I mean my title completely. Look at the proposals by the right wing and more specifically the Republican Party. I listen to the political rhetoric, when they say the President is destroying the future for our children and grandchildren, with mounting debt, I just think to myself, what future! Do we have to address our debt. Absolutely, but the question is how do we do that. That is the difference between the two parties. The Democrats favor the way of cutting costs. They want to grow jobs, increase education, make everyone healthier and tax the people, who can afford it. They also believe in the Christian value of helping your neighbor, not destroying them.
The Republican way of reducing the debt is take everything from the weakest and poorest and increase the wealth of the richest. Eliminate education for the poor and middle class, then eliminate child labor laws, so they can start working now. Cut medical costs, by having no prenatal care and after they are born, do not provide any medical services, so they will die quickly. Those that manage to live, we will only have low income jobs for them. they will never own a home, educate their children or have the opportunity to achieve economic growth.
What this does in general is obliterate the idea of hope. Once people lose all hope for a better life, they will settle for what scraps are left from the elite. They will accept their lot in life and stop fighting for equality. They will no longer have any motivation and productivity will collapse. Each subsequent generation will be born into their station and die without ever knowing or realizing their potential. The elite will continue to suck dry other countries around the globe. As they come in and devour the resources and workers around the world, those people will loose hope. What we end up with is masses of uneducated, unfed, under nourished and hopeless people. That is the fuel for revolution.
When people lose all hope they fight back. Right now the elite in America are destroying hope. They want to strip education. They want to strip women's rights. They are taking away jobs. They are taking away health care. They are leaving us with under or unemployed. They are leaving us with over population. They are leaving us with a destroyed environment. They even are taking away our right to practice our religion as we see fit. Listen to the politicians from Rick Santorum to Newt Gingrich, to Mitt Romney. They want to preserve the direction of the last forty years. The rich get richer and the poor die. That is their vision for America, and it scares me. They are the radicals and yet they blame others. They want your rights to be only what they see, not what is fair.
This election is important. Maybe the most important. It is, whether we want to continue in the same direction of the last four decades, supporting the elite, or do we want a new direction where once again the American dream is the light of hope for every American citizen.
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