I am sufficiently recovered from Thanksgiving to start back with more opinions of the state of American politics. I am without a doubt biased in my opinions, but with the ever mounting stupidity of the Republican Party it is hard to be otherwise.
Think about the fact, the Republicans, the so called party of families and the evangelicals are throwing aside the guy who cheated on one wife, to embrace the guy who cheated on two wives! What is there a two for one special going on that the Democrats are not privy to?
Joe Walsh the Deadbeat Congressman, was given the pro family award from the Family Research Council. Why, was Ebenezer Scrooge too busy dealing with the spirits of Christmas, past, present and future? Walsh, who, owes over $117,000 in back child support would probably kick the crutch from under Tiny Tim's arm and laugh as he fell.
Donald Trump has once again displayed his ignorance and stated, "President Obama will start a war with Iran to get re-elected." Don't have to say much about his state of mind, except his hairspray has definitely leeched into that tiny brain of his. Donald go bankrupt again and let the banks bail you out AGAIN!
Newt Gingrich in defending reports that he received over $1.6 million from Freddie Mac for his lobbying efforts, stated arrogantly, that he did not need lobbying money because he is paid $60,000 to give speeches. He said this will addressing people in North Carolina where the average annual salary is $58,000. That certainly made those people feel better. Plus he stated that he was paid as an historian. They needed the history of how former politicians, rip off the American public, by now using the corrupt system, to win the influence for Freddie Mac.
Enter Michelle Bachman, who once again shows her total lack of any intelligent life. She stated, in response to Great Brittan, closing it's embassy in Iran, by stating, that if she were President, she would close our embassy in Iran. I guess nobody ever told her we closed that somewhere around 40 years ago. A little thing called the Iranian Hostage situation. It was in all of the papers and on the news every night. Maybe see was absent when they taught any history at all, during her school years.
Lastly, yesterday the Republicans in the Senate refused to pass a bill that would extend the payroll tax cuts for Working Americans. It would have been paid for by a very small increase on people making over $1 million. They now want the tax increase on us, but are willing to extend the cut if we fire federal workers to make up the difference. They contend we have to pay for the tax cut. The total cost to the taxpayers is $120 billion. I really do support this tax cut, especially, in light of the fact that the Bush tax cuts were enacted and extended without paying for them seems very hypocritical. The Bush tax cuts have cost us over, now look closely Republicans, $2.8 trillion. That is trillion. They never asked for them to be paid for. They have pledged to Lobbyist Grover Norquist. a man that is not elected to any office, they will never increase taxes. They won't on the rich, but are sure willing to let average workers shoulder more of the burden. I mentioned Scrooge earlier and will also do another comparison, since it is the holiday season. Scrooge, like his Republican counterparts would rather the burden fall on the poor, the unemployed, the sick, the children and the elderly, then to ever touch the people that truly run our country, the wealthy elite. The top 1%. These are the people they are pledged to protect and this is what they are fighting for everyday.
It is hard to believe that we have a population of over 312 million people and this is supposedly the educated. These are our leaders? These are the visionaries that will move us forward? This is the best we have to offer? I believe we are getting, because of poor effort from us, exactly the type of corrupt government we deserve. The House of Representatives, voted to eliminate all public money from our election process. The very thing that corrupts the politicians, private money, would then be free to buy more elections. We need to be going in the opposite direction and taking all private money out of the system and making it all public money. The vote was along party lines with the Republicans voting to make our votes count even less. This is the best we can do? Are we willing to sit back and allow this to move forward? Are we turning the country over to the 1%? Are we going to continue to sit on Face Book and not pay attention? Are we willing to sit at home on election day and allow these same people to continue to pillage America? If we are we are DOOMED! Your choice.
I'm not an American but live next door in Canada. I am shocked and concerned by what I see going on. I can talk of hardly anything else as I think the recent turn towards a police state and the brutalization of peaceful protesters is something I never thought I'd see in your country. Sadly, many Americans are keeping their head in the sand and refusing to take notice of how serious this is and how their nation is falling down around them, well for those who aren't wealthy at least. Apathy is going to kill any last shred of democracy in your nation if more people don't sit up and look at what is going on. American democracy is becoming De-MOCK-racy and I'm very scared for what is going to happen there (and I believe it will affect us all, not even just Americans.) God Bless!