limit guns then only criminals will have them. Most criminals get their weapons by stealing them from law abiding citizens. or buying them from someone that stole them. They say if they have protection of a gun they will be able to stop criminals. Just because you can shot a target that is not firing back and the adrenalin is not flowing, does not mean you can do it when your life is in danger. They say we need it to protect us from the government. This one I really like. What good would that handgun do against a trained soldier with his M-16?
None of these arguments really hold water. There are too many handguns and unnecessary weapons in this country. We are killing each other and are becoming immune to the deaths. With each outrageous killing like the Trayven Martin murder, we become more apathetic.
Yes, I will buy the theory that guns do not kill people, people kill people. The problem is the gun cannot decide whether the shooter is mentally stable or just another whack job, stalking one of our children.
Hey John... I hope you are doing well. I have been very preoccupied but I have a little time and Ive been bursting to get into the fight over the Travon issue. I'll try to stick to the points you made in this post... and maybe in the future I can write my opinion on the way the "community" is handling the whole thing... So most of my response is really questions. I hope you answer my questions as seriously as I take our statements.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think that NOT everyone has the right to arm themselves?
Is the intelligence test really what you think should be used as a standard? Would you prefer that the person show they can handle the weapon, or is intelligence really what you would use?
IF that is so then do you really think that George Zimmerman is actually less intelligent than the average person and therefore would never have been allowed to arm himself? Do you go on record saying that he is actually less intelligent than the average person?
Do you really think that our founders made the point to a "right" to arm yourself for the purpose of feeding you and your family? Was the concern that King George or the Future American government would take away guns and make families starve?
Do you remember that the Revolution started when the British came to confiscate the peoples weapons stock at Lexington and Concord?
(I agree that the culture of violence over the issue of "respect" is absolutely ignorant and uncalled for. Its a sad part of our current society)
Are you sure you want to go on record saying that this was RACIST MURDER?
When George Zimmerman was pulling the trigger do you really think he was happy to finally get the chance to kill a black person, did he finally get to reach his goal of RACIST MURDER?
Do you sincerely feel that your "common sense approach" overrides an individuals "right" to defend themselves to the fullest?
(You asked... "what good is a hand-gun against a trained solider with a M-16") #1 I plan on having a comparable weapon and knowing how to use it.
What good was our band of farmers vs the Crown?
What good was our minor fleet vs the British Navy?
What good was our Valley Forge vs their well stocked fortresses and camps?
ReplyDeleteDo have a change of opinion after hearing George Zimmerman on the stand in his hearing, seeing the pictures of his bloody head, and the fact that he mentored 2 young black men earlier in life?
Or is this still racist murder?