One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world. Barack Obama. -- That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ignorance Is Bliss!
The typical American loves to talk about how great this country is and spew out the latest catch phrase, about how exceptional America is. I have late breaking news for all of you. We are barely hanging on in the U.S. Each day that goes by our young people slip further behind the youth in other countries because we do not educate. Our economy, which was the envy of the world, grows weaker because of the greed and lack of leadership in both our corporate boardrooms and the halls of Congress. The unemployed and underemployed are not seeing an increase in job opportunities as more jobs are shipped overseas, by greedy CEO's and inept politicians. Our religious leaders are willing to give up their moral beliefs in the name of growth and money. All of these issues are serious and could lead us down the perilous road of self-destruction. However the most critical issue we face is ignorance. Ignorance ,of the average American, and I am not talking about book education. I am talking about the adults in this country that sit around each day, complaining about problems, like the ones I mentioned, and yet they do nothing about it. This is why I say ignorance is bliss. We would rather sit on our butts and write about how terrible we feel today, instead of writing and talking about issues that affect our families. Keep us ignorant and we are happy, then we don't have to be responsible for what is going wrong. We can always answer, " I didn't know!" That can be the epitaph on our country's headstone. As long as we don't know we can deny. Even, when we are presented with the facts, if we turn away quickly enough, we can continue to say, "I didn't know!" Is that the legacy we want to leave our children and grandchildren? Years from now when your children look at you and ask what happened to the great American dream, just look at them and say, "Dear, I was too busy, posting pictures on face book to be involved, I was too busy posting lines about how I have a headache, I was too busy talking about other people's faults, I was too busy doing nothing all day to learn about how the politicians were giving everything away to corporations and taking our individual rights away. I was too busy enjoying my state of blissfulness and ignorance to write a letter to my Congressperson to make a difference. Look at all the pictures I posted of you, doesn't this show you how much I cared about you?" They will look at you one more time and say, "You could have cared enough to learn and be involved." I am going to end with a quote by George Eliot, "It's never too late to be, what you might have been." Think about it.
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