Just to be clear, I am not some wild, eyed socialistic, crazed lunatic. At least I don't think I am, but let me also be clear that a new revolution is coming and it is coming far quicker then most people believe. The widening gulf between the haves and the have nots, will lead to social unrest. The elite and corporate leaders, the members of Congress, and even the President, should understand that while they play the fiddle, America is burning. Fifty plus years and the average worker has lost ground, while the wealthy have made huge gains. A free and Democratic society cannot be supported by a few aristocrats. The strength in our America lies in the ability for average people to have and obtain a higher standard of living. In America today that is not possible.
I watched with amazement as people stood up in Middle Eastern countries and demanded fairness. Fairness in economic standings. The average person, no matter which country they are from, wants the opportunity to work hard and to be paid a fair, living wage, for their effort. They know when the deck is stacked against them and cannot abide by the fact that people at the top accumulate vast amounts of wealth and do not pay a fair portion of taxes and more importantly, do not create jobs and growth opportunities for others. The average person wants their children to have a better life then they had themselves. They know this can only be achieved by education. Again they see how the elite have those education opportunities for their children, while the average child is denied. How long do you think we can stand by and watch as our country is swallowed by greed and indifference? How long can the average person watch as corporations continue to rake in huge profits and yet they create no jobs and what jobs they do create are either overseas or lower paying? How long can we watch our, so called leaders, hand out money for corporate welfare, while they tell us we are a drain on the economy, when we demand to receive our small Social Security checks, which we have contributed to. How long can we sit on the sidelines and observe the stripping of all wealth from the average person to shift it to the wealthiest people.
The answer is not for long. Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Democrat and former national security advisor to president Carter, stated that the social unrest will expand as people seek resolution to our economic problems. Joe Scarborough of "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, a conservative, former Republican, lawmaker agrees that we must address the social issues that are coming forward because of the disparity in wealth. A new Pew Study, states that we now have the greatest gap between the wealthiest and the poorest in the history of our nation. All of this points to one thing. People will take to the streets in order to get some sense of fairness. It happened in the Middle East, it happened in Europe and it will happen here in the United States. We fought before to lift the yolk of oppression, and make no mistake about it, we have become an oppressed society again. The answer is to find fair and honest solutions that will create opportunities to every American citizen. To ignore this, in the way that the Republicans, the Tea Party members, the elite, the corporation and to some extent the Democrats, will lead to chaos and the demise of America. Wake up Americans. Get off your asses and tell, not ask, your Congress and President and leaders to make the American way of life a reality again. To do nothing will lead to revolution and destruction. I would hope that we would come together and make peaceful solutions, but I am willing to what I have to in order to secure the rights and freedoms of all Americans. The choice is ours.
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