When the Democrats, during the debt ceiling debate, offered a ratio of ten dollars in cuts for every dollar in revenue increases, the Republicans should have grabbed that deal and ran with it. Instead they decided to pursue their philosophy of making Barrack Obama, a one term president. They are and still are ignoring the needs of America for the benefit of their own and their party's power. This is why we can label this Congress as the do nothing Congress. They had on their table, spending cuts, that according to them, was the reason they were elected to office. I disagree with cuts at this point in our fragile economy, but the Republicans had what they wanted and they failed to act.
Every day, since Obama was elected the Republicans have placed our country in a very precarious position, by ignoring the devastation that the average American is enduring. For what end? For political power? To get re-elected? They continue to do nothing and the people are paying a huge price. We are not investing in the areas that would create jobs and start to seriously move us forward economically. They are willing to sit back and watch the country fall further behind and with it the American people to fall further into a well of hopelessness and despair.
Every poll that is available, shows the enormous support that the Occupy Wall Street movement has. They show the support for the idea of a fair and balanced tax system. They show a support for a non-rigged election system, where the concerns of all are considered over the concerns of the people throwing huge amounts of money at the politicians. They show a country where there is more pessimism then hope. The Republican answer is basically, who cares what the people want. Don't get me wrong, the Democrats have not been completely in favor of the average person and they have work of their own to do, but the Republicans are so far out of touch and they show no willingness to hear from us.
The American people can no longer afford to wait for answers and solutions to our problems. The time to act is now, before they destroy us. The Republicans are attacking voting rights, abortion issues, our rights to peaceful assembly and speech, collective bargaining and any other right that they can get away with. There is a class war going on and has been in full force for over forty years. The elite have been winning for all of those forty plus years. The final volleys have yet to be fired. The time is here now to join the fight. Support the OWS movement. Support the rights of women to make the correct choice for them. Support voting rights for all citizens. Stand now and let the Republicans know they will not take our freedoms away. We must first speak out with words and then speak out with our vote. We are 300 million strong! We are the ninety nine percent! We have the right and the power. Let us all use it.
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