One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if one voice can change a city, it can change a state, and if it can change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world.
Barack Obama. --
That is what I want from America's voice. Be that voice and be heard.
Monday, March 7, 2011
'America Is NOT Broke': Michael Moore Speaks in Madison, WI -- March 5, ...
What do you really see happening here ... what is supposed to happen. Do you see how dangerous it is that we spread this idea that the "corporations" have all of "our" money. I love M. Moore in the fact that he calls out a lot of government BS. I guessing that he didnt agree with the bailout... so with that Im guessing that you realize that Democrats have abandon you as well. The entire federal government was chanting the end of the world if we didnt bail out the nation.
And there is something drastically wrong about this speech and the ignorance of the average citizen. AMERICA IS BROKE. We have let our government get away with handing us federal reserve notes backed by Treasury bills backed by taxes, and all the taxes in the world can not pay off this debt.
Jsut to play devils advocate do you hear how he mocks the fact that these people could be successful? As if making something of yourself is a dream.... and things are not "equal" or "fair" for them. Thats SAD, and propaganda at its best. And you knwo I call propaganda on both sides.
ITs scary to to take someone mind and make them despise success and the successful.
I can see a seen from the movie "Gangs of New York" where the poor riot and attack the rich, and hang Negros because everyone else is to blame for their situation.
Funny things about these "real" riots is that the government (ABE LINCOLN) was drafting for the Civil War, and you could only get out if you paid $300. So the poor revolted.
Funny how Abe is only shown as a hero in our history.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you really see happening here ... what is supposed to happen. Do you see how dangerous it is that we spread this idea that the "corporations" have all of "our" money. I love M. Moore in the fact that he calls out a lot of government BS. I guessing that he didnt agree with the bailout... so with that Im guessing that you realize that Democrats have abandon you as well. The entire federal government was chanting the end of the world if we didnt bail out the nation.
And there is something drastically wrong about this speech and the ignorance of the average citizen. AMERICA IS BROKE. We have let our government get away with handing us federal reserve notes backed by Treasury bills backed by taxes, and all the taxes in the world can not pay off this debt.
Jsut to play devils advocate do you hear how he mocks the fact that these people could be successful? As if making something of yourself is a dream.... and things are not "equal" or "fair" for them. Thats SAD, and propaganda at its best. And you knwo I call propaganda on both sides.
ITs scary to to take someone mind and make them despise success and the successful.
I can see a seen from the movie "Gangs of New York" where the poor riot and attack the rich, and hang Negros because everyone else is to blame for their situation.
Funny things about these "real" riots is that the government (ABE LINCOLN) was drafting for the Civil War, and you could only get out if you paid $300. So the poor revolted.
Funny how Abe is only shown as a hero in our history.