I have to laugh when I hear media and politicians trying to explain what the OWS folks are doing. They want to have everything wrapped into a nice, neat, little package and delivered to them, so they can start telling everyone what is wrong with OWS demands. They will tell us that we are naive and that what we want could not possibly work. They will invent new lies and slogans to show all of the ordinary people how wrong we are. That is, in my opinion, one of the best reasons that the movement should not be so specific. The people involved and who support the OWS movement, should keep the ideals and direction, right where it is at the moment. For one it scares the hell out of the elite. They are not sure how to counter us and it keeps them guessing. Two, we should not limit ourselves in any way. The only way for the American people to gain back control over our country and ourselves is to go after it all. Why should we limit this movement to some small part. We should and deserve to have everything that we, the majority, demands. Is this not what we were taught in school? We were lead to believe, that we lived in the greatest country on earth and could achieve any goal we desired, if we worked hard. Are we to believe this was all a lie? Maybe the elite meant it to be, but I bought it and now I want the rewards for all Americans.
OWS is growing and if we are not able to be there in person, we should support them in every other way we can. We should talk to others and keep them involved and up to date with the latest information. We have for to many years, turned our attention away from our politicians and allowed them to drive us to this point. We have to take control back and use the power of the vote to force the direction toward the benefit of the average American. The elite and power brokers depend on us not paying attention and we assist them each time we turn away from the issues. We have to take responsibility for our actions and make the leaders, start doing what is in the best interest of America's citizens. The OWS movement is trying to make us all aware of the destruction of our country by the elite and corporations. The top one percent want it all for them. Don't let the bastards win! We are over 300 million strong. They have no chance!
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