What is the best investment we, as a country, can make to ensure our future? Education. There is nothing profound or revealing in this, it is simply the truth. For over forty years we have been sliding backwards in educating our children. They are the future for all of us. If you think that because you do not have children in school at this time you are no longer responsible for the public school system, you could not be more wrong. Our entire nation will either become irrelevant or we will regain our standing as the most powerful and affluent nation in the world. The choice is clear and simple. It will be determined by the path we take forward.
On one path there is the continuing downward spiral that we currently are on. We keep cutting the investments to our schools. We cut back on teachers. We reduce the money spent on technology in the classrooms. We can say no, to updated textbooks. We can shorten the hours that our children spend in the classrooms and even shorten the number of days they are in school to save our precious money. We will then be able to spend our future funds to build larger and more secure prisons. We will then, truly have, a welfare society. There will continue to be high unemployment. The cost and debt, to each of us will be staggering compared to the amount it is today. China and several other countries will streak passed us as they become the economic super powers of the world.
The other path is the one where we realize that prosperity for all Americans come at the price of investing in ourselves. We can pour the needed funds into our schools. Reward the best teachers and find a fair way to compensate them as the professionals they are. We should lead the way in technology in the public schools and ensure that each child has Internet access and the newest and fastest systems to learn on. We will give every child exposure to art, music, literature and make our young people not only competent in the core subjects, but see that they have a command of every part of their education. We will give the schools, administration and teachers all of the resources they need to accomplish this goal. Parents and others in the community will be available to assist in any way that we can to make sure each child, no matter where they live will reach their fullest potential. We will set the bar very high and then assist in placing our young people, not just at the bar, but over it. Everyone will be held accountable, from the parents, to the schools and teachers, to the administrators, to our local school boards, the state government and finally the federal government. We will teach our children to think, not just to some standardized test. They must be able to talk intelligently. Write and convey thought that are precise and insightful. Their math and science skills will be the best in the world. Their will be no stone left unturned until once again America has the education system that everyone else looks to emulate. I would recommend that everyone go to www.educationnation.com and look at the seminars and discussions that are taking place this week in New York. It should inspire each of you to find out ways to help our children.
At this time everyone is focused on the budget and cutting services. Now is NOT the time to cut. It is time to invest. I am right about this and all you have to do is look at investors to see how they do this. They invest in down times. They look at the opportunities that are in front of them when we have an economic downturn and they snap up the bargains. This is our time to grab the bargains and invest in America. Is there any better investment in the world, then in ourselves? We all know the answer.
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