To all of those Herman Cain supporters I have only one thing to say. "Wake up." You man is a sexual predator, plain and simple. You can try to avoid the truth, but I will sum it up in a very trite saying, "Where there is smoke there is fire." Ironically Cain, himself, used this phrase last week as the story was breaking. One person charging someone with something could or could not be a vendetta. Once we start getting to four and five, coupled with the fact that there was a settlement of some sort, and common sense starts to kick in and we are now looking at a man that is lying to cover his true intentions. What started as an elaborate book tour for Cain is quickly becoming a farewell tour.
Listening to the accounts of the women that Mr. Cain has assaulted, is sickening to say the least. Cain used his position and authority to degrade these ladies and will now try to dismiss them. My hope is that the American public sees this for what it is. Anthony Wiener was driven from office for texting pictures of himself in his under ware. Mr. Cain is taking the trail led by other Republicans, such as David Vitter of Louisiana. Deny, deny and then deny some more. He is trying to push the emphasize on the idea that there are too many serious problems facing America to be spending time on these issues. I agree with Cain that there are problems that we must work to correct, but allowing a predator to continue on the path of, running for President, is something we need to hold him accountable for. Cain needs help and he needs to abandon the ridiculous idea of becoming the President. Try and actually stand up and be a man, Mr. Cain. Admit to your past crimes and let us all move on, to the serious work at hand.
According to Webster Dictionary, a predator is one that preys, destroys or devours. Herman Cain is attempting to do just that to these women and to the American public. He has changed his stories. He went from didn't happen to he remembered something, but wasn't sure what it was. He stated he would take a lie detector test, then said he wouldn't because he did not think it was appropriate. I do not think Herman Cain knows what Herman Cain wants to do or what the truth is.
A friend of mine, supports Cain, and stated that he wanted to get the facts. How many facts does he need. How many people have to come forward before some people start to realize that Cain is a master at lying, deceiving and avoidance. The facts are piling up. There is more circumstantial evidence then in most criminal trails and yet the Herman Cain supporters are still in denial. The truth hurts and sometimes it is best to face it and move on. To Herman Cain and his supporters my advise is to move on.
"I do not think Herman Cain knows what Herman Cain wants to do or what the truth is."
ReplyDeleteJohn, doesn't that pretty much describe the Republican plan for America - besides giving Obama a royal screwing?
Your friend,
John, it is people like Cain and other figures of political power that rape our country everyday. The largest population of voters has become a piece of meat. Reality is that when there is wealth and power you prey on those weak, on those who hunger for justice and those who seek and trust politicians to do right by them. The sad point in all of this is that people are afraid to speak their mind, and fight for those left defenseless. Then we elect these so called powers of leadership to continue to violate, disgrace and demean the one source of their very existence. Politics and Morality will never have a joint link. Predators, preys, terrorists, victims, settlements to hush the voice. This is the American Political agenda. How long is it going to last?