The other day an elderly lady stood up at a Rick Santorum rally and denounced the President of The United States. She stated that she calls him Obama and not President because he is not her president and he is not legal to be President. She also said he was a Muslim. If he is Muslim, which he is not, that is not an issue, because remember that little thing called the Constitution, it talks about separation of church and state. We do not discriminate on the basis of religious beliefs. Do we?
The main issues for me are several things on these statements. First to this woman, like it or not President Obama was elected by the majority of citizens in the United States. He is YOUR and MY president. There is a simple premise in this country and that is majority rules. To you, if you are not willing to accept that, we do things in this way here, feel free to establish residency in some other country that dictates who their leaders are. Please we have plenty of bigots here and loosing a few would not bother the majority of us, that believe in fair elections and upholding those results.
Secondly to Senator Rick Santorum, become an adult. You talk about your Christian values and uphold them, by speaking out on the subject of Christianity. You are obligated to support the President. I endured eight years of President Bush. I did not vote for him either time, but he was my President as well as the President of all Americans. You are running to become the President of every American citizen, not just the ones from your party. Not just the ones that vote for you. Not just for the ones that think exactly like you do. ALL AMERICANS and I for one can never vote for someone that does not support and defend our Constitutionally elected officials. Mr. Santorum, you had a chance to rise above the deep political discourse that separates our great nation and yet you were to much of a coward to address it. You have tried to defend your position and this makes you look weaker still. My advice to you is to take the easy way out and leave the race. We need leaders that will stand for the truth, not weak, spineless suits.
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