Friday, January 21, 2011

Ways to reduce the nation's deficit. Part 1

I was looking at a comparison of the budgets for defense and for education. The defense budget, which Congress stated was untouchable, is $685 billion dollars, plus an additional supplement of $37 billion to be wasted on our two wars. Education is $128 billion and shrinking. Where will we get the most benefit for our country. Some facts to consider. Our defense spending is 6X more the China. We have eleven aircraft carriers and the rest of the world together has eight. We have over nine thousand nuclear warheads and Russia has over twelve thousand. The rest of the world combined has just over one thousand, including China's 176. Lets add on the number of military planes, warships, submarines, regular missiles, artillery pieces and small arms and guess what we have plenty of equipment to protect ourselves. Around the world we have military bases that are there for the sole purposes of the cold war that has been over for decades. Do we need a defense for our nation. Absolutely, but we do not need overkill. Dwight Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex and the drain it would become on our resources. He was right. He spent his entire life in the military and he understood it had to be controlled. We need to understand that also and control it. We need to reduce the money that is spent on wars and military build-up.

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