The first and most important point I want to make is whatever happened to Caylee Anthony it was and still is a complete tragedy. Nothing can change the horrible fact that a little girl died for no reason and we still do not know what happened to her. When I state that Casey Anthony is nothing but a hobbyist, when it comes to hurting children let me explain. Watching Ms. Anthony being released from prison the other night I was struck by the number of people, who turned out in the middle of the night to catch a glimpse of her and shout things like, "baby killer" and "justice for Caylee". I wander what type of person goes to this length, because of one child. I also wander where are these same people, as well as the face book Moms and Blogosphere Moms when each day there are assaults on the well being of all of our children. Why are they not standing in front of insurance companies offices and shouting , "baby killers"? Why are the not asking our political leaders for, "justice for our children"?
In Florida Felon Governor Scott has gutted education in the amount of $1.75 billion. This is destroying our children's lives and chances for a life time of better wages and a good life. In Wisconsin, the Union busting idiot governor, Scott Walker has cut to the tune of $835 million and the demonstration against him has died down. In the federal government half of the $38 billion in spending cuts have come at the expense of health, labor and education. These all have devastating effects on our children. Parents do not have jobs. They loose health care, if they even have it in the first place and of course the quality of education continues to go down. Where are the greedy businesses that are laying off people and cutting back the benefits they have offered in the past. They are flush with cash and yet instead of investing in their corporations they elect to increase bonuses and pay for the upper management people. These are the true monsters in our society today. They make decisions that effect all of our children, not just one.
My question then to everyone of you, is where is the parental protection from the greed and stupidity of our leaders. Where are the claws of Motherhood as these people take from your children. Where is the outrage that comes from knowing that your children are being destroyed, slowly. Do you only follow the story line if it involves sex, lies and videotape? Come on people show the emotional outburst that you had when Casey was found. "not guilty." If you will become involved I will drive around downtown parking garages, changing cars to throw off the news helicopters. Actually I will do just about anything to arouse the strong emotions I saw when even before the trial started, the lynch mobs were forming. Everyone should be fighting mad, because as much hurt as someone did to little Caylee Anthony, it was amateur hour compared to the damage that is being done to the rest of your children. Get angry. Get vocal. Get involved and change the direction of your children's lives, now!
An amazing article - and, I agree; where is the outrage?