Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank you Marines

Marines, first "thank you" for your comments and insight. You make a wonderful point that we have to get back to being proud to be Americans. For too long we have sat on the sidelines and instead of having a civil and constructive discussion, we find fault and ways to disagree. We need to find the common ground that we all, as Americans, can start from and work outward from there. Right now we start at the point we disagree on and say nothing more, while we protect our own agendas. Last night President Obama spoke of the ideal that is America. I strongly believe that all Americans need to move forward, hand in hand, to complete the vision that our founders saw. We have to accomplish this goal and we will, because we are Americans.

1 comment:

  1. John: it is always refreshing to hear comments like yours that are not targeted to a political view but more of a social view. Politics are more of a personal conviction just like religion is. Social issues get ignored and get turned into political sideways to attack and accuse and the main focus is lost. Growing up I was in an environment where it was conviction and truthfulness to what we believed in, not who we voted for. My living room had two pictures that no one dared to question or touch. The Pope and John F. Kennedy. I was born and raised during the vietnam era. With our faith shaken at multiple times we were more a solid nation than what we are now.
