Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Unions are Different Then Corporations

Yesterday, I wrote about the unions and how they are the average man. Danny seems to be missing the point to this and I will try and clarify. Yes, and I stated this in the blog, unions did go too far and yes there was corruption. I do not and never have supported any position or view 100%. There are flaws in many things we do, whether it is unions, government, or our personal lives, because we are humans and are inherently flawed. My point to Danny and my readers is this, unions represented the average person and made the middle class in America, the engine that drove our economy. Danny made statements in his comments that make it seem that unions were and are anti American. Let me look at this. He feels that in collective bargaining the rights of the workers are superseded by the unions. He feels that by making a person join a union again we are taking away their right to work. The key word here is bargaining. The workers are under no obligation to accept the union position on the contract. We vote. How un-American to actually have an election and the results are for the majority. Oh. wait that is how we choose our leaders and that is how they make the laws and that is the framework of  America. You ask whether the forty hour work week is a right. No it is not a right. Is it fair. Absolutely. Look at the history of American corporations and it is littered with abuses by the companies, that you seem to be so intent on protecting. They overworked people. There was no time for relaxation and family time. The work condition were unsafe and many people were either killed our disabled on the job. Do we have the right to be safe. Yes, this is a right. Profits for companies were above the welfare of people. You have one negative line about the companies and everything else is about the evils of unions and Middle class Americans. We work more hours then any other industrialized nation in the world. We are more productive then any other group in the world. and are we compensated fairly? In my OPINION, no. See this is my opinion. You have stated that fairness is different from person to person and what is fair. I believe that fairness is more consistent then you believe. I believe that most people know what is fair and corporations and the leaders of theses companies, know that they are not fair. Unions have fought this. You mention the money spend by unions on elections. Number one it is far less then corporations. Number two, the union leaders are elected and if you disagree with the leadership, you state this and work to overturn them in elections. Corporations, have and this happened to me, used PAC money collected from their workers to promote the agenda of that particular company. They did not ask for my vote anywhere along the line. It was contribute because it was the right career move, period. You will say they have elections by the stock holders and the Board of Directors. Who do you think owns the majority of stock. the average person, or the CEO? The CEO may own millions of shares and vote accordingly. The board of directors are a joke, in most corporations. They rubber stamp the CEO's agenda, because that same person sits on the board at their company. It is the "old boys network". In conclusion, I will take unions anytime over the elite, that run our corporations, to oversee what is best for me and the average American. We need the rights and dignity of everyday people protected, and unions, though imperfect are the best way to achieve this.

1 comment:

  1. Im going to start a movement for a 30 hour work week, and minimum wage at $15 an hour because I think that's fair.
