Thursday, December 16, 2010

Universal Health Care

I have been thinking about the need for universal health care since the ruling by a federal judge last week. The appeal process will take a while and I am confident that eventually the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the Commerce clause. That being said we still need to go further and have universal health care in this country. Health care companies had a 56% increase in profits in 2009, while they chopped over 2.7 million people from their coverage. Total profits for 2009 were in excess of 12 billion dollars. CEO bonuses ranged from $4 million  for Well Point to $38 million at Etna. The top six companies had $3.4 billion in profit for 3rd quarter 2010. These numbers just go on and on. The health care companies are making more money spending it on less people and the CEO's are getting paid more. This isn't about companies making a decent profit, this is about companies gouging and even killing people all out of greed. More opinion too follow.


  1. I simply cant respond as I wish to this...IT would most certainly be to long and I also must admit a amount of anger comes out when people champion such socialistic concepts. The idea of the individual mandate, and universal health care is one of the most liberty stealing, cumbersome, and slippery slopes possible in society. All debate on our current situation and "feelings" can never trump the simple principals of Liberty, and individuality. Supreme court rulings or even Constitutional changes could never make me property of my government just for being born.

  2. Also I must note how many time you mentioned peoples profits, $$$ and in a negative manor.

    How much is someone allowed to make?

    Who makes that call?

    Can a Ford CEO make more than a health care insurer?

    IBM? Bank of America?

    I am not ignorant that when it comes to things like health care it very quickly becomes emotional and personal.

    All the more reason NOT to give it to the Federal Government.
