Just to get this started right, understand that the title is pure sarcasm. I have listened to the Republican Presidential Candidates and the same old Republicans over the last few weeks and it is starting to sound very much like the lies and push to war we had over Iraq.
Dick Cheney, John McCain and Lindsay Graham are three of the old Republican guard that are rattling the sabers, to push us toward more military action in the Middle East. They are using the same words that confronted us during the lead up to invading Iraq. Weapons of mass destruction. Remember that one. We were lead to believe that we would fall into huge quantities of these terrible instruments of war. Over a decade later we are still looking for them. Saddam Husein is a mad man, bent on destroying Israel and delivering nuclear weapons into America. Today it is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, is the mad man, and he must be stopped.
The argument of invading Iraq, was they had developed a nuclear weapons program. They had not. The same words are used today to describe the program in Iraq and the intelligence is all over the board. They are close. They are months away. They are years away. They are doing nothing with weapons grade uranium. Where is the truth?
Lets say for discussion, they have a nuclear weapons program and is close to development of weapons. Why do we, the country that has used nuclear weapons against another country and has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, get to decide who does and does not get these weapons. Do we have a right to invade a country to stop them?
Currently, we are pursuing the diplomatic approach. We are using economic sanctions. We are trying to find peaceful means to stop countries from having nuclear bombs. Yet the Republicans are calling the President weak and screaming about how dangerous he his. Newt actually said he is the most dangerous President in his lifetime. Really Newt. George Bush got us into two wars, based upon faulty intelligence and lies. We have spend trillions of dollars and lost thousands of American lives. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens have died. This was done in retaliation to 9-11? The people that attacked us were primarily from Saudi Arabia. The same Saudi Arabia, where President Bush can be seen kissing the Saudi prince on the cheek and dancing with them. So, Newt, just look back one Presidency and you will see someone that was so much more dangerous for our security and economic welfare.
This is not the time to run around, blowing the trumpets of war. What ever happened to the American ideal? What ever happened to us being the example for good? Why are we known around the world as the aggressors? Now is the time for peaceful solutions. President Obama, has shown the ability to pursue the logical, not the emotional. So to McCain, Graham, Cheney(please retire your mouth), Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, the time has come to get behind our country. The time has come to change our thinking from war to peace. The time has come to follow the lead of our President. We DO NOT need another war. It is time for peace!
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