Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is Rush Limbaugh Delusional or is it Left Over Drug Effects?

The talking horse's ass Rush Limbaugh has once again proven that the only thing coming out of his mouth is hot air. Talking about Obama Supporters, he said,"When Obama savages him, that is their orgasm." Trust me when I say this, Rush Limbaugh and the word orgasm have never entered my mind at the same time. Maybe Rush and the word, "bullshit" have been there together, but nothing else. He went on to say that people on the left were, "vile and walking human debris". Actually knowing Limbaugh feels that way about me is a compliment. If the, oxycodone user thought something positive of people like me, I would definitely be worried. Maybe his view of people who send their maids out to buy drugs to supply their habit is his idea of fine upstanding individuals. He went on to say, "They orgasm over Obama savaging him, because these people cannot find willing mates." Wait one minute here Limbaugh. Who has been married four times with no children and after your drug arrest, who was stopped by law enforcement with Viagra, that was not in his name. Let's see four women with no children, maybe they didn't want to see a little Rush or Rushia, running around to pollute more minds. Why the Viagra? Did the American doctors feel if you ever got it up nothing good would ever come (pun intended ) of that? That is why you had to borrow someones. You see Rushy boy it is not us, that people hope are sterile, it is you. The king of stupidity. The round mound of radio. The blowhard of conservatism. Yeah, Rush I may be vile, walking, human debris, but I don't have to buy my friends and family. Now do us all a favor and, "shut up!"

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