Thursday, December 9, 2010

What will the Democrats and President Stand up for?

Yesterday I asked about the Republicans, today the Democrats. I voted for President Obama because there was a difference in what he proposed and the other party proposed. Today I feel as if my vote was wasted. The tax cuts, especially for the wealthiest Americans should not be extended. This will cost us at least 700 million dollars over the next few years. I want the President and the Democrats to fight. I want my voice to be heard and not drowned out by the elites in America. President Obama keeps drawing a line in the sand and when the Republicans and conservative Democrats cross the line, he moves it back and tells us this is where the fight will begin. Quit moving that line, Mr. President, and stand for the average American. This is what I voted for.  What did you vote for?

1 comment:

  1. Here is what I dont understand, why fight? How is it that both parties are so different, yet claim that they are "for the people." why is it always republicans vs democrats? I'm seriously going to contenplate being independent. The president is trying to compromise with the republicans, but at what cost? To further our debt and keep the rich, richer? I feel by no means that 250,000 is rich. 1 million dollars, for example, isn't rich anymore. However, we need to take care of this debt. China has our number, and if we need to keep borrowing money from them, one day the bill will be due and then where will we get the money then? Maybe bill gates can pay a good chunk of it off and then the government can owe him?
    I voted for change. Someone to get us out of this war and start to repair what the bush administration damaged. Someone to get universal health care. I shouldn't have insurance, pay high premiums, and then high out of pocket costs when I need to use it. Someone who can reach across the party lines and try to compromise in what he stands for and what he believes is good for the American people. Not to settle for anything less. However right now I'm upset with our government structure. Right now the senate politicians are not for the people, they are for their party.
