Thursday, January 6, 2011

Continue response.

While I am waiting for people to respond with ideas, I want to respond further to Danny and some of his comments. You speculate that  I am angry at the top 1% , who control so much of the wealth. Let me be blunt I am totally pissed off that people with so much are, for the most part, uncaring and stupid. The uncaring part is self explanatory. The stupid part I will fill you in on. You say that these are the people that are, smarter? How smart are they, when the feeling is that 1% of the population can produce and drive an economy for 300 million people. Read the story of the, Golden Goose and realize that this is the direction of the country. The elite are killing America and it's promise. We the average, hard working middle class have and will again lead this country to new heights. The economy roared with life and vigor, when we made living wages and were not stifled by an oligarchic layer of society. The top wage earners have not worked harder or smarter, that have built their wealth on the backs of the common man. They have created a society of haves and have not, and when the average person, and it is coming, gets beaten down enough , the changes will be fast and furious as the elite try to hold on to power that will be ripped out of their hands and placed where it rightfully belongs in the hands of middle America. To be continued.

1 comment:

  1. I agree we should not let 1% of the nation control the economy of 300 million.

    As of July 2009 there are 307,000,000 people in the united states. There are 535 members of congress and 1 President. (we wont count his cabinet) 536

    The health care industry is 16-17% of the nations GDP. Approx estimated at $14 Trillion for 2011 (you can check that ... I found some different numbers)

    16% of 14 trillion is 2.24 trillion dollars.

    307,000,000 people divided by 536 = 0.000002%

    I agree I do not want to put 2.24 trillion dollars of the American economy in the control of 0.000002% of the population.

    "Thank God that congress is not packed full of societies evil elite."
